Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8399: : meet you

I thought to myself that this gift is really better than a clever gift, a child is a child after all.

After compensating some resources of the Demon Realm, Ling Xian released his God Realm flagship and quickly moved towards his God Realm.

On the deck, a few children surrounded me and listened to my explanation of kendo. They enjoyed it very much. Occasionally, Xingchun would ask innocent questions, but I didn’t mind her interruption.

During this period, the relationship between the children also broke the ice and heated up, and they finally looked like brothers and sisters.

And Lingxian and Wanxi also let go of their previous suspicions, and their relationship gradually warmed up, which is what everyone wants to see.

Shenjin Showa and his own son are still at odds. The two father and son have a bit of a bad temper, and they often don't talk to each other, which is a strange thing.

Because it is in the same direction as Yuanzhou, and we will reach Lingxian's God's Domain halfway, so I simply agreed to stay there. After all, Xingyao's side, if I don't explain a few words, I don't feel relieved.

The children are different from me. They don't have so many responsibilities, and the relationship between husband and wife is more about talking about feelings.

I bear the stability of the entire Three Thousand Worlds on my shoulders, and it is more important for my wife to understand. Fortunately, they all know my difficulties, and this is what I have always been grateful for.

It has been nearly a year since it spanned the three Proving Heavens, and the three thousand Proving Heavens are already undercurrents, and the changes this time must be huge.

Along the way, I also talked with Li Guxian about the Eight Great Heavenly Kings.

As one of the eight heavenly kings, she came out this time also acting in secret, so it's not just me wearing a mask, she is also for this reason.

The matter of the Yuan Dynasty must be resolved, and the three thousand proving the Dao and the heaven becoming one is something that the Demon God Alliance does not want to see.

Ling Yan's force along the way can be described as extremely strong, avoiding a lot of turbulence caused by luck, not only avoiding many troubles, but also saving many disaster-stricken demon realms, so she is also fortunate to be able to participate in the children's classes.

So Ling Yan has also grown up, and then, of course, I rely on her in many ways, such as looking for Yuan Zhou and Su Tian.

Although I can sense the same large range now, but Ling Yan is a talented person, and the largest area may be the entire Proving Dao Heaven. At present, she just can't detect another Proving Dao Heaven outside of Breaking Boundary.

Standing on the palace of God's Domain managed by Ling Xian, watching thousands of gods shuttle and fly under the God's Domain, showing a brilliant scene, I nodded with a little satisfaction: "Back then, you were so brave, you want to ask the sword world, You have always been number one in the world, what about now? You have finally become the person you least want to become."

"Father, my son is going to grow up too. He used to be full of enthusiasm, but now he has great ability, so he naturally has to take responsibility, and he is no longer alone..." Ling Xian muttered.

Yun Wanxi and Xingyao beside them couldn't help but smile.

Xingyao dismantled the stage and said, "Father, he usually doesn't care about the affairs of God's Domain. God's Domain's decisions are all made by my servants."

"Well, I know your ability. I have worked hard for you these years, but you were considered the overlord of one side with dozens of Daotians under your command back then. It is better to have as many powers as possible in order to contribute to the peace of the world." I smiled.

"My son obeys the orders of the father." Xing Yao answered seriously.

"You don't have to be so restrained, just be like Wanxi." I said slowly.

"Father, I'm not as free as she said, I'm actually very busy too." Ling Xian also planned to show himself more.

But I waved my hand and interrupted him: "You just need to let your wife be of the same mind, I won't ask you for more things, and you don't promise too much to your father, if you are half as calm as your big sister and big brother, Then I'll be really relieved."

"Your servant knows." Ling Xian could only imitate Ling Tian's salute.

"Now the Demon God Alliance is occupying all the Daoist Heavens everywhere, and now it is getting closer to the area where Yuan Zhou is located, and its intensity is becoming more and more obvious, so I won't stay here for too long, you are here , we need to work together and be united forever, understand?" I asked.

Ling Xian and his wife immediately made another promise.

I nodded, and after letting the children go down, Li Guxian also appeared beside me: "Seeing you feel a little heavy today."

"The more I know, the more I feel that the background of this universe is not simple. I have concerns, so naturally I am serious." I smiled wryly.

Li Guxian took my hand, leaned against me and said, "Isn't there still me?"

"Aren't you going to our Chuangshitian headquarters soon?" I thought of my sister-in-law, Zhao Qian and Xue Qingcheng.

"Well, that's the base to resist the Demon God Alliance. However, you may meet Su Tian first. Her activeness is the most detrimental to us." Li Guxian said.

"Are you going to go back next?" I asked.

"Since we have penetrated into the enemy's back, it is natural to take advantage of this relationship. The Demon God Alliance is not monolithic. If it doesn't work, I will kill all the rebels." Li Guxian said arrogantly.

"You always make me feel at ease, no matter what time it is." I smiled.

"For example, when I was guarding you in the tree hole?" Li Guxian mentioned the past when I fell into cooling because of using the secret method.

"In retrospect, it's been ten thousand years since the world passed by, right?" I said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, but having said that, every time you come back, it's like throwing a stone into the mirror lake." Li Guxian complained and tapped my chest: "It makes people love and hate in their hearts."

"Don't let the universe be quiet that day, and you will meet the king when you start a war. Is it me?" I smiled wryly.

"It's not you, who else could it be?" Li Guxian giggled coquettishly, showing his charm.

"It's a hidden danger, it's just sooner or later, just watch it." I couldn't help stroking the bangs on her head with my hand, she raised her head slightly, her lips were radiant and radiant, which was very emotional.

"More than ten thousand years have passed, you are still the same, you are still the same age, and you are still the same Li Guxian." I raised her chin, and when I met her eyes, she also had some expectations.

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