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Chapter 1004: Mingjiang City (1)

Zhu Yuanyuan has always been indifferent in another world. He doesn’t show his sincerity when he meets anyone. Even the established forces, he always uses those subordinates to make him walkable and unfeeling. , Can walk in a chic, will not give up

   So when he was in another world, Zhu Yuanyuan closed his emotions and did things without mercy, just to earn reputation.

But this time the situation in the human race in the literary world made Zhu Yuanli still involuntarily moved. He is also a human race. He didn't want the human race in this world to be bullied or even annihilated by the foreign race in the future, so he temporarily decided to help the human race in the cultural world. Get the status of your own side.

   Even if he had to stay in the literary world for a long time, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to have too much contact with the local people in the literary world. He just wanted to do something he wanted to do, to do something worthy of his conscience.

   "Yes, son, the subordinates will go here." After hearing his son's words, Chen Dewu quickly agreed, and then quickly walked out of the camp.

"Fang catching head, I'm sorry, the son didn't see you, and we took your gratitude. The son said it was just a handy effort. Since we have met someone, we have the ability and we will not turn a blind eye. Fang catches the head and quickly took that person back. Interrogate, maybe you can dig out other rapes, but that's not necessarily!" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   After Chen Dewu left the camp, he said directly when he saw Fang Jun.

   "This....Since your son is not there, then he will leave. I don't know who your son is named? I can keep it in my heart. I dare not forget the kindness."

After hearing Chen Dewu’s words, Fang Jun also knew that he might not be able to see this young man. Perhaps this young man was the strong literary and cultivator who had just shot secretly. Some of Wenxiu’s personality is cold and some are gentle, but he still Don't force it, if you irritate this young man, you probably won't be able to eat it.

   "My son's surname is Zhu, and I don't dare to mention the son's name at will. Fang catches his head and leaves. We have to fix the camp and continue to rest, and we have to hurry tomorrow."

   Chen Dewu heard Fang Jun ask his son's name. He only said one surname, but he didn't dare to say anything else. He was also afraid that if the son was unhappy, if the son was unhappy, then would he be the captain of the guard?

   "Then I will leave, the kindness of Lord Zhu will be remembered by Chengmingzhen, and I will also tell those literary geniuses whose family members were saved by Lord Zhu."

   After Fang Jun left, he also said that he would not count the credits on himself, but would mention Zhu Yuanyuan, and count all the credits on Zhu Yuanyuan.

   After seeing the Fang Jun leaving, Chen Dewu retreated to the campsite’s carriage circle, and then reported to Zhu Baqiu about the situation. Zhu Yuanyuan had already rested, so Chen Dewu did not bother his son.


   After the Fang army left, it was quiet in the middle of the night. Even if a beast came around, they were shot and killed by the night guard with a bow and arrow.

  The beasts in the literary world are very strange. The beasts are not afraid of fire. Some beasts even like light, so they will go to the place with light.

Some wolves came around in the middle of the night. There were more than a hundred wolves. It is estimated that few people were seen in the camp. The main reason was that the carriage blocked them. Even if the wolves could see at night, they could not see a few people. There were still many horses on the board. This was their food in the eyes of the wolves, so they attacked the camp, but the wolves were all shot and killed with bows and arrows before the wolves were near the fire outside the carriage.

   There are no monsters among these wolves, even if they are stronger than ordinary people in the literary world, it is of no use, and they will be killed in a few seconds.

   These more than one hundred wolves have supplemented Zhu Yuanyuan's consumption of meat. The guards skinned the wolves overnight, and the wolf meat was also cleaned up, all made into dried bacon.

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't care about these things, he just had to sleep on his own.

   After one night passed, in the morning after Zhu Yuanming got up, I saw wolf skins hanging on the carriage to dry, and some wolf meat still being smoked hanging on the campfire.

   "Huh? What's the matter with these wolf skins and wolf meat?"

Although the wolves came yesterday, Zhu Yuanyuan did not notice it when he was resting, because these wolves were very cunning, and there was no sound when they touched nearby. When the guards shot the wolves, they were all killed in one shot. Nothing came out.

"My son, there was an attack of wolves in the middle of the night last night, and they were all killed by the guards. These wolf carcasses should not be wasted. Collected wolf skins can be made into leather armor. The wolf meat is treated as a meat dish. , The guards on the road can eat."

   After Zhu Baqiu saw Zhu Yuanyuan's puzzled expression, he quickly stood up and explained.

   "Oh? That's it, I see, I did a good job."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan is not bad for such a small amount of money, don’t give away the things you give to your door for nothing. Only in big cities, there are monster meat trades. Although there are also in small towns, they are only a few, and most people simply can’t get them. .

Because all monster meat is obtained by border soldiers and other forces from killing monsters, generally speaking, these monster meat are provided to soldiers~www.ltnovel.com~ other forces will not release monster meat. Trading, these monster meat are top-level resources and will not appear on the market.

   Eating monster meat can enhance physical fitness, especially good for martial arts cultivation, and it has a little effect on cultural cultivation.

   Where did you get the monster meat on the market?

In fact, all the monster meat on the market is sold by those literati, because after eating wenxiu, they can only increase their physical strength, which is of no use to the cultivation of literati, so there will be monster meat on the market. . Starting

The number of Wenxiu is very large. There are many Wenxiu who do not have a family. They are the founders of the family and the first Patriarch. If you want to develop a family, you need not only the flesh of monsters, but also money, so those monsters The beast meat was sold on the market. Monster beast meat was very valuable. Basically, it was bought when it appeared on the market, and it was very popular.

So in fact, all the meat that Zhu Yuan ate in the team now is wild animal meat or poultry raised by people. He can't get the monster meat for the time being. The monster meat is so popular that there is no money to buy it. You can only check the situation after going to a big city and buy some in moderation. .

After eating breakfast and packing up things, Zhu Yuanyuan’s motorcade continued to set off. Zhu Yuanyuan was still reading in his luxury carriage, he made a recliner to lie on it, and read it with a book. .

   This book is not a knowledge-learning book, but a book. It tells the story of a human hero. This hero is a literary sage. It tells which cities the human race has saved and how many alien races he has defeated after his rise.

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