Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7530: : collapse

bang! Tu Xiaojian blocked the whip from Xue Qingcheng in an instant, and the young man sneered and stepped back, obviously joking.

Watching Xue Qingcheng retreat again and again and finally disappear into the air with a cloudy robe, the young man looked at me who was in the air and said, "Where can you escape? Don't you protect this guy from entering the Immortal?"

The other party knew very well what Xue Qingcheng cared about, so he didn't go after Xue Qingcheng, but flew towards me!


The divine whip hit the young man again. This time, he did not dodge, but directly responded to the blow that seemed to be able to split the world!

The intense attack blasted the young man directly to the ground, but the moment he landed, the young man shot straight into the sky with a smile on his face. There was no doubt that he was not injured by the blow, and he even deliberately showed his strength in Yingtianyi. .

"This kind of attack is not painful or itchy. I'm a little bit looking forward to whether this kid will be different from the original after he ascends to the Immortal." The young man sneered and patted the shoulder that had been hit, with a dashing look that swept away the dust.


The explosion of the space centered on me became more and more intense. When it attacked and converged in an instant, it severely damaged my body. However, as I adapted to the attack from me, I even began to replicate and absorb this power.

Even the next space doom that bombarded me, I directly adopted the guiding method!


This tyrannical space rift was slashed straight at the young man by me. At this moment, his complexion changed greatly. Although the attack was not strong for him, it was extremely insulting.

"Hmph, have you gotten used to the doom?" The young man said coldly, his face a little gloomy and uncertain. He didn't know whether to stop me or wait for me to pass the doom safely, but the latter would undoubtedly cultivate an unpredictable person. Sentenced enemy.

Bang bang bang!

After dozens of thunder tribulations passed through me, they directly attacked the youth. The crack in this space seemed to be a thunderbolt, spreading straight for more than ten miles. I am afraid that such an attacking youth has never seen anything before.

"You can actually guide the doom!?" The young man was also anxious, while avoiding the space cracking that was constantly bombarding him, he took a risk and approached me, but I had almost completely transformed my body at this time, these thunder-like space cracks Even once it spread over my body, I was immediately led to the youth!

This caused the sky to suddenly have dense cracks, and even when the youth dodged left and right, they were not necessarily able to avoid the area where the sky seemed to have been woven into a complex vein map.


Sure enough, as it got closer to me, the complexity of the veins was far from being comparable to the periphery. Under the unavoidable circumstances, the young man who directly hit the crack in the space could not help grinning in pain, and Ying Tianyi even emitted a strange purple light.

At this time, he really felt regret. If I succeeded in ascending to the immortal, under the control of this terrifying space crack, Ying Tianyi may not be able to resist such a dense attack.

In the process of receiving space calamity and forging, my split understanding of this force has reached a state of coexistence, so once the space cracks burst again because of me crossing the calamity, they are all accepted by me and blasted to the youth together. This made my body fit into this new power, and at the same time made the opponent suffer the same doomed attack as me.

Even when the young man approached me, because of the lack of doom in this space, I spontaneously exploded with the exact same attack form. At this level, it can be said that I have entered the real realm of Ascension to Immortals, that is, the realm of the unity of heaven and man!

And the domain law of my ascension to the immortal is the space shock domain, which is the law of tearing space. This is a technique far beyond the power of the two fields, and it is also the evolutionary form of deconstruction and reconstruction.

"It turns out that you can already control the power of destroying space. If you stay in Muxianzhou, you will become a world-destroying demon at any time. How can my Secretary Zhengxian let you stay here for a while! Today, I will let you disappear in my sword. Get down!" The young man's face was ferocious, and after it was difficult to get close to me, he finally thought of pulling out the Tu Xiao sword!

I sneered and changed from sitting in meditation to floating in the sky: "Is it a bit late? From now on, I will also let you taste the sky-breaking technique!"

"Breaking the sky?! Hmph, die!" The young man drew his sword instantly, and the sky immediately fell into a purple-black state, and the strong demonic energy was overwhelmingly suppressed. Once all living creatures were touched by this demonic energy On, it is bound to disintegrate completely!

"Breaking the Sky!" I shouted sharply, waved my sleeves, and suddenly fell into a large space in front of me! The cracked road not only blocked the rush of demonic energy, but even forced the young man to back away immediately!

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