Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7109: : Sound explosion

"Shrinking the ground technique?" Bi Xie's expression was gloomy, but quickly responded: "Even the shrinking ground technique is not really invincible!"

"Of course the Shuji technique is not invincible, but my move is a sonic boom style improved from the Shuji technique." I laughed, and then there was another sound burst, and I moved to Bi Xie in a flash, just before he reacted. When I came over, my umbrella was already stabbed at him!


The fire-wind gun was shot very quickly, and I shook my umbrella directly, and the big hand of Bi Xie followed me, but at the moment when the umbrella head was turned, I drew the living iron sword from the umbrella handle. A sword cut off his right hand and a small half of his body in a flash. This time he roared and retreated immediately!

The blood spurted out wildly as if the gate was opened, and Bi Xie hurriedly used Yuan Ying’s energy to recover his severed hand and body, but I didn’t give him much chance, and the deconstruction technique directly hit his Yuan. infant!


With a nose and eyes, Yuan Ying, who looked like a small old man Bi Xie, rushed out of his body like a burnt butt. Its body suddenly swelled and shrank suddenly, as if something was cheering it up. , But no matter what kind of weird appearance, he couldn’t conceal his pain. He was directly hit by my deconstruction technique. It’s really very rare that I didn’t dissolve it immediately, but it’s not easy to suppress it quickly, so I screamed while recovering my own reasons. Bi Xie couldn't move at all.

A group of messengers from the Nascent Soul Realm reacted. They either rushed towards me to encircle Wei and save Zhao, or flew directly to save people. Even if it was a violent wind, they all noticed the big change at this moment and swept to the end with a violent wind. evil.

But my speed is not slow, with a bang, and under the blessing of the sonic boom, the living iron sword in my hand and the drawn long knife instantly opened an arc and swept across Bi Xie’s Nascent Soul. Even the several Nascent Infant Realms who came to save people were slashed by this sword qi!

I swung my sword into the sheath, and after the umbrella was directly opened by me, it also helped me to land slowly. In this cool scene, all the fairy houses seemed to have stopped.

However, death never stops. With a loud bang, Bi Xie’s Nascent Infant split into two and burned directly into a mass of gas, just like the blood cells were blown up, and the ones that were rescued most in time The low-level Nascent Soul Realm was also physically separated, but fortunately, they weren't cut by the sword, and one after another, the Nascent Soul came out, otherwise this sword would have greatly damaged the messenger here.

Li Feng didn't get hurt because he dodged the fastest, but he was obviously afraid when he came and retreated. If the sword was hit by the porcelain just now, he would be dead!

"Come, lean over, why don't you lean over?" I coldly looked at the group of Yuanying Realm immortals who were about to surround me, and scared them to retreat into the distance.

These people who saved people were actually envoys from Wufeng City, and the remaining group of envoys from other sects did not attend at all. If they swarmed them, I would definitely not be able to defeat so many middle elders.

But this time, the decisiveness and intrepid strength of my shot have restrained them, so that no one dares to make a second.

Waiting and watching prevented them from uniting to deal with me, which also allowed me to win a delicate balance here. When it fell to the ground, the immortal family of Wufeng City looked pale, and hurriedly looked at their mastermind.

Li Feng’s mood was actually the most complicated at this time. The original two middle elders of Wufeng City, now there is only one left. The division of this power is obviously about to change. He is planning to look at the power furnace, and where to find Bi Xie now. come out?

Seeing my complex expression, Li Feng could only say: "Elder Bi Xie didn't listen to orders and took the initiative to cause trouble. It is also the blame for being killed by Lord Xia Gu. From now on, you should not provoke Lord Xia Gu, Lord Xia Gu. You can enjoy the qualification to walk freely in our Fenglan City. Of course, you must not leave Fenglan City! If you violate the order, all the immortals in Fenglan City have the responsibility to chase him down!"

This harsh wind is still very smart. Seeing that I killed Bi Xie, I knew that I would definitely not stay in this Fenglan Temple honestly anymore. I simply opened it up to me first. Of course, in order to maintain my majesty, it is indispensable. Restricting me from leaving Fenglan City was a compromise, otherwise he would lose face.

I chuckled and said, "All the immortals in Luomugu including me can move freely in Fenglan City, and if they lose a hair on their bodies, whoever used their hands, I will kill him!"

"Lord Xia Gu! Don't take it too far!" Li Feng responded coldly. He had the most elders from Enlightenment City, and he naturally felt that he had a powerful deterrent.

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