Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7120: :route

"Be careful that the sects are born dependent on the large sects. This is true wherever they are changed. Step by step can not be protected from being bullied by other large sects. However, there will be no large sects that are born out of thin air. A certain amount of camouflage is necessary, otherwise once the big sects know how we were established, it must be reported in layers, but it will eventually affect oneself. Since this is to avoid other sects and reach the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains, then With this as the goal, it’s nothing more than to be a mobile martial art. It is also a good development policy to make a fortune in silence.” I faintly expressed my thoughts.

A group of Xianjia immediately nodded their heads in agreement. Even if there were some who had opposed opinions, they were quickly convinced by others. It is actually suitable for us who have Xiaotun now to make a fortune. After all, the whole Mu Xianzhou is looking for it. Xiao Tun, once we bypass this barrier, it will inevitably become the target of public criticism. How not to be discovered is actually the most important thing.

"Sana, as our route planner, why don't you say anything? You should express your own thoughts on this matter, such as whether it is feasible, and whether we can avoid many disasters in Muxianzhou, yes It all depends on what you know about the Zhongyuanzhou mountain range."

Sana gave me such a reminder, and then said after a moment of stun: "Dao Master Xia, I was still thinking about it... but now I figured it out. In fact, I have been sorting and sorting out official documents for Grand Elder Huang Xun of Wufeng City before. It’s only because of a lot of talk that I commented on one of the official documents, and then I was assigned to do something below... During the period of contacting the official documents, I also accumulated a lot of news about Zhongyuanzhou. I have a lot of understanding about the intercommunication, and even some map analysis on the Zhongyuanzhou area..."

"Oh?" I was taken aback, including the other elders who also looked surprised. Among them, an elderly elder from Wufeng City followed up and said: "Elder Sana's words are true. Elder Li Feng will It is also out of this consideration that she was asked to receive the various Yunmozhou sects. Elder Shane's ability to behave in the world is indeed very good."

"Thank you Elder Nobujo for taking such care." After hesitating, Sana took out a map, with mountains drawn on it, with several crosses on it, as well as the occupancy of the various forces, place names, etc. After everyone took a look, they all called out the words'Zhongyuanzhou Mountain Range' in shock.

I nodded and asked, "This is the map of the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains? Why do you have these things?"

"This...this is not the map of the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains...no, it is, it's just the impression of some maps I got after so many years of exchanges between the major sects, and finally the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains. As for the rough map of, the area drawn is the shape of the area to be explored. As for the crossed points, they are the places where various schools and factions have been hit hard. As for the places where the various forces that marked the place names are entrenched, those They are all the major sects' staging points to guide the Central Yuanzhou Mountains. We can avoid these interruptions, as well as the sect's staging points, and then stay in some relatively deserted places, so that we will not encounter strong spirits. The beast lair will not be discovered by all forces...but there is no absolute in the world, because I imagined it based on intelligence. I only hope that something will happen at that time, and I can't rely on me..." Sana said with some disbelief.

I couldn’t help but look at her and said, “Sana ya sana, you are not only beautiful, but you also have such a strong analytical ability. How could we not believe you? As for when something happens, then It is also unpredictable. The ability to have such a good analysis map has already given us hope together!"

Sana's face was flushed suddenly, and a group of elders quickly followed me and slapped Sana's flattery, which made Sana feel embarrassed.

"I also let Xia Daozhu force this map to be completed. Specifically, I haven't been to Zhongyuanzhou, and I have to change the route to Muxianzhou. Once the landing gate changes, I have to bypass the major gates. At this time, everyone has to work together." Sana pointed to the route from Yunmozhou to Muxianzhou, and reminded the elders of other sects.

I nodded and said, "You elders shouldn’t hold the view of the door. Now that we have decided to establish the Heavenly One, we should follow the various information that you received when you are in the sect, and mark the danger as elder Sana as possible. And safe places, as well as areas that may be intercepted, and then I will organize the information into a route, and finally clear a clean route for our Fenglan City."

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