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Chapter 1005: Mingjiang City (2)

After the **** incident, Zhu Yuanyuan did not encounter such a thing on his way. Except for running into some beasts, none of the bandits were encountered. It seems that it is safe in the area of ​​Mingzhou. , None of the bandits.

In fact, it is not that there are no bandits, but the closer you are to a big city, the less bandit you are.


Because there are so many cultivators in big cities, especially cultural and cultivators, if these bandits provoke Wenxiu, it will definitely be the end of destruction, and there is no second way to go.

So there are no bandits around big cities. Bandits are only around those small towns. There are no bandits around the village. Because the village itself is very poor, the bandits can't grab anything, at most. Just grab some food.

In the end, it was normal for Zhu Yuanyuan's team to not encounter bandits. There was no Wenxiu among bandits, and Wenxiu didn't bother to be a bandit.


Dangling, half a month passed, and Zhu Yuanyuan and their motorcade arrived at the gate of Mingjiang City.

Mingjiang City can be regarded as a big city. Of course, it's just relative to the town. Because the country is very large, there are at least dozens or hundreds of towns managed by a city, and there are even cities that manage hundreds of towns.

Mingjiang City alone has tens of millions of troops. This is just a matter of maintaining security within the city, not the troops deployed to the border.

Every year, Mingjiang City will select at least one million soldiers to go to the border. One million of the tens of millions of soldiers will be selected and sent there, and then a million new recruits will be recruited. These tens of millions of soldiers must be trained every day, and the resources for cultivation are also Very sufficient.

The selected soldiers are the strongest among the ten million soldiers, and only the strongest soldiers can increase their chances of survival.

The permanent population of Mingjiang City has reached more than one billion, and the floating population is at least two billion. There are 78 towns under its jurisdiction and the total population has reached 4.6 billion.

Recruiting 10 million soldiers from more than 4 billion people is still very easy. After all, not everyone has a literary education, and not every family has a literary education. If the people want to get ahead, joining the army is the most important thing. Good method.

Mingjiang City is called this name because Mingjiang passes by on the edge of the city. Mingjiang City is on the edge of Mingjiang River, so there is a large port, which shows that Jiangcheng is also a big city extending in all directions. There are many caravans. Will carry on logistics transit through here.

However, Mingjiang does not only pass through Mingjiang City. The main canal port in Ji Kingdom is Mingzhou City, which runs through the entire Ji Kingdom.

Mingzhou City is the largest port city in the country. Basically, all goods will go to Mingzhou City, and then through Mingzhou City to reach various cities.

"This Mingjiang City is very prosperous, and the motorcade at this door has never stopped."

Zhu Yuanyuan’s motorcade was waiting on the road into the city. Mingjiang City Gate had several gates. One gate went in, one gate went out, and one gate went in and out. It looks chaotic, but actually There is no mingling on.

However, there are still many problems in traffic. Those city guards don’t care. As long as they don’t fight and kill people, the city guards don’t care if the carriages will collide. They just let those carriages that collide with each other to solve by themselves. Doorway.

After Zhu Yuanyuan waited at the door for a while, he found that there had been several accidents involving carriages colliding with each other. The main reason was that there were too many carriages and the horses were difficult to control. It was a common occurrence that the carriages behind collided together.

Although he had to wait to enter the city gate, it didn't take long. After half an hour, Zhu Yuanyuan entered Mingjiang City through the city gate.

This is a world of cultivating civilization. Those small towns still need to manually check the carriages. Mingjiang City is different here. There is a formation at the gate of the city. You can check whether there are any violations in the carriages. Chengwei is only responsible. The guards do not need to do the inspection themselves. If there is something illegal, the formation will start the defense, and the sound equivalent to the alarm will sound.

"Eight Autumn, this Mingjiang City is too big. Let's find a restaurant to live in, and then buy a mansion. After half a month, the rural examination will begin. Let's fix the Haoranzong residence first and talk about other things."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the people coming and going outside, the shops on both sides of Mingjiang City, and the stalls on the street. This is not a small town, so the things sold are all kinds of things. Not only the things that scholars need, but many of them are. All kinds of weapons, armors, formation plates, talisman, pill, and many other things.

This is also normal. Although literacy is the mainstream in the literary world, and literacy is very powerful, there are more practitioners in other cultivation systems, and more than literary cultivators. The main reason is that there are few literary studies, 100% The number of Chinese cultivation for a scholar is only 3-4 layers, which is considered to be a lot.

All 100 child students in Mingye Town this year successfully opened the Wen Palace. This is just an example. It cannot be said that all the children can successfully open the Wen Palace.

But other cultivation systems are different. For example, martial artists, everyone can practice martial arts, even if they are literary, they can also practice martial arts, but literary cultivation generally only focuses on literary because of greed and not chewing. Cultivation, civil and martial arts double cultivation sounds very reliable, but in fact, if the two practice together, most people will end up in failure, and also delay the cultivation, thus becoming unknown.

The most famous double cultivation of civil and martial arts is probably Dong Wensheng a hundred years ago. Dong Wensheng has been a genius since he was a child. He is a genius of literary cultivation ~www.ltnovel.com. Gong became a literary student, and since then he has been out of control. At the age of 6, he made a gold-level poem and became a literary. At the age of eight, he became a literary teacher by making a platinum-level poem. Wen Zong.

But Dong Wensheng didn’t know who was bewitched by it, so he actually performed both civil and martial arts training. Dong Wensheng also has a talent for martial arts, but the dual training of civil and martial arts is too difficult. Under the two practice together, the strength of the martial artist has improved, but I don't know what's going on, Dong Wensheng's realm of literary cultivation has been stuck in Wenzong's inability to make progress.

Slowly, Dong Wensheng’s strength has been stopped at Wenzong, and the forces that had always supported him have also retreated. Slowly, Dong Wensheng became unknown. The last message left was Dong Wensheng 70 He still stayed on Wenzong when he was old, and Dong Wensheng didn't dare to go to the border to help the human race fight, so he was cast aside by the people.

Now Dong Wensheng's example has become a negative teaching material among the human race. As for Dong Wensheng and death?

This is not recorded, but the folklore Dong Wensheng estimated that he went to a village to live in seclusion, and had no face to hang out.

Therefore, the dual cultivation of civil and martial arts was completely resisted, and the genius among the human races were prohibited from practicing civil and martial arts at the same time.

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