Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7529: : Yingtian

However, just when I activated the power in my body and began to break into the realm of Ascension Immortals, there was a loud bang, and a gap opened in the space, which shocked the surrounding immortals to retreat to other places!

Breaking through to the fairyland in Muxianzhou is equivalent to walking against the sky, and my power to cross a realm at this moment also proves this. I am directly in the middle of the crack, and my body is almost torn by this interface force!

"This is going to be a calamity!?" Mu Shu exclaimed.

"This is not a thunder calamity, it's a sky-splitting calamity!" Cheng Che couldn't help but exclaimed.


Before everyone could react, seven or eight space cracks in succession passed through me as the center. This tearing sensation directly split my body into several large pieces, and even the immortal boat fell to the ground because of the cracks. !

Of course, I refuse to give up Immortal Ascension, and immediately reorganize my body with the power of Immortal Immortality, volleying against the cutting of the power of the interface.

And as long as I endure the pain of the interface, absorb all the power of the beginning of the holy and convert it successfully, I can enter the final stage.


However, I calculated that I could withstand the impact and successfully enter the third stage, but the divine jade plate over there was hit by the power of my transcendence, coupled with the vigorous attack of the young man inside, the two strong hit each other, and the gods The jade plate actually split in half with a bang!

"Haha... As expected of the divine jade plate, it has trapped this immortal for so long, but you should think about paying the price!" The young man glanced at all the immortals present, which made everyone shudder.

Before he could have heartache, the young man stood in front of Liluo beauty in an instant, the corner of his mouth grinned fiercely, and then Tu Xiaojian gently stroked, and a purple-black light devoured it in an instant!

It was killed without even screaming. It can be seen that the young man was already extremely angry at the moment. He was holding the divine jade plate that was split in two. After the young man threw it up, he destroyed the treasure with another sword. .

Then his eyes turned to Cheng Che, the cloak shook, and he was in front of the little girl in an instant: "Just now your lamp gave me a lot of trouble, how do you want to die?"

Cheng Che had a startled look on his face, but still said angrily, "If you want to kill or cut, come here!"

The young man laughed, and then Tu Xiaojian made another stroke. Cheng Che, who had just carried the lantern to activate the power of the treasure, was in a different place. If the Taoist **** was destroyed, he would not be able to resurrect. No one could withstand this neat attack.

Even the death of two top immortals, Mu Shu was also terrified. This time he didn't even protect the law. Taking advantage of Xue Qingcheng's blow that pierced the sky, he shamelessly fled.

The young man easily avoided Xue Qingcheng's elusive attack, and the cloak stopped in front of Mu Shu with a shock. The sword qi fell like a meteor this time, and Mu Shu was shaken into nothingness in an instant. It is the true strength hidden by this young man!

The left and right spirit kings watched this scene with fear, and hurriedly fled to the left and right. However, the young man didn't even move this time. He threw a sword, and with a loud bang, the earth was split in half, and the left spirit king disappeared on the spot. The destructive power is outrageous.

Xue Qingcheng took a deep breath, and obviously knew that she couldn't save the rest, so she stood in front of me, took a colorful pill, and her body began to glow like a rainbow.

This is to be ready to attack the youth.

The young man didn't look towards me. Even though Xue Qingcheng's monstrous power erupted at the moment, it still hasn't reached the level that makes him fearful, and he hasn't killed all the people yet, so he wants to save the delicious food for the last time.


Another sword, this time King Right Spirit also disappeared, and only Mo Jiu was left standing there with a look of panic.

Just when the young man pointed the sword at Mojiu, Xue Qingcheng moved. At this moment, she seemed to have activated her power, stepped into the realm of pseudo-dengxian, and slapped the divine whip, and the whole world suddenly changed color!


As if the young man didn't see it, he still slammed into Mojiu with a sword, killing him directly. As for Xue Qingcheng's blow, it hit the young man firmly!

However, the strange thing is that the young man didn't seem to be hurt in the slightest, standing there still, as if the sword energy just now was nothing but a mirror, and it didn't hit him at all.

I took a deep breath, obviously this is some kind of artifact no less than a yin and yang shelter!

"Hehe, even if you come to the fairyland, no one can break the robe on my body, not to mention that you are not in the fairyland yet. Of course, you think you are strong to break through your own strength, but for me, it's just a Joke, little girl, come with me honestly." The young man was in front of Xue Qingcheng in an instant.

Xue Qingcheng reacted quickly and disappeared directly with the yin shelter, but the next moment, it shocked the young man!

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