Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8402: : agar

"You said, she will avoid pursuit?" I lifted her neck, but there was no movement at all.

"What's going on? Didn't she get pushed away as soon as she approached before?"

"Yes, why didn't this senior push her away?"

"Could it be that this senior is too strong for her to escape?"

All the demon gods were shocked, and some even whispered. I became even more interested in the demon seed in my heart, and threw it to a group of demon gods.

As a result, the celestial demons were like magnets repelling each other at the same poles, and they bounced back in an instant!

And because of the possibility of attracting each other or the two poles attracting each other, they flew towards me, and I picked her up again, and couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, this little guy seems to have a relationship with me." What a chance."

A group of demon gods couldn't help being moved, and I didn't bother to talk nonsense with them anymore. They just got the information that I don't know how many times, and they can't take it for granted.

"These are all your hard work, but grab them and don't fight." I took out a thousand magic tokens and threw them out casually. No matter how weak my strength was, I could at least grab one or two.

After returning to Qinglian in the space, Ling Yan looked at the demon species, her eyes widened, and her face turned rosy from excitement: "So cute! Is she the one who exudes luck in the swamp?"

"It's a very pure postnatal luck, which is quite rare, but what kind of mentality is it to say that it's cute?" I carried the little sheep girl. She has not woken up yet, so she seems to be repulsed by Ling Yan.

"No... isn't it cute?" Ling Yan glanced at me cautiously, seeing that I had nothing to blame her for, so she boldly asked: "Senior, can Ling Yan... hug her?"

"Hold her? She seems to reject all kinds of bad luck." I brought the little sheep girl in front of her.

Ling Yan hugged her in surprise, but she didn't let the little sheep girl out of her embrace. This made me couldn't help but raise my eyes: "It seems that your luck is also pure."

The relative proportion of people with pure luck is the gods, and the most mixed ones are demon gods, because gods pay more attention to inaction, and the luck of heaven and earth naturally flows like water.

And the demon gods fight and kill, and rob other people's luck. If there are many causes and effects, the luck will be complicated.

This little sheep girl, like Ling Yan, is a demon **** with smooth luck, so it's not surprising that they can coexist with each other.

"It's so cute, senior, look, she looks good, senior, are you going to raise her?" Ling Yan seemed to be aroused by her maternal instinct, and lightly poked the face of the little sheep girl with her fingers.

"No, I'm going to use her to make alchemy. This is a good post-weather carrier, right? If you practice the alchemy of luck, you may meet friends or relatives in the future, and it can be a gift." I crossed my knees and looked at Ling Yan with my chin propped up.

She couldn't close her mouth when she heard the whole person, and she realized after a while, and said anxiously: "Senior! She is so cute, how can you use her to make alchemy!? Shouldn't you cultivate it well, and then... then become your own help?"

"It looks dangerous."

"It's not dangerous, okay?!"

"It's too troublesome, so small, and who knows if she has a good or bad nature?"

"Ah? Don't bother me! Senior! Nature can be cultivated!"

"That's troublesome, I don't have that much energy."

"No trouble! If senior can trust her, Ling Yan will take care of her."

"She needs milk."

"Ling Yan just feed her!"

"You don't have milk, why don't you stew it, braised lamb?"

"No! I have it! Senior, Ling Yan has milk!"

I couldn't help laughing when I heard this, seeing the little girl anxiously, even the tentacles trembled wildly, I couldn't hold back and pulled one of the tentacles into my hand to play with: "Do you really want to raise it?"

"Yes! Senior, please don't stew her, okay?" Ling Yan said anxiously, no longer caring about her tentacles.

"Okay, but remember, if the lamb wakes up and has a bad temper, I won't hesitate to stew her." I laughed.

"No! Senior, I beg you..." Ling Yan hugged the little sheep girl anxiously, tears began to roll.

I think if you continue to tease her, she will definitely cry, so I can only promise: "Okay, it's up to you, but I have to tell you in advance, I am afraid that this little guy has a complicated background. If there is a problem, the separation will even be inevitable at that time."

"Senior, that's for the future! I will definitely take care of her!" Ling Yan promised.

Having reached this point, I could only nod my head in agreement, and Ling Yan immediately hugged the little sheep girl happily.

This day, the demon species has the luck to screen and raise her so much, and it is bound to be some kind of terrifying existence when it grows up, so since it wants to keep her, it is natural that it needs to be careful.

And keeping her, I also want to know what is the relationship between her and Su Tian, ​​after all, this little sheep girl is too much like Su Tian.

It seemed that she had been hugged warmly for a long time. At night, the little sheep girl actually opened her eyes. After seeing Ling Yan and me, her expression gradually changed, and finally she burst into tears.

"Baby don't cry, don't cry, are you hungry?" Ling Yan was taken aback, but quickly changed her position to hug her: "Senior, she seems to be really hungry."

I can't really ask Ling Yan to breastfeed her, this little girl is still virgin.

"Okay, I have some agar nectar here, which is similar to condensed milk, and she should be able to eat it." I took out a small bottle.

"That's great! Senior is so kind. What you said just now, senior must be kidding me. In fact, he cares about her more than I do." Ling Yan opened the bottle, and a scent of condensed milk overflowed.

However, when Ling Yan used a spell to drop a drop of nectar on the little sheep girl's mouth, it was bounced away immediately!

I frowned and said, "She doesn't seem to like the smell, I'll change it to something else."

"Yeah!" Ling Yan agreed.

In the end, I went from the tasteful to the tasteless ones, and the little sheep girl didn't respond at all, with a refusal expression.

"Senior, don't you have anything else?" Ling Yan asked anxiously.

"All kinds of blood, what do you think?" After I finished speaking, I took out a bunch of blood bottles, but before feeding them, the little sheep girl had already closed her eyes and began to cry even harder. I could only frowned and said, "You're too picky Right? Or stew it."

"No! Senior, why don't you...let Ling Yan try it for herself!" Ling Yan immediately pulled down her skirt after speaking, and a touch of emerald green tube top immediately caught my eyes.

I widened my eyes and hurriedly said, "Aren't you? Do you really want to breastfeed? Didn't you say that you... haven't you had any relationship with any man? Didn't you even hold hands?"

"I... I have a special physique!" Ling Yan blushed.

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