"Who is it? Who was sneaking in secretly? As Wenxiu, he did such an activity, and Wenxiu was nothing more than that. He did such a dirty thing like a mouse in the sewer. I shouldn't look down on you!"

Wang Buyi watched as the bodies of the seven subordinates were gradually covered with snow and gradually froze. The breath of life had become smaller and smaller, and his own body had also become stiff. Now let’s not talk about martial arts, even speaking is very difficult. Wang Buyi didn't expect him to be planted. He was planted on Wenxiu who didn't know his name and didn't see the figure. This was a shame and shame, so he yelled, even if he died, he wanted to drag him. Go down one by one, yes, the reason why Wang Buyi calls so is that he wants to excite the secret literary cultivation, and then all die.

"Cut, when the little master is an idiot? I can talk, and I will add some spice to you!" After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Wang Buyi's words, he contemptuously said in his heart that he would not jump out, and then enlarged it. The input of literary qi, his Wengong has a lot of Chinese qi. Although he is only a literary student, his reserves of literary qi are comparable to those of literary powers. Wouldn't it be easy to kill a great martial artist?

After Zhu Yuanyuan’s increased text input, the snowflakes on the heads of the rapes seemed to have been suddenly fallen down by someone. All of them floated down and covered the eight rapes. Then these snowflakes were strangely integrated into the bodies of these rapes. In an instant, the eight people turned into ice sculptures.

"Yes, the great martial artist is not a threat to me at all. With Wenbao in hand, even if the realm is not reached, he can cross the realm to confront the enemy."

Zhu Yuanyuan was very satisfied with the effect of this Wenbao, and he was able to kill the enemy more than a few big realms. It was simply invincible. This was a king-level Wenbao.

In fact, this is Zhu Yuanyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan can accumulate so much literary spirit because he wrote two king-level poems and participated in the literary spirit baptism.

Otherwise, he would change to a common literary master, and even if he gave him the king-level wenbao, he would not be able to use it, because the literary spirit was far from enough to inspire the spells above the king-level wenbao.

"This..." Fang Jun's eyes widened. They didn't do anything. Then these rapes were planted, and they were frozen into ice sculptures, and he felt it. Eight people killed seven. One, although the remaining one is among the ice sculptures, it still has a breath of life. This one who survived is the great martial artist Wang Buyi.

"Fangtou, these traitors are dead and frozen, should we take care of them?"

An officer behind Fang Jun said to him that the officer's reminder was correct, and now is not the time to be in a daze.

"Well, okay, you should take care of them first. These children should be protected first. These eight rapes, the living one should be rescued from the ice and tied up, and the other seven should be burned."

Fang Jun would not bury one on the spot. Who knows if there is someone capable of tortoise breath among the seven? What if it is a suspended animation? So it's better to burn it, so that you can solve the trouble in one fell swoop.

"Look at here first. I will go and thank the people in the camp. If it weren't for them, Xiaotian would not be able to save them. After being raped and taken away by these people, it would be bad."

After Fang Jun saw Zhu Yuanyuan and the others retreat towards the camp, he greeted his men, and then at least moved towards Zhu Yuanyuan's camp.

"Visitors stop, private camps do not accept outsiders."

As soon as Fang Jun rode to the outskirts of the camp, he was stopped by Zhu Yuanyuan’s guards. Zhu Yuanyuan had already said that all outsiders would be stopped, so without Zhu Yuanyuan’s permission, these guards could not be let in, even if they were government officials. The same goes for people.

"I am the head-catcher Fang Jun of the Yamen of Chengming Town. Thank you for your help just now. Please report to your master and say that Fang Jun has come to thank you. Without your words, today these traitors would abduct Wenxiu genius. gone."

After Fang Jun saw that the guard would not let him in, he had to stop and shout.

"It turned out to be Fang catching heads, but my son earlier said that outsiders would not be allowed to enter the camp, and he will talk to him at the next meeting. As for the sons to catch his heads when he sees him, it's not about this little guy."

It was Chen Dewu, the captain of the guard, who was also a great martial artist. He was a native of Mingye Town. In theory, he could also join the Yamen. However, the officials are not proper, and there are many things and it is very dangerous. The key is not the money. There are many people, so few people are willing to work as official posts. Zhu Yuanyuan’s treatment is very good, so Chen Dewu came to join Haoranzong's guards. This time Zhu Yuanyuan spotted Chen Dewu, and it was Chen Dewu's chance.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan was mainly interested in Chen Dewu’s talent. Chen Dewu’s martial arts talent was superior, and Chen Dewu was only in his twenties. From then on, he was at least a martial artist at the level of Emperor Wu. Of course, practice. It also needs resources, and no resource talent is no good, but with the origin of Zhu, they will not lack their resources.

"Okay, please tell this brother to your son." Fang Jun said quickly. He wouldn't pretend to be an adult in front of Chen Dewu. Chen Dewu's breath and Fang Jun have long discovered that he is the same as himself. Great martial artist.

"Well, Fang Catch head, wait a moment." Chen Dewu nodded, and then walked into the camp.

"My son, those official hunters outside want to see you, saying they want to thank my son for helping them catch the rape."

Chen Dewu walked to the vicinity of Zhu Yuanyuan, bowed and said.

"Well, I see, thank you for nothing, just give them a hand, just answer them like that and send them away."

Zhu Yuanyuan has no plans to go to those small towns now~www.ltnovel.com~ He has a better choice. Except for Mingye Town in the small town, he has no plans to establish a branch of Haoran Sect. It's not that I won't establish branch clan in the future, but I don't plan to establish it myself.

Zhu Yuanyuan intends to establish a branch of Haoran Sect in those big cities in the future. For example, this time when he goes to Mingjiang City to participate in the rural examination to obtain talents, he can establish a branch in Mingjiang City by the way, and then let the branch's people dispatch themselves later. People go to the small town to establish a subordinate sect, so that Zhu Yuanyuan does not have to spend time on it himself.

After all, Zhu Yuanyuan has only one person. If every small town and city personally establish branch sects, when will it be established? Therefore, establish branch sects in big cities, and then branch sects will send people to establish it. The best choice, and much faster than Zhu Yuanyuan alone.

Since he didn't set up branch sect in the small town himself, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he didn't need to meet a head-catcher in the town, he didn't need to make a relationship, and he was not from Mingjiang City.

This is not because Zhu Yuanyuan is floating, he feels great, he doesn't care about small people like Fang Jun, but he doesn't want to waste time, he is destined to be a passer-by, so don't leave too much affection, no matter it is friendship, master and apprentice Love, or whatever, don't stay.

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