That’s right, Mo Fan always felt that Yitic’s stoicism was sinister… ‘s character is simply a natural spy Erwuzai!

In the original work, Tiqi will later obtain the dark fruit and run to become what Seven Wuhai, or even the ‘Four Emperors’, in Mo Fan’s opinion, this is too wasteful of talent – decades or even hundreds of years to produce such a ‘superb talent’, how can it be wasted like this? Therefore, he felt that he needed to guide him to the right path in life.

Of course, these are his own thoughts, and Tichy, as the person involved, may not have such thoughts.

However, at this time, Tiqi’s target and even his life were in Mo Fan’s hands, and even if he was asked to do the shovel officer, he would have to do it if he didn’t do it.

“I’m willing to trade with you… What is the specific transaction content? Tichy asked annoyed but helpless.

“It’s simple.” Mo Fan stretched out his index finger and shook it, “As long as you show enough loyalty, even if you complete the transaction agreement, I can directly give you the dark fruit.” ”

“As for how to show loyalty… Well, you go and assassinate Whitebeard first! ”

“… Trouble you to change a reliable request! Tichy listened with black lines all over his head.

“Huh, you don’t have the confidence to kill Whitebeard?” Mo Fan smiled and shook his head again, “It seems that you still don’t understand your potential. ”

“Killing Whitebeard is your ultimate goal! Before that, you can also provide me with information about the Whitebeard Pirates or other valuable intelligence information, and when you show enough sincerity, I will give you the Dark Fruit. ”

“How do I know if you’re breaking the deal?” The content of this transaction only required Tiqi and did not restrict Mo Fan, which made Tiqi very uneasy.

“I won’t lie to you on this matter.”

Mo Fan responded softly, and at the same time, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye slowly turned, and the illusion opened.

“Hmph! You think you said that… I do believe you. Halfway through Tichy’s words, he suddenly made a 180-degree turn, and it was Mo Fan’s illusion that played a role.

This is suggestive illusion, similar to hypnosis on Earth, but much more advanced, capable of unconsciously believing in the content of the illusion.

The strongest ability of this type of suggestive illusion is: Don’t be a god! Ability to permanently modify the will of the other party!

Of course, Mo Fan didn’t have the Uchiha Water Stop Experience Card and couldn’t cast that kind of illusion, and using the Uchiha Weasel’s illusion was enough.

“I understand, I will provide you with the information of the Whitebeard Pirates, and try to find an opportunity to attack and kill Whitebeard in exchange for the Dark Fruit!” Under Mo Fan’s illusion hint, Tichy completely confirmed the deal.

Things went very smoothly, a little unusually.

In fact, this is also because the content implied by Mo Fan is considered a fact, but originally Tiqi would have other thoughts, and now after being affected by Mo Fan’s suggestive illusion, he will execute the transaction content more seriously.

After confirming the effect of the illusion again, Mo Fan nodded, and then kicked Tiqi into the air.

Not far away, the people watching the battle on the three pirate ships saw this, and finally determined Tichy’s defeat – they knew that the battle between the strong was not something they could participate in, so they stayed in the distance with each other, the blood that had previously followed Tichy’s charge had cooled, and it was naturally not a fool to survive and gain a foothold in this new world.

“Tichy failed!” Dorma looked at the figure flying in the distance, but there was not much surprise on his face, and turned around and gave the order, “Retreat first!” Whitebearded daddy will notice here and launch a counterattack when the time comes! ”


The order was conveyed, and the pirate ships quickly retreated.

It’s a pity that Mo Fan didn’t want to let them leave just like that.

“Come and go if you want?” Mo Fan noticed the actions of the three pirate ships in the distance, and couldn’t help but sneer, “Don’t I want face?” ”

“Let’s all stay!”

When the words fell, the burly God of War suddenly struck.


The ten-fist sword tore through the space, forming a terrifying crack, and in a short period of time, even the sound could not escape, and silently, the spatial crack spread towards the position of the pirate ship in the distance.

“This is sword qi, slashing wave!” Seeing through the nature of the attack, Dorma only had time to shout a reminder, “Jump ship!” ”


The next moment, the warship broke, and many pirates were torn apart by the sword qi, and were swept away by the huge wave, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

After the wind and waves subsided a little, scattered ones emerged from the sea again, the number was less than a quarter of when they came, and the blow just now directly killed most of the pirates!

“That naval bastard!!” Dom’s heart was dripping blood, and the pirates who lost were not only his subordinates, but also his comrades-in-arms, who had experienced life and death battles together many times, but died here, and even the bodies were difficult to find.

This scene in front of him, when deciding to become a pirate, Thomas had already guessed, but it was still difficult to accept when it really became a fact.

“Whitebeard daddy, he will definitely avenge us!” With hatred, Thomas gathered the remaining pirates, and then swam towards the sea where the Whitebeard Pirates were located in the distance.

These fish that slipped through the net, Mo Fan did not deal with it.

The main thing is too laborious, the location of these people is relatively scattered, and they have to be solved again and again, and with that time, he might as well attack areas with dense pirates, such as… The center of the ‘Four Emperors’ battlefield in the distance!

“Tiqi, who doesn’t have the ability to Dark Fruit and no Shock Fruit, is too weak!” Mo Fan’s gaze swept, looking for targets in the group of pirates.

Soon, he locked on to a pirate: the captain of the Kaido Pirates, Kaido!

At this time, this guy, who is known as the ‘world’s strongest creature’, is single-handedly rushing and killing in the white-bearded pirate group, seemingly acting recklessly, but in fact… It is indeed reckless enough, do not reason with you at all, come up is a punch or a leg, can be blocked, you live, can not be blocked, you die!

Such a seemingly disorderly rush to kill, but no one of the ‘Four Emperors’ forces on the two sides felt that something was wrong.

The same is true of Mo Fan.

“Men, you should single them out!” He got up and ran, rushed to the center of the battlefield, and shouted at Kaido, “Kaido, come and single out Lao Tzu!” ”

His appearance was very sudden for the pirates in the center of the battlefield, and the words he shouted out loud were even more abrupt.

The audience was shocked.

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