In the kitchen, Qian Jiyun had already split the whole spirit sheep apart, the four legs belonged to the legs, and the pork ribs were also divided into four pieces, all of which were quite large.

Asking if the pot is big enough, even two or three spirit sheep are enough.

Adjust the marinade first, heat it up, and then take out the spicy chicken legs, ready to heat it up and serve it to Jiuyue.

However, before he took it over, he saw Jiuyue walking in from the outside.

"The kitchen smells of oily smoke, Jiuyue, I've made it here, I'll bring it to you, you go to rest first." Holding the spicy chicken drumsticks, he turned his head and said to An Jiuyue.

"It's okay, it's much better now."

An Jiuyue smiled and walked towards Qian Jiyun.

When she smelled the spicy smell, she suddenly felt relieved and felt very refreshed. Could it be that the baby in her stomach is really a little padded jacket like the stone man said?

It's not unreasonable to be sour.

"It's fine, just sit next to me for a while, and I'll warm up a spicy chicken drumstick for you." Qian Jiyun said, then turned around and went to work on the hot chicken drumstick.

"Ji Yun, do you think the one in my stomach is a boy or a girl?"

An Canyue found a chair and sat down while asking the busy man.

"What boys and girls, what's in your belly...uh!"

Qian Jiyun's hand holding the plate paused, and even stopped talking. After a long while, he turned around and looked at his wife excitedly.

"Jiuyue, you, you wait."

He wanted to walk towards Jiuyue when he remembered that he was still holding a plate in his hand, so he quickly put the plate in the steamer and lit the fire.

Then, he walked quickly towards Jiuyue and squatted down beside her.

"Our daughter is here?"

Covering Jiuyue's stomach with one hand, he raised his head and asked her softly.

No wonder Jiuyue felt so uncomfortable in the vortex, he didn't think of it for a while, it was really dereliction of duty.

"What daughter, what if it's a son?" An Jiuyue looked at the man with a smile and asked back.

"Son and daughter are the same, they are all our children." Qian Jiyun smiled silly and replied.

Of course, he still hopes in his heart that this birth will give birth to a daughter, so that he and Jiuyue will have both children. From now on, he will ask Jiuyue to prepare a medicine for him, and he will not let Jiuyue have children anymore.

In fact, after Nuonuo was born, he also considered this matter, but it was rejected by Jiuyue.

"Jiuyue, don't worry about the evil dragon. Let's take our time and figure out how to survive in the beast realm first." He suggested.


An Jiuyue naturally agreed, nothing is more important than her child.

Compared with her children and other things, she has to stand back. However, I don’t know when I see Nuonuo next time, when he sees a baby beside his parents, what will happen? What's the reaction?

"Fortunately, Nuonuo and the others didn't come together."

If they came together, she doubted whether the little guys would call sister on her stomach every day!

After all, it is not a matter of a day or two for them to want a younger sister.

"It's time for them to go to the plane." Qian Jiyun said after doing some calculations.

The two chatted for a while, he arranged for Jiuyue, brought her hot spicy chicken legs, and then went to work on other things, because Jiuyue was pregnant, the previous preparations seemed a little less, You need to prepare a few more things.

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