"Retreat all! Don't advance!" the pheasant ordered, and he shouted loudly, knowing that the navy in front of him was no match for him.

The flames were growing wildly, spreading to the surroundings, the pheasant's face was extremely serious, he couldn't let this fire continue to spread, his hands condensed the cold breath, and then covered all the surrounding flames.

It was so fast that the flames were frozen before they even had time to disappear.

Ace had a look of surprise on his face, and then a smile appeared on his face, and the more he did this, the more he caught his eye, and things became more and more interesting.

"Since you're so powerful, feel for yourself how powerful I am. A strange smile appeared on Ace's face, and the red flames turned into dark blue flames at this time, and the temperature was much higher than before.

The flames condensed larger and larger, surging out of his hands like a tidal wave, and then rushed straight towards the pheasant's body.

The pheasant also made a move, releasing a temperature of absolute zero, with him as the center, spewing out cold air, forming countless ice balls, ice spikes, and even forming a wall of ice.

The blazing temperature and the absolute zero degree collided together, and at this moment, the heat steamed, emanating from it, blurring one's vision.

Tiny walls of ice had melted, turning into puddles of water and then steam, and tiny cracks had appeared in the huge ice wall.

The huge fire formed a ball, as if it had sharpened its head and rushed in, and the huge wall of ice was drilled out of a circular hole by the fireball.

Ace kept releasing fire gas, and the temperature above normal caused the ground under his feet to dry and crack due to the lack of moisture.

The ice wall had been breached, and the huge fireball rushed straight towards the pheasant, and the pheasant obviously did not expect that his speed and various powers would be so powerful and fast.

Even though his reaction was fast enough, he was still burned by the fireball, and the hot breath of the pheasant was already unbearable at the slightest touch.

The heat of the fire made his arm smell burnt, and his face sank, and even white flesh had been burned out of his arm.

"Well, it's not bad, but even better is yet to come. Ace laughed for a moment, and then released all the power in his body, including - overlord color domineering!

That's right, it's overlord domineering!

As soon as the domineering spirit of the overlord was revealed, the surrounding navies retreated a little, of course, this was not because they wanted to retreat, but because this powerful domineering made them unconsciously want to worship.

But you can't do that! Ace is the enemy!

These navies could only soften their legs and keep retreating, giving up all the places in the middle, and their action made Ace really happy.

The current pheasant seems to be at a disadvantage, but when Ace exudes a domineering aura of overlord color, the pheasant is not to be outdone and also releases his domineering energy.

When the two were competing with each other, the two breaths were quietly fighting for territory.

Ace's breathing gradually became heavier, the overlord color domineering is a little stronger than whoever is stronger, whoever is strong, who can win, and the one who loses must surrender.

But what is strange is that the domineering spirit of the two people is evenly matched, and neither of them can be a little stronger than the other, and the foreheads of both of them are already sweating slightly.

Because of the contest of strength, the mental power of the two people is very serious, so they both feel tired.

"It's kind of interesting. Pheasant snorted coldly, he was an admiral, he couldn't lose, but obviously Ace thought so too, both of them were very confident in their abilities.

Ten more ice blades were instantly formed in his hands, this time the ice blades were two meters long, and the cold air was swirling on them, like haunting people's eyes in the dark night, and the pheasant attached its armed color domineering energy to it.

With the flood of armed color domineering, the temperature became lower and lower, and even the surrounding navies, who had already retreated, could feel this cold air.

The majestic ice rushed out directly, and the power carried on it was enough to destroy a high mountain, and as for Ace, he could only let him beg for more blessings.

The cold air of Nasen enveloped Ace's entire body at a rapid speed, and after enveloping it, it squeezed Ace's body in it from all directions.

"Flame eruption!! Ace's fists suddenly clenched together, his eyes staring sharply ahead, the heat formed behind him, and two fire dragons slowly appeared.

Behind Ace, one left and one right, the fire dragon roared to the sky, jumped to the ground, and submerged into the ground, and the ground was turned up in an instant.

The fire and the earth mixed together, and then rushed out, and the two fire dragons were trapped in the icicles of the pheasant, and the icicles pierced straight into the dragon's body as if they were conscious.

The fierce heat wave melted the icicles slightly, but the main thing was the armed color domineering on them, and the white smoke formed between the mutual dissolution blurred people's vision again.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the fire dragon roaring in the sky.

The mournful voice seemed to have endured great pain, and because of the pain, the fire dragon was jumping around, and it melted the surrounding ice.

When all the ice was melted, the body of the fire dragon still existed, because the body of this fire dragon was also attached to Ace's armed color domineering, as well as the burning fruit that was very powerful in itself.

Just as the fire dragon rushed towards the pheasant, a very powerful force stopped the fire dragon from advancing further, and when the fire dragon tried to break through that barrier, it seemed to be torn apart.

The two fire dragons let out a wailing sound, shaking the heavens and the earth, and the sky-high fire light was drowned out in this way.

The scene was truly shocking, the dragon was crushed, and the tiny sparks fell from the sky in a rain-like shape.

And when those rain-like flames fell to the ground, the buildings below were set on fire, and the pheasant came back to his senses in time to freeze the fire, so that the fire could not spread for half a minute.

The navy made exclamatory sounds, such a powerful force, I'm afraid there is only one person, just when the surprised voices came one after another, Mo Fan's voice remembered slowly: "If you want to move me, you have to ask me if you agree, even if you are the son of One Piece." "

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