The pheasant couldn't tell him clearly, he couldn't understand what he was saying when he saw his current situation, and he couldn't listen to it, so he had to use force to calm him down.

His gaze was cold, and the power on his body instantly converged between him, the three colors were domineering, the expression on his face was solemn, and after he stretched out his hand, several rays of light came out from his fingertips.

The light was very fast, and the place where it was shot was covered with ice, but who was Ace, he was the one who had the burning fruit, and ice and fire were mutually reinforcing.

In this short moment, a flame formed in Ace's hand, and the red flame collided with the extremely fast light.

It was originally an interweaving of ice and fire, but the moment the two small balls collided together, a huge light emitted, and it was the sound of melting.

The fire enveloped the ice in an instant, but the ice consumed the fire again at this time.

Both were consumed and then disappeared into the air at the same time, as if they had never existed.

For Ace's speed, the pheasant's eyes were shocked, his speed was extremely fast, but he didn't expect Ace to be able to keep up, until he was a little annoyed when he met Ace's provocative gaze.

Countless rays of light burst out of the pheasant's fingers at the same time, and the target of these lights was the same, that is, Ace, and Ace's expression became serious.

A large fireball formed in his hand, and the blazing flames were controlled by him at will, and then quickly jumped out, colliding with those beams, and now Ace was like a fire man with too high temperature, and no power could get close to him.

Obviously it was a struggle between two people, but now it has affected everything around, opposite the two people, there are many fortresses that have been frozen by the ice of the pheasant, and even the small animals squatting on the house have been forced to freeze and unable to move.

And a lot of things on the pheasant's side have been burned.

The battle between the two attracted the attention of the Everbright Navy, after all, everyone had long been very interested in this captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was naturally curious to be able to see it with their own eyes today.

However, they also knew the priority of the matter, so they quickly reported the matter to Mo Fan.

And on this side, the two people are already inseparable.

The pheasant kept attacking, and Ace did not lag behind, centering on the two people, forming a shape like a rain of swords, but there was a light color and a fiery red color, but the two were intertwined, which was even more eye-catching.

It's a beautiful view, but no one has the leisure to enjoy it now.

When attacking each other, the two of them did not forget hand-to-hand combat, everyone wanted to see what the outcome of the matter was, and at the same time, because they were worried about the safety of the pheasant, they all gathered around, although they didn't make a move, but it was also able to deter them.

Although what they don't know is that their existence does not have any effect on Ace, and Ace will definitely not be affected by them.

It's too slow, when will it be the end of the battle like this? If we continue to dissolve each other like this, I'm afraid there will never be a winner or loser.

The pheasant's palms gathered strength again, and then together, released the ice balls, and five icicles were released in the middle of his palms, each with a very powerful force, if it was hit, it would definitely be frozen.

At this moment, the temperature around him dropped several degrees in an instant, the speed of the icicles was much faster, and the overwhelming cold air made the people around him shiver and took many steps back.

The corners of Ace's lips hooked up a smile: "Yan Shanggang!"

With a slight wave of his hand, he saw that the icicles were about to come to him, touching his body, and when they pierced his body, there was a wall of fire in front of him, blocking all those icicles from the outside.

The icicles collided with the top of the wall of fire, making a melting sound, but the icicles did not have the slightest idea of falling, and still stood forward.

It was a foolproof thing, who would have thought that the icicle suddenly broke through the barrier, broke through Ace's wall of fire, and attacked straight towards Ace's head, if it was hit, it must be ugly, I believe that he will not only be frozen immediately, but also will be poked out of several holes in his body.

Ace unleashed the sun flame, and his hands once again generated huge flames, don't underestimate the flames in his hands, which can withstand powerful physical attacks, especially such attacks.

When the icicles collided straight up, the navy couldn't help but cover their faces, for fear of seeing some bloody scenes, but they didn't expect that the scene was completely different from what they imagined.

The fiery flame in his hand was terrifyingly hot, and he could even see the sharp part of the arcane glow, and the power in his hand smashed and melted the icicles one by one, just like the nemesis of the pheasant, no matter what, there was no way to freeze the other party.

Everything in front of him is too shocking, who doesn't know the power of the pheasant in the navy, but it's just such an ability, but it can't do anything to Ace, and the current situation seems to be in a stalemate, because no one is willing to give full play to their best strength.

But the two of them are not in a hurry, and they don't know whether they are strong in their hearts or what, the two of them are actually starting to consume time, and no one is willing to take the lead in releasing their own nirvana and special moves, but it is precisely because of this that the navy is given time to act.

They all surrounded Ace, looking like they were going to fight in a group, but they also knew that they were no match for Ace.

"Brothers, go up together! Definitely protect Lord Pheasant!"

That's not one, ten navies, that's tens of thousands of navies, they rushed over like this, it was really impossible to dodge, and the expressions on their faces were also very excited, rushing forward without any military skills.

But even if that's the case, what should it be, Ace only needs a small wall of fire that has just been formed, and they won't be able to get in.

Who would have thought that before they could rush in, they would already be turned away, and besides, the temperature was still so high that it was like a furnace that was about to burn people, and they didn't want to rush up, but they had to retreat.

The violent heat wave quickly spread around the navy, leaving them with no way to advance for half a minute.

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