
The brief shock and silence in the audience was followed by burst of laughter.

Mo Fan knew that he was seriously challenging Kaido, but the people present were one by one, and they did not believe his words.

“Hear that? That man actually wanted to challenge Lord Kaido! ”

“Hmph! He is something, even Admiral Akainu does not dare to single out Lord Kaido! ”

“Well, that kid does seem to have some strength, I’m afraid it’s also because this strength makes him too inflated and arrogant, defeating a white-bearded fan team member and daring to run to challenge Lord Kaido?”

“Huh? That kid actually defeated the members of Whitebeard’s fan? That’s a bit of strength. ”

The members of the Kaido Pirates pointed at Mo Fan who was running and talked about it.

In contrast, these core members of the ‘Four Emperors’ were not too surprised by the fact that Mo Fan could walk on the surface of the water – anyway, in their opinion, no matter how strange your ability is and your strength is not enough, you have to die!

Therefore, they discussed for a moment, waiting for Mo Fan to run near the battleship, and then walked out of a group of people, ready to clean up this arrogant and lawless brat.

“Stop that kid, don’t let him affect Lord Kaido’s fighting mood.”

“Hey, hey! To stop him? That was really troublesome, and Lao Tzu wanted to simply beat him to death and feed the fish! ”

“Whatever you want.”

Several core members of the Kaido Pirate Group chatted casually, turned the bow of the ship, and sailed towards Mo Fan.

At the same time, in the center of the battlefield, someone finally looked at Kaido, who was not used to rampage, and personally went down to single him out.

Those who can single out the ‘Four Emperors’ can naturally only be the ‘Four Emperors’!

Whitebeard personally went down! Two ‘strongest in the world’ face to face, one-on-one!

“Clear the scene! Daddy didn’t want anyone to disturb his interest. Captain Marko waved his hand, and the white-bearded forces in the field retreated one after another.

The same is true of the Kaido forces in the distance.

Everyone retreated, revealing a large blank sea area, with only two people and two warships in the sea.

Whitebeard holds a big beak knife, just standing there, it makes people feel endless heroic and majestic.

At this time, the white beard is not as old as in the future, and his healthy body allows him to retain some arrogance and unruliness, and the real momentum unfolds, as if he has returned to the invincible demeanor when he challenged the major powerhouses when he was young, but now he is more mature and stable.

Kaido on the opposite side is also amazing, but compared to Whitebeard, as the new ‘Four Emperors’, Kaido is obviously more vigorous, more arrogant, and therefore more domineering, to paraphrase in some novels: solipsism! Kaido stood there, his whole body exuding an aura of self-respect!

In terms of momentum, the two are not divided up and down, as for the real strength…

“If you want to challenge me, you’re still early!” There is not much nonsense, Whitebeard holds the big beak knife in both hands and goes straight to dry!


A light mass suddenly appeared at the tip of the big beak knife, and it was Whitebeard who attached the power of the shock fruit to the weapon, forming a shock light mass.

The next moment, Whitebeard jerked his big beaked knife and slashed down at Kaido on the distant warship opposite.

Duh! Click!!!

A sound like glass shattering spread far away, and the big beak knife slashed in the direction, and one after another air cracks continued to spread, causing violent shock fluctuations.

However, what is more terrifying than the power of the earthquake is the sword qi, which is hundreds of meters long and slashes vertically, as if it can cut everything open! (The difference between the sword and the sword in One Piece is a little blurry, just like ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk is known as the world’s number one swordsman, but he uses the supreme fast knife, which may be a translation pot, maybe for other reasons, in short, everyone doesn’t have to be too entangled in the difference between sword and sword)

Kaido has no weapons in his hands, his hands are empty, his muscles are solid, and his body is huge.

At this moment, he clenched his fists, armed color domineering with all his strength, and then… Just hit Whitebeard with a meat fist!

The matchless sword qi came directly, although the length was shorter than the sword qi that Mo Fan cut out before, but the power seemed to be stronger and more condensed, as we all know, if you can condense the power to a point, it is the most terrifying.

The sword qi cut out by Whitebeard was extremely solid, but the power that Kaido punched with his fist was even more condensed, directly hitting the sword qi.


With a crisp sound, the sword qi was shattered abruptly.

However, Kaido himself was not very comfortable, his body was involuntarily rushed back, and some wounds could be seen on his fist.

“Such an opponent is a bit interesting!” Kaido flicked his fist, feeling that the opponent in front of him was strong enough, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

The fierce battle between the two ‘Four Emperors’ attracted almost all the attention in the battlefield, and not many people noticed the battlefield in another place.

The Kaido force warship that went to intercept Mo Fan had already arrived at its position, slowly stopped, and the special powerful enhanced artillery group on the warship aimed at Mo Fan in unison, and then opened fire at the same time.

“General Chidog, Colonel Mo Fan’s attack on the Kaido Pirate Group was blocked, do we want to support?” In the sea area on the edge of the battlefield, the naval forces that had just resisted the impact of the ‘Four Emperors’ forces on both sides were adjusting, and at this time, some generals noticed the situation on Mo Fan’s side and quickly reported it to the commander, the red dog.

Although they all saw the red dog attack on Mo Fan before, it was a punishment within the navy, and it had nothing to do with attacking the pirates now.

It is easy to understand: just now it was an internal contradiction, and now it is an external contradiction between friend and foe, then we must first deal with the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves! After all, the crusade against pirates is the root of justice for the Navy!

Therefore, no matter what Akainu thought in his heart, he still commanded and ordered the naval forces to go to support at this moment.

However, as soon as the supporting troops set off, everyone saw an incredible scene.

The burly God of War sword above Mo Fan’s head swept out, and a large piece of artillery shells in front of him was directly cut and exploded, and in an instant, a dense explosion sounded in mid-air, brilliant as fireworks.

At the same time, Mo Fan’s footsteps did not stop, his figure flashed, and he rushed past the opposite warship in an instant.

When his figure moved away, the warship that was impacted shattered, turning into a pile of broken wood and scattering into the sea.


When Mo Fan stopped again, he had already arrived on Kaido’s warship, his feet fell heavily, and the solid deck was trampled out of a huge crack.

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