Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7471: : Pain

Yun Xiu, who was about to whisper something, stopped after investigating. Finally, disappointed, he took out two linen cloths and covered them on the young city lord and the city lord's wife who were full of spirit patterns.

"Beast...you don't touch it!" Yun Xiu gritted his teeth, bloodshot in his eyes, he should have been stimulated by some kind of magic, at least the visual impact could not come so suddenly.

"What are the spiritual patterns on their bodies?" I asked with my eyebrows.

"You two shouldn’t touch it. This kind of spirit pattern is called a common spirit song. It is usually written on the body shell. When it is touched by someone, it will directly reproduce the other’s spirit vein. After a period of time, it will gradually change, and finally even The only drawback of becoming a toucher is that it cannot be the person to be reproduced, and will always be just a puppet or a corpse." Yun Xiu's face is very gloomy, and it is estimated that this refreshes his three views.

"But mother and brother, they... are still alive!" Xue Qingcheng couldn't help but said.

"Because of this, you don't dare to kill them, don't you? And once either of you touches them, they will become you, and if their souls are there, A Yuan would have expected that you won't Destroying these two bodies and waiting until they become one of you, whether it is your elder brother or your mother, the result will be the same to A Yuan," Yun Xiu said.

"Co-ling song? What a cruel spell." My murderous heart can hardly be restrained, which means that no matter which of the two corpses successfully activates the co-ling song, the Abyss City Lord will practice with it, and finally condense. Leaving Liangyi Linggen and making his wife and son what they are now, this guy is absolutely abnormal.

But God knows what the Abyss City Master did before imprisoning them in the secret realm of True Immortal Mansion.

Anyway, I don't intend to decontaminate my thoughts at all for this kind of thing.

"Since you know that it is a common spirit song... then you must have a way to disarm this spell, right?" Xue Qingcheng hurriedly asked Yun Xiu.

Yun Xiu shook his head coldly and said, "If I have a way to dispel this spell, I still need you to speak? One of them is my daughter and the other is my grandson, and you are just an adopted daughter at best."

Xue Qingcheng stared at him with anger, anxious and angry in his heart.

"This co-ling song is solvable, but what can we do if it is solved? We have been late for many years. Their souls have completely annihilated their humanity, and even the memory before them is gone. They can only maintain the basic functions of the body. ...It's no different from the living dead." I sighed, this was for Xue Qingcheng to listen to.

Xue Qingcheng couldn't help falling in tears, looked at me pitifully and said, "You can't say something good? If you know everything, you can't try to save them? Tell me, is this useful?"

I was speechless, and I used more ghosts. Of course, I knew the irreversibility of this common spirit song, but since it was irreversible, it would be difficult to pinch out the two people in her memory out of thin air.

"what are you doing!"

At this moment, Xue Qingcheng exclaimed, and immediately stopped Yun Xiu, who was planning to act on the two in the coffin at the moment.

Yun Xiu stared at her and said, "Young City Master Shenxue, you have also seen it, leaving them both behind will eventually become a disaster. It won’t be long before Shenkong will become a person like me, even with his spiritual knowledge. He still exists, but it is no longer him. Would he like to see this? And you are called the mother, the one I called the daughter... Do you think it would be better for me to kill her? It's all uncomfortable, so you can't I can only do it...because my Dao Xin has been ruined a long time ago, so why not be afraid to take another knife if it is ruined?"

Yun Xiu's words are cruel, but in fact, this should be the best treatment for the mother and child in front of him. Instead of staying and being used and humiliated continuously, it is better to be happy now.

Because they may have died many years ago, and what they have left is nothing more than a deceiving body.

Xue Qingcheng was still planning to try again. I was also worried that there might be other traps in this, so when she wanted to stop Yun Xiu from making a move, I pulled her over.

The moment Yun Xiu took his hand, he paused, and finally did not stop. The two coffins in the finger point were instantly disassembled into particles, and finally disappeared on the calm water.

Xue Qingcheng struggled in my arms for a long time, and when it finally calmed down, only tears kept falling.

Yun Xiu stood in place for a long time, unable to speak, tears in his eyes also turned, and his heart must be painful.

I have no sympathy for him, just because it is not him, why did his daughter and grandson fall into the situation they are today? Everything is obtained through indulgence, and it is also the source of his destruction of Taoism.

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