Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7122: : Xianzhou

"Whether you are a prisoner, this is hard to say, but this is definitely an unknown chance. If you follow the steps, you will only return to Wufeng City to continue the official restoration. Standing up together, your future will be limitless, not to mention the cultivation level, I can still give you some personal protection." I laughed.

This sana is a very capable female fairy, and training her is also good for me. It’s not because she is lovable and beautiful. In fact, to my level, beauty and ugliness are not so important, but can be cultivated to At this level, the appearance will not be much worse.

"Dao Master Xia just can talk, I can be fooled by you to do what I want, but Dao Master Xia can't bear Sana, and Sana must do things well." He said, but his eyes were all on the various unfolded maps, and he found the most detailed one, and began to take out the pen to circle and click.

Not to mention, Wufeng City, as the leader of the major sects, of course has the most intelligence control. It is completely okay to screen other sects’ mistakes and omissions. Although there are not many Yingyi words on the side, but occasionally give a few pointers, it also allows Sana I had to value the other party's accumulated heritage in Muxianzhou.

Soon after everyone reached a consensus, a map was made that changed the route to Muxianzhou and turned to the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains. This map was only known to the three of us, and it was considered a top secret map.

"Huh, it seems that the elders who joined other sects are also very cunning, and they are not showing up until now. It is difficult to identify them as spies. I deliberately missed a few points, and they took the initiative to uncover them. The least is one, and the most of them are all mistakes and omissions. They didn't say anything when I took out the map. It's really hateful." Sana stuck out his tongue.

Yingyi stretched out his hand and took the tongue that Sana was spitting out, and said, "In fact, you are the most cunning. You actually showed it to Dao Xia with a mixed truth."

"Ah...shetou...slobber...suck..." Sana's saliva flowed down, begging for mercy with red ears on her face.

Ying Yi snorted before letting her go. Actually, I didn't understand this method. I had seen it before, but I thought their actions were quite interesting just now.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here. During this time, I have to attack the Nascent Soul Realm and deal with Tianyi's internal affairs." I can't stay here, because there are still many things to deal with in the Fenglan Temple above. You have to cultivate your own confidant, so that Tianyi can develop well in the future.

And it developed in a stride way in Muxianzhou.

With a flick of a finger, one month has passed. It is the third day we entered Muxianzhou, but the scene here still makes me feel very fresh. This kind of weird vegetation, of course, there are many kinds of weird spirit beasts, and each time it can make Fenglan Palace look like a big enemy.

He even regarded Fenglan City as his new lair, where he built a nest and stayed directly.

The height of the current Fenglan City is not low, and it follows the clouds and mists. From the original expelling the sea of ​​fog to the present, it is slowly moving in this world hidden by the giant dragon cloud and mist, but it is a lot of confusion. The fairy house in Mu Xianzhou.

"Thanks to Dao Master Xia who actually knows how to arrange the formation, that is, every time he seeks water from the lake to maintain the operation of the cloud formation, it is troublesome." Sana said with a smile.

"Muxianzhou has abundant lakes, rivers, and sea water. If you just maintain a large cloud and fog array, it will be fine. After entering Zhongyuanzhou, there will be some dry areas that need to be paid attention to." Mrs. Wo Shuang said.

"Then just store more water at that time. We have been pretending to be clouds floating in the sky, and we will definitely be able to reach the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains safely!" Lingzhao also expressed his opinion.

I smiled faintly, but in fact I was not optimistic: "It is now the third day. In fact, if the cloud formation continues, it will not necessarily stabilize the military's mind. The nearest sect should be the Guanji Temple, and we have to send it. The elders of Lumen Island should pay more attention to them. Once a deserter appears, there will be a gap in the military's mind."

"One day, brother, did you say there will be deserters? Aren't you all in harmony along the way?" Nan Jin asked curiously.

Nan Yi on the side also nodded and said, "I have a good relationship with them all the way, and no one has the intention to leave. Everyone is pointing to Xiao Tun."

"Huh, who wouldn't make a play every time? Xiaotun's welfare, he thinks he should sell us more?" Hu Xia said unceremoniously on the side.

Not to mention, sometimes it is true that something will happen, and the worried Ying Yi, who is almost written on his face, hurriedly walked in: "Dao Master Xia, something has happened."

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