Poor families and rich roads, they must bring more things when they go to practice. Although they can also make money on the road, they must prepare a copy of what should be prepared.

On this side, the children have already planned their journey, while on the other side, Qian Jiyun and An Jiuyue have already arrived at the Beast Realm.

Sure enough, the Beast Realm is different from other planes. It took five days of tossing around in the vortex before reaching the exit.

"Jiuyue, how is it, where is it uncomfortable?"

The pressure in the vortex is very high. If you don't have a high level of cultivation, it is possible to be squeezed into meatloaf directly, but the cultivation of the two of them is not bad.

But even if the cultivation base is good, it is still uncomfortable.

In the vortex, An Jiuyue vomited many times, and now she has just come out of the vortex, her little face is as pale as a piece of paper.

"It's okay, just take a break."

An Jiuyue took a deep breath and shook her head at the man.

In this vortex, it's really not a place for someone like her to stay for a long time. Look how she has been tossed into?

"It's cleaner over there, let's sit there for a while." Qian Jiyun looked left and right, and finally saw a relatively clean place, and helped An Jiuyue to sit down.

This vortex was found by them after being instructed by Yunhun Moyu. It is a vortex that has been abandoned for tens of thousands of years, so there are no monsters in it.

According to the normal vortex, just being in the vortex is enough for them to kill monsters for several years.

It was precisely because the vortex was deserted that there were no traces of monsters around, and the jungle was dense. The two of them sat here, even if they looked carefully, they couldn't tell that they were here.

"Do you want to eat something? I'll make it for you."

Qian Jiyun took out a cup of honey water, handed it to her mouth, and asked.

An Jiuyue took the water glass, shook her head, and then nodded again, "Suddenly I want to eat the spicy Luling mutton you made before, do you still have it?"

"No more, I'll cook it for you now, it will be ready in an hour and a half, how about some spicy chicken drumsticks for you first?" Qian Jiyun asked her.

In fact, there was still some Spicy Luling mutton, but it was marinated more than half a month ago. He didn't want to give it to Jiuyue, for fear that she would feel even worse after eating it.

It's better to marinate it for her now.


An Jiuyue didn't choose anything, as long as it was spicy.

Suddenly, thoughts paused in her mind, she raised her head and blinked, then blinked again.

The two of them had already entered Qian Jiyun's space, and Qian Jiyun had already gone to eat her food, and she was left alone here, she stretched out her hand a little slowly, and put the three fingers of her right hand on the wrist of her left hand.

After a while, she finally understood.

"No wonder he vomited in the vortex. It turned out that he was going to add a younger brother to Nuonuo."

She just said, her cultivation base is not much worse than Jiyun's, why is she suffering alone, but Jiyun is fine, it's so strange.

It turned out to be the reason.

"Little guy, you are not good, your brother didn't bother mother so much."

She stroked her belly with one hand, thinking about her and Jiyun's two children, it seemed that they both came at the wrong time, little Nuonuo caught up with the evil spirit universe, and the little guy in her mind also caught up with The father and mother came to the beast domain.

Thinking about it, she stood up and decided to tell the child's father the good news immediately.

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