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Chapter 1024: Great writer!

   "The system will continue to improve the level of writing."

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the literary atmosphere in the Wen Palace had changed from white to blue, and the Wen Palace was also getting bigger. To be precise, it felt that the Wen Palace itself was getting bigger and stronger. The space in the Wen Palace was still unlimited. Yes, it can hold unlimited culture.

However, the literary qi in Zhu Yuanyuan's Wen Palace belonged to him, so he transformed into blue literary qi together. The red literary qi is still entwined outside the wen palace, but some literary qi is added to the wen palace. It was because Zhu Yuanyuan was promoted, so the red literary spirit outside the Wen Palace entered into the literary palace a little bit, and the Wen Qi of Zhu Yuanyuan's Wensheng stage was added to the writer stage in an instant.

   "Ding! Do you spend 100 million 2 prestige points to increase your cultural level?" The cold and emotionless voice of the system sounded in Zhu Yuanyuan's mind.

"Ok, hurry up." Although Zhu Yuanyuan feels a bit troublesome, but there is no way. This is what the system must ask. The system is not the kind of deceitful system. Otherwise, if you just use the system with just one sentence, it is estimated that Zhu Yuanyuan There is no way to use the functions of the system.

"Dip! Congratulations, master, successfully spent 100 million level 2 reputation points to upgrade Wenxiu to a literary master!" After the system heard Zhu Yuanyuan's order, the level 2 reputation value was immediately reduced by 100 million, and Zhu Yuanyuan's Wenxiu The level is promoted to a literary teacher.

Zhu Yuanyuan also felt that the originally stable Wen Palace in his body expanded again, and the Wen Palace in the Wen Palace quickly changed from blue to green, and soon the blue Wen Palace in the entire Wen Palace was all All transformed into a green style.

   "Strong! System, continue to improve the level of cultural cultivation." Zhu Yuanyuan felt the strength of the Qi of Yishu, at least a hundred times stronger than that of Wen Sheng, not to mention the quality of the Qi.

   "Ding! Do you spend 100 million level 3 reputation points to increase your cultural level?"


   "Dip! Congratulations, master, successfully spent 100 million level 3 prestige points to upgrade the level of literature to a great writer!"

As the voice of the system sounded in his mind, Zhu Yuanyuan's level was immediately promoted from a literary teacher to a great literary teacher. His literary palace was also enlarged, and the whole palace was turned into a blue palace with a green atmosphere. They have also become cyan style.

   "Okay, yes, I have the strength of a great writer, cool!"

   Zhu Yuanyi waited until his strength was promoted to a great literary teacher, and finally laughed, and finally had a little self-protection in the literary world.

In fact, this is also in the literary world. There are very few worlds like the literary world, much less than the kitchen world. Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan spends so little prestige to increase the level of literary cultivation, which is at least less than the normal level of promotion. More than a hundred times.

There are many universes in the chaos, and a world like the literary world is an unpopular world. Although it seems that the literary and cultivator is powerful, it actually relies on the rules of the current world, the rules set by the heavens, and the literary and cultivator is not himself at all. The strength of the cultivation, the literary spirit seems to be a kind of strength, but in fact it is illusory and non-existent in the world. It is a rule arranged by the heavens to limit the strength of other cultivation systems in the literary world.

   So Wenqi cannot be taken out of the literary world. It can only be used in the literary world. Once you go out, it will disappear. Unless you come back again, even if Wensheng leaves the literary world, his strength will be lost.

   It can be said that the system of literary revision is a way of deceiving the world by Heaven, and all races in the literary world have been deceived.

   Only Zhu Yuanyuan knew what was going on. He had doubts after seeing the prestige value that Wenxiu needed to improve his realm. Then he asked the Ten Thousand Realms system and the system gave the answer.

   can’t bring out the power, so the cost of prestige is reduced, and it can’t be used in other worlds, so what else is there to say?

The literary world actually has something in common with the kitchen world, but there are fewer restrictions in the kitchen world, and there are many kitchen worlds in the universe. The kitchen world also has high-level worlds, such as the big world, and the chefs have reached the level of saints. Existing cultivators, and even a small number of kitchen worlds, there are detached persons. As the name suggests, detached persons are powerful existences in the detached world that are not bound by heaven.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Of course, it cannot be said that the literary world is very poor. The literary world is at least equivalent to the level of the immortal world. If it is not because the literary world is very special, the rules in the literary world are very strong, and the ordinary people who get it are still very short. , And although the cultivator in the first stage is equivalent to the immortal who has just ascended to the immortal world, the world of the literary world is very strong and suppresses the cultivator very much. So in terms of means, the cultivator in the first stage is still very ordinary, at most Interrupting a big stone or something, this is the reason of heaven.

   "The great writer, according to some materials I have read, it is said that when you can paint, you can get out of the mood, and then use the painting to confront the enemy. I don't know if it is true or false. Give it a try."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought that some books he had read recorded some of the abilities of great scholars, so he immediately took out a set of intermediate four treasures of the study and placed it on the table in the courtyard, and then took out a piece of primary rice paper and spread it out. After pressing the paper weight on the table, he began to grind up the ink~www.ltnovel.com~First published https://https://

Ink grinding is also exquisite. Add a little mineral spring water to the inkstone, and then use the ink stick to start grinding. This ink stick is also specially made, which is made by adding the blood of monsters. Of course, the color is still black. This kind is only elementary. Although there are intermediate ones, Zhu Yuanyuan is going to keep it for future use. This time it is just to try painting, so don't waste good things.

   Speaking of which, although he can also paint, he hasn't done much. It's just that he was bored when he was in the water blue star and used the reputation value to raise all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to the highest level.

   "What to draw? By the way, just draw a tiger, and the tiger is going down the mountain, and see what the effect will be."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, he decided what to paint, and then took out some paint from the warehouse of the martial art system.

   Zhu Yuanyi started to paint after putting everything in place. He took a finger-thick brush and dipped it with ink and started to paint on the rice paper.


   There was a slight sound on the rice paper.

Zhu Yuanyuan first needs to draw the outline of the tiger. Generally speaking, the painting is like this. If there are characters, draw the characters first, and then draw the background, so as not to arrange the scenery and then draw the characters. The picture is chaotic.

Zhu Yuanyuan first painted the outline of the tiger with a brush dipped in ink, and then took a piece of faulty paint and painted the tiger. The color of the tiger is yellow, white and black, so he prepared the paint Just yellow.

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