Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7108: : Yifeng

The voice of the other party obviously scared Miss Fairy, she looked at me with a faint expression, and the other party suddenly stared at me with her eyebrows.

I sneered coldly, and by the way, I also looked at the old man. Compared with the sharp face of Li Feng, this old man looked quite satisfactory, but it was still undeniable that he looked different from the average fairy family.

"Are you the elder of the Bi family?" I asked blankly.

"Hehe, since I know who I am, then it seems that you are one day in the summer, and I am not afraid to ask you for a few life debts! Boy, let's pay for your life!" The old man's face was stern and he stretched out his big hand. The surrounding fairy houses were blown away directly, including Nan Jin and Lingzhao who were onlookers, and there was no room for resistance!

Fortunately, the other party didn't hurt the immortal family around him, otherwise this terrifying wind attribute spell would tear everything in front of me. Of course, if this was not a straight attack, this might not be enough to threaten me.

I didn't hesitate to release the deciphering technique. In the next moment, not only was the wind spell in front of me completely disintegrated, but the old man also hurriedly backed away. After all, this spell was unheard of!

And at this moment, several middle elders, including Li Feng, hurriedly flew over, and they all showed nervousness at this moment for fear of something wrong.

"Elder Bi Xie, stop quickly!" Li Feng shouted loudly.

However, Li Feng's words did not mean that they all worked. As if he hadn't heard it, the old man still waved his hands at me, and the wind rushed towards me frantically with the flow of fire, and he could see that the opponent was a monk with dual attributes.

"Deconstruction!" I couldn't ignore this spirit technique, so I stared at this spell and directly released the deconstruction technique. Faced with the possibility of hurting the innocent, I didn't hesitate to rush out of the Fenglan Temple towards the area of ​​deconstruction. !

The group of Nascent Infant Realm guarding the Wind Lan Temple was at a loss for a while, and hurriedly chased after me. I ignored them and used deconstructive techniques toward this Bi Xie again!

Bi Xie's body technique is extremely fast, but even if he moves instantaneously, he is directly hit by this deconstruction technique. Seeing his stomach area directly decomposes a large area, his face will inevitably change, but the Nascent Infant Realm has extremes after all. The powerful energy reserve immediately limits and compensates for the area created by the deconstruction technique!

My face is also very ugly. I can't think that the deconstruction technique is actually compressed in a certain area in front of such a strong person and cannot spread. This means that unless it is directly hitting Yuan Ying, it is difficult to destroy him.

It's even possible that his Nascent Soul has already begun to develop into a divine transformation. This will make it even more troublesome. The Spiritual Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm are a watershed. The fact that the opponent is very strong makes me deeply understand what the consequences will be if the opponent swarms up. .

And because I didn’t kill Bi Xie just now, the original Li Feng stopped in the outer area, and even just reached out to stop the other immortals from continuing to move forward, leaving room for me and Bi Xie to fight. This scene is very Obviously it was set up to test my strength.

After Bi Xie evaded the deconstructive kill, his body skills suddenly moved like a ghost, and when he reappeared, a fire and wind gun immediately pierced my back.

My speed is not slow. After the six spiritual roots converged into the spiritual roots of the earth, my power is almost a whole, and the improved physical technique of the spiritual roots of the earth is used, and the opponent's blow did not hit me, and It plunged directly into the ground and hit a pool of fire.

"How is it possible?!" Bi Xie didn't hit with this blow, and immediately looked at where I was now. After all, this body technique was really weird.

Although I didn't think of a trick in meditation, the spirit root body method of the earth was unexpectedly researched. This is a high-speed movement method brought about by the compression and explosion of the body's aura derived from the spirit root of the Yufeng beast.

When researching deconstruction, it is natural to study reconstruction. This reconstruction is to combine the disassembled objects again. However, the reconstruction failed, but accidentally caused me to study while squeezing my body. There was a technique that instantly released excess power, which was also the embryonic form of the movement of the spirit roots of the earth.

And this time the rapid movement brought about by the burst release of breath was even equivalent to the instantaneous movement, directly avoiding Bi Xie's blow.

"Did you see it? What was that just now!?"

"He actually...he escaped our eyes!?"

"Exactly, it's almost unimaginable!"

"Shudi... is this the legendary Shuji Shenshu?" An emissary, Shangxian, almost blurted out. I glanced at the other person and said in my heart that this guy knows the goods, and he directly gave me such a name, so I sneered. Replied: "Yes, this is the legendary body technique that can be used to draw short distances with spiritual energy, similar to the shrunk technique!"

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