Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7470: : Hidden Corpse

Through a teleportation point of a faceless idol on the top of the mountain, we came to the legendary original place. This place is different from what we thought. It is not as unique as the seventy-two peaks below, but a huge underground palace. The palace seemed to be submerged under the water. Looking at the ripples everywhere, we didn't know if we should have fallen into the water.

"Go down, it's different from what you thought." Yun Xiu dived into the water after speaking, but only for a moment, he saw him standing upside down on the other side of the water like walking on the ground.

Xue Qingcheng and I knew very well that there should be another world below the surface of the water, so we quickly dived into the water.

Sure enough, after passing through the Mizuki, we stood on the water instead, and when we looked down at the bottom of the water, the branches of the fairy tree followed closely.

"This is the original place." Yun Xiu raised his head and looked at the sky. This should have been the top of the mountain, but now it is completely an endless sky, and the water is flat and waveless, but it is also wide and wide, as if it is not here. The bottom of a mountain, but a calm sea.

And below is a huge earth fairy tree, and it is not one or two branches, but a whole earth fairy tree, from the huge tree **** to hundreds of branches are clearly visible, and occasionally one of them can be seen. Suddenly someone appeared to pick the fruit from the root of the tree. If this was a real representation of the entire tree, it would really be possible to monitor everyone who wanted to steal the fruit from other mountains.

"Does this fairy tree occupy the entire Tiancheng?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes, in the absence of other celestial trees playing games with it, after thousands of years of growth, it has grown lushly in the sky city to where it is today. The last time I came in, it should have been decades ago. Now." Yun Xiu glanced around, then said: "The city lord is not here."

"What?!" Xue Qingcheng was also shocked.

"If he is here, I will see him, unless he hides under the water curtain without the sun and heaven." Yun Xiu looked at the bottom of the water, everything here is clear and thorough, as if he was soaked in pure water. generally.

"Can you lead to any hills here?" I wondered, because I saw some partitions and the existence of water bodies, except that I couldn't see the land, but everything around the fairy tree could be seen.

"Haha, yes, did you see the mountain master who picked the fruit over there? If you want, you can swing a sword to make him die in the water now," Yun Xiu said.

"There is such a convenient place." While I was feeling that I did not steal the fruit, or dig a hole to the original place. I want to climb the trunk to reach the original place. I guess I will be under surveillance for everything. Can't stop the surveillance here.

Because the whole tree is as clear as an octopus in mineral water.

"So you now know why no one steals fruit in Tiancheng, right?" Yun Xiu sneered.

"This is the original place?" I asked.

"That's it? Haha, isn't it that way? This celestial tree is the center of the heavenly city. Don't look at it like this. Wherever the heavenly city moves and where to go, it's controlled by this original land, and even the world is viewed from now on. Start." Yun Xiu said lightly.

"I can still watch the world here? Why not try?" I wondered.

"I don't have a spell to control it, so we can see not much." Yun Xiu didn't hide it.

"Where might the city owner go?"

"He may not be in Tiancheng anymore, otherwise he should be here now." Yun Xiu shook his head, probably also disappointed.

"Look there!" At this moment, Xue Qingcheng seemed to have found something wrong with the intricate branches.

Yun Xiu and I looked along pointing, and there were two long boxes under the water, which looked like coffins, and they were wrapped in branches and could not move.

"Could it be..." I didn't even want to go under the two coffins, but Yun Xiu was more decisive than me, and with a big wave of his hand, the two coffins immediately rose into the air from the water, and finally fell into the air with two bangs. On the water.

Xue Qingcheng and I restrained our inner shock and hurriedly opened the lids of the two coffins directly with a spell.


How could the lid withstand our supernatural power, so it instantly exposed the contents of the coffin.

"Mother! Big Brother!" Xue Qingcheng exclaimed, and hurriedly prepared to go and check the naked City Lord's wife and Young City Lord lying in the coffin.

"They..." Yun Xiu was also accustomed to seeing the world, and he didn't care that many immediately reached out and touched Young City Master's hand, but the next moment, his face was a bit ugly, as if he had noticed something.

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