Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7121: :sea

"Of course, since we are now the elders of Tianyi, we will certainly not disappoint Dao Master Xia's value."

"Yes, once you find the blood in Zhongyuanzhou, are you worried that you can't rush to it?"

"My Nascent Infant has been Consummation for a long time. Originally, it was a material that would give me a breakthrough after returning from this mission, but now if I get Earth Blood, what kind of material is this trivial material?"

"Yes! We will definitely cooperate with Elder Sana to clear a safe way for Fenglan City."

Everyone is smarter than the other, but I’m not a fool for things like the intelligence network. After watching the opinions of these bigwigs, I said: “Everyone will copy a copy according to the original map. Intelligence, mark everything you know, and summarize it in my hands. Whoever contributes the most. Once our day is safe, I will give certain merits and conveniences according to the amount of effort. Remember that this map cannot be cross-referenced, otherwise the rewards will be divided equally. ."

A group of immortals suddenly looked at each other, but at the same time they didn't dare to disobey my orders. They took down the much blank map of Sana and took them back to fill them up.

I did this to prevent them from obeying the yin, and to test their loyalty. Whoever puts out more information and contributes more to the sect, or who is capable or incompetent, can actually be easily viewed from the map. Look out from the label above.

And once all the maps are in your hands, as long as they are integrated together, covering each other and correcting errors, you can immediately get the most realistic situation of Muxianzhou, including the strongholds and garrison areas of various sects, and they will definitely be unobstructed. This is the convenience of uniting so many sects.

If you are lucky, you might be able to figure out the secrets between the various sects. Of course, the most important thing now is to avoid danger and reach the Central Yuanzhou Mountains.

After flying for a few days, Fenglan City is very close to the mountains of Tongtian Mountain. Sana and Yingyi accompanied me to stand in the open area of ​​the console area below the floating island, looking down at the black paint in front. There is a sense of endless unknown.

"Finally... are you going to sacrifice the blood of the immortal?" Yingyi couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand as if to touch the endless sea of ​​heaven.

"Senior Sister Yingyi, you can see that you have a deep obsession with Tongtianhai." Sana said.

"Moreover? Over the years, no matter when and where I come from, every time I dream is this vast and endless sea of ​​sky, my heart seems to have been sinking down with this endless darkness, never going to the end, forever I can't sink, or one day I will pull away the layers of mist over the sky, but maybe only the moment I pass it?" Yingyi smiled bitterly.

Sana nodded and said, "Senior Sister Yingyi is just as sentimental as I am. When I first saw this Tongtian Sea, I thought so too. I have always had a strong idea of ​​crossing it, as if I had dived into the deep water for a long time. Later, I want to eagerly come to the surface to breathe. This feeling is not at all uncomfortable."

"You are really a very talkative woman." Yingyi smiled, and they have become acquainted during this period of time.

"No, I'm really like this." Sana hurriedly explained, then looked at me and asked with interest: "Sana is very curious, I don't know what Dao Master Xia thinks?"

"Me? Hey, what I think is simple. At this moment, there are two of you beautiful women standing around and watching the sea with me. Such a beautiful and colorful time is always rare." I laughed.

After hearing this, Sana was angry and ashamed, and knocked me with a small fist, and said, "The scenery is the scenery. Why does it become so sloppy when I reach the Taoist master? Don't molest me and Sister Yingyi, we are the Tao The caller came to study the map that everyone handed in, huh now it's the one to accompany you to observe the scenery?"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I was overwhelmed for a while, but I really didn't expect that the lower level of Fenglan City would have such a large space. The background of Wufeng City is really unimaginable." After I finished speaking, I took it out of my sleeve. Rolling up rolls of maps, handed them to Sana and Naiyi's hands.

While sorting out the map, Sana said, "This is not the property of Wufengcheng. It is the headquarters of the frontline alliances of the major gates in the Central Yuanzhou Mountains. The headquarters of the frontline alliances in the Central Yuanzhou Mountains have received news from Xiao Tun, so they took out the aircraft for us to use on secondment. , In order to lead more Nascent Soul elders and do this thing more securely, who would have thought that Yun Mozhou would come out of Dao Xia, a powerful person like you, and bully all Nascent Soul Realm into this way? I have become a prisoner."

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