Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8401: : sheep girl

A distance of several hundred miles is nothing more than a blink of an eye to me. When Qinglian moved to the sky above the battlefield, she found that the two demon gods, totaling two to three hundred, were fighting fiercely at the moment.

When they found us appearing in the sky, the demon gods present were extremely surprised, and they couldn't help being attracted by most of the attraction.

I didn't pay attention to their expressions, but looked at the swamp, because a messy luck was coming from below the swamp at the moment, and I didn't know what sank into the swamp.

The swamp in this Demon Realm is different from ordinary swamps. As long as you dive deep into it, the laws will be absorbed and pulled by it. If you don't have the power to stick to the laws, the deeper you sink, the greater the loss of laws will be.

However, the swamp does not enhance itself by the adsorption force, the absorbed law energy will be continuously dispersed and discharged, and finally form bubbles and evaporate in the air.

As for the power contained in the sky, it is also very strange. The ascending law power will gradually rise up, and finally activate a certain law above the sky, triggering the formation of clouds and rain, so the power between the sky and the earth seems to interact, making the whole demon domain appear damp and heavy.

The demon **** here is more inclined to exist like a raincoat. Even if he doesn't use a body shield for protection, he can avoid most of the water mist.

And these raincoats are made of a raw material called water-avoiding wood here, which has a certain effect of avoiding water, and even if they stand on the swamp, they will not sink into the swamp.

Our appearance also caused some demon gods to talk about it, but seeing that we did not harm them, the fierce battle continued.

"You stay in Qinglian, as long as you don't leave, you'll be fine." Ling Yan and I said.

"Senior, you want to go down to the swamp to find that ray of luck? But if you go down, those demon gods will definitely turn their heads to deal with you!" Ling Yan said anxiously.

"It's okay." I walked out of Qinglian calmly, and then stood on the swamp in an instant.

Feeling the law of the swamp, there is indeed a sense of gravity similar to oppression, but it doesn't work for me.

As Ling Yan guessed, my actions immediately attracted a group of Demon Gods shouting, and they all turned around and rushed towards me, as if poking a hornet's nest.

With a wave of my hand, a huge space cover immediately appeared. After dozens of demon gods rushed in, they were immediately teleported for more than a hundred miles. The more they rushed in, the more they were teleported away.

This immediately made the demon gods present panicked, thinking that the demon gods who were teleported away had all died, so they didn't dare to move immediately.

I smiled coldly, and immediately dived deep into the swamp.

The law of annihilation can disintegrate a certain law, so when I came to this land of enlightenment, the swamp was already useless to me.

After annihilating the law, I quickly sank into it, and when I sank to a depth of three or four hundred feet, I obviously felt the crowding force around me increased, but at this moment the swamp was being disintegrated by me faster and faster, even It is more than a hundred feet away, because when I understand these laws more and more, the effect will also increase greatly.

And when I dived more than a hundred feet deep, I clearly felt the direction of luck, and I speeded up and moved in the direction of luck. When I was more than thirty feet ahead, a black-haired lamb was huddled together.

This lamb seems to have just been born from its mother's womb, but its huge horns account for more than half of its body.

I turned it over, and when I saw it, my face froze for an instant.

For many years, I haven't experienced such a shock, but I didn't expect to be shocked by this scene today.

Not only does this lamb have a human face, it looks like this delicate face is not much different from the childhood version of Su Tian! Moreover, the fingers on the limbs are extremely humane. Except for the hair on the back, the chest is smooth and soft.

Even female features are evident.

I gasped, thinking, could it be Su Tian's demon **** kind? Or is it that her children have fallen to this point?

The little sheep girl sank into the swamp for some reason, and the pure luck was emanating from her body, coupled with the battle above, this messed up the luck.

Seeing that the little sheep girl is still sleeping, I can only wrap her in the law, and then lead her towards the ground.

But before returning to the ground, I found that many demon gods had already dived in, but this swamp is not sea or river water, and it is not transparent, so there is no way to locate the other party except for the law of induction.

I ignored them and continued to search, and rushed out of the swamp and returned to the air.

Seeing that I actually brought a little demon **** up, a group of demon gods rushed forward screaming, as if they wanted to fight me desperately.

"It's the demon species! Kill it quickly!"

"You can't let the demon species survive! Kill them when you see them!"

After listening to it, the most excited group of demon gods all regarded this little goat girl like a devil's fetus, and wished she could tear her corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Of course, the group with opposing opinions also approached me, but it seemed that they also wanted to protect this legendary demon species.

I glanced at the demon species behind me who was surrounded by the law, and I couldn't help but frowned. Does this little thing really have something to do with Su Tian?

What would happen if she was used to blackmail Su Tian?

Thinking of this, the corner of my mouth smiled slightly, and in an instant, space swords appeared suddenly, killing those who cast spells and sacrifice phantom soldiers on me on the spot!

The sky was filled with blood mist, and a group of demon gods fell easily. Seeing this, other demon gods saw this, some ran away in fright, and some looked at the demon species behind me in shock and vigilance. They neither wanted to leave nor dared to leave. Do it to me.

Obviously, most of those who hunted and killed the Heavenly Demon species escaped, and the rest should be the demon gods of the Heavenly Demon Party.

Like a rabbit, I picked up the Omen, with a smile on the corner of my mouth, and asked: "Since I got her, you have decided that there is no chance to get her back. Now I will give you a choice, such as who can get her?" Tell me in detail what this is? If you make it clear, rewards are indispensable."

"It's an extraterrestrial demon! I heard that if you refine it into a pill and swallow it, you can gain the supreme power of the demon!" one of the female demon gods gritted her teeth.

"We only know that it's a demon species! The overlord of the Heavenly Demon Realm, Heavenly Demon Venerable, is looking for it! Whoever can bring her to the Heavenly Demon Sanctuary can get the Supreme Demon God Stone!" Another female demon **** said in more detail.

Next, there were more and more explanations in a hurry, and the exposed information also formed the whole story.

The Heavenly Demon seems to be an acquired existence, born with extremely strong abilities. It just so happens that this extraterritorial Heavenly Demon was born in this Star Drum Demon Territory.

Originally, this extraterrestrial demon was floating in the air, but she was born to know how to avoid being hunted. A group of demon gods chased her everywhere, and finally she sneaked into the swamp, causing all the demon gods to gather more and more.

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