Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8400: : crusade

Wu Feitu left, and the stars moved. The time passed and it was another seven or eight months. The children stayed in Ling Tian's domain, including He Caoqin, who stayed there temporarily to teach the children knowledge because of avoiding suspicion. It would take a few years before returning own **** domain.

And Li Guxian and I took the Qinglian created by the law of time and space to cross the two great gods, and it was time to part ways again.

Lying in my arms under the darkness of night, Li Guxian felt a little bit more sad about parting: "After passing this God's Domain, it is the area under the jurisdiction of Su Tian. There are hundreds of Demon Domains, all of which are ruled by her. She is also known as Among the eight heavenly kings, the Demon Lord is the most favored by Yuan Zhou, but to reach her lair, you still need to go through several demon realms, you have to be careful not to reveal your identity, so as not to scare the snake away."

"Su Tian is only one of the eight heavenly kings. Thinking that there are so many heavenly kings to deal with, my head is getting bigger." I smiled helplessly.

"If you solve Su Tian, ​​the battle will begin. We will take it as a signal, and it will be the time to pull out the forces of Yuanzhou. It will never only give you a headache." Li Guxian put his finger on my Gently rubbing on the temples, her strength is just right, the most important thing is that when stepping over, the close breathing can always provoke my emotional restlessness.

"Here again, don't you want to have another baby?" I couldn't help complaining, I have been getting tired of it for a while.

"Hmph, no, one is enough to give me a headache. Now that I'm a grandma, what's the point of asking for another one? Aren't the kids laughing at me?" Li Guxian pinched my face.

"Hehe, I see your posture, you just want an extra rhythm." I lifted her chin and admired her from bottom to top, which was an interesting experience.

"Anyway, your sword is not old." Li Guxian pressed me on Qinglian.

I looked at her with a wry smile, and said, "You, if you don't know that you are an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, you will think you are a young and lively beautiful girl."

"I'm a beautiful girl." Li Guxian tilted his head and smiled foolishly.

I was speechless and could only let her manipulate me, another sleepless night until the sky became white again.

"Suddenly, I feel that waiting for ten thousand years is quite interesting. I don't know when I will have such an opportunity next time." Li Guxian stood up, put on his clothes, and stretched himself.

"It won't be long." I said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, it won't be too long, after you solve Su Tian, ​​and then the war ends...it seems to take a long time, so I'm just afraid of seeing you, every time I feel like I don't want to separate, but Only with you can I have that sense of conquest." Li Guxian spoke again.

"Conquer me?" I laughed dumbfounded.

"Hmph, can't you?" Li Guxian squatted down, imitating me and raised my chin.

"Okay, you like it." After I pulled her to stand up, facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, I said calmly, "It's time to go, otherwise it will be hard to leave."

"It's a little bit..." Li Guxian hugged me, this time she seemed a little girlish, I stroked her back lightly, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Half an hour later, watching her disappear into the sky, I sighed lightly, feeling a little sad in my heart. Li Guxian is a special existence and an important part of my life.

In seven days, after I passed the border area, a brand new demon world appeared before my eyes again.

Although the sky is gray, like jelly that does not fall, the ground is mostly swamps, and the rain and fog are dense.

I summoned Ling Yan out, and after she greeted me, she began to observe this strange world.

"Ah... that's amazing, senior, look, that fairy-horned deer!" Ling Yan leaned over the petals of the green lotus and looked at it, sometimes admiring the strange spiritual creatures, sometimes amazed by the strangeness of the plants. The image of the girl is outlined vividly.

And when she was curious, the two long tentacles raised, which made me laugh, and the haze of Li Guxian's departure in my heart gradually dissipated a lot.

"I don't know what kind of demon realm this is. The plants are so huge that there are nests of leaf ladles for water." I propped my chin and looked at the scene in front of me, actually admiring the dynamic beauty of the girl.

"Maybe it is because of these that they can grow well?" Ling Yan analyzed.

"Hehe, it should be. The spirits here are all covered in purple-red fur, which is somewhat similar to plants." I laughed again.

"I also found out, senior, are these spirit beasts also very weak, so they need the protection of big trees, and there are swamps all over here, is it because of the perennial fog and rain?" Ling Yan asked.

"Well, it's also possible that the humidity in the air is very high, and the demonic energy is overflowing." I drew a trace of the laws of the sky and the ground, and I quickly sensed the opposite attributes of the two laws. It is these two attributes that are related to each other. Therefore, it is humid and hot here, full of dangerous atmosphere.

"Senior, the luck here is a bit messy. I wonder if it's because it borders the God's Domain, so there are constant wars?" Ling Yan's tentacles seemed to sense something.

"It may also be a conquest between demon realms." It is really not as convenient as Ling Yan for me to sense the changes in luck here. After all, I am still the image of Daotian now, and the law of space occupies most of it.

"Where are we going now?" Ling Yan asked.

"Go to the place with the most messy luck, and you should get some information." I said.

"Flying in the northeast direction, the messy atmosphere is the strongest there, and it's so close." Ling Yan said quickly.

I immediately controlled the time-space Qinglian to quickly jump in space. After more than a dozen jumps, it was already a distance of 30,000 to 40,000 miles.

Ling Yan looked at the speed of Qinglian in time and space, and her eyes widened in shock: "It's so fast! I sensed it, and it seems to be only a few hundred miles away!"

This is an area where huge mountains alternate with swamp basins, and it doesn't look like there are demon sects stationed here.

"Could it be a battlefield?" I asked suspiciously.

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