Random Shopping System

Chapter 1025: Go to Mingzhou City!

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After Zhu Yuanyuan painted the tiger into shape, the tiger suddenly became alive. Although the mountains, trees, flowers and grass have not been painted yet, the tiger's ferocious aura has been completely expressed, just like this A tiger was about to jump out of the painting, very shocked.

After the tiger was drawn, Zhu Yuanyuan put the paint and the paint-soaked brush on another table, so as not to wait for a while to get the wrong pen. This painting is not just a pen. You need to use multiple pens, even if it is not traditional Chinese painting, oil painting also needs to use a lot of pens. Painting can't be done with one pen.

The tiger is drawn. Zhu Yuanyuan will start to paint the scenery next. First is the mountain. This mountain is the mountain where the tiger came down. There are flowers and trees on the mountain, but the flowers and trees have no color. The uniforms are all black and white. In this way, we must highlight the theme.

Zhu Yuanyuan's painting is a picture of a tiger going down the mountain, and it must highlight the tiger. If the flowers and trees on the mountain are dyed with color, the tiger will be less conspicuous, and the importance of the tiger will not be highlighted. This is not a landscape painting.

"Huh! It's finally finished."

In the end, it took Zhu Yuanyuan half an hour to draw the picture of the tiger going down the mountain. At the moment when the picture was drawn, a white vigour rose on the picture of the tiger going down the mountain, representing that the picture of the tiger going down the mountain was complete. A bronze painting.

"Huh? Has the painting reached the level? It turned out to be Wenbao."

After seeing this painting reached the level, Zhu Yuanyuan was a bit depressed for an instant. He didn't dislike the low level, but how did he try the special abilities of the great scholar after the painting reached the level?

After the painting reaches the level, it becomes Wenbao, so it is impossible for a great writer to use Wenbao as a painter!

"Forget it, let's see what this Wenbao looks like."

Zhu Yuanyuan frowned, and after thinking about it, forget it. Whether it becomes a Wenbao, it can be used indefinitely, and it is actually a good thing that the painting becomes Wenbao, because if the master writer wants to use the painting against the enemy , But also to attack something in the painting.

This time Zhu Yuanyuan painted a picture of a tiger going down the mountain, so if he, as a great writer, wants to use his paintings against the enemy, this tiger might appear.

"Well, the ability is good, this is the real tiger charm!"

After seeing the Wenbao ability that the painting turned into, Zhu Yuanyuan was also happy. Although this Wenbao is only bronze, his ability is really strong.

The picture of the tiger descending the mountain was turned into a tiger charm by Zhu Yuanyuan, because the function of this Wenbao was to summon a tiger, and the tiger was of the same level as Zhu Yuanyuan, it was the fourth level of the practitioner, but because it was a bronze Wenbao Summoned, so the strength will rise by one rank, becoming a powerful beast of the fifth rank.

After Zhu Yuanyuan knew this ability, he turned the painting into a tiger charm, tied it with a rope and then hung it on his chest and hid it in his clothes.

With this tiger symbol on his body, Zhu Yuanyuan has a Wuzong-level bodyguard, and this Wuzong-level bodyguard is not ordinary. A Wuzong-level fierce tiger is at least equivalent to 4-5 human Wuzong, and the safety is increased.


A few days later, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others were ready to set off towards Mingzhou City. They had to walk for at least half a month on the road, so they had to leave early.

"Tianfeng, I want to leave Mingjiang City and go to Mingzhou City to participate in the test. I don’t know when I will come back next time. From now on, you will be the sect master of Haoran Sect in Mingjiang City. Work hard to develop the power of the sect. Don’t let me down. Your expectations."

When Zhu Yuanyuan left, he told Qi Tianfeng that he wanted to take Zhu Baqiu and the others away, so the Haoran Sect here was handed over to Qi Tianfeng to manage, and he also confessed to Qi Tianfeng, not only to develop power in Mingjiang City, but also to go. The Haoranzong branch was established in the town below. Bashan Love Novel Network

"Yes, son, his subordinates will definitely work hard to develop Haoranzong and never let son down."

Qi Tianfeng straightened his face, and then said in a serious tone. He also thought the same way in his heart. Without his own son, he would not have his current status. Don't look at him now as the pinnacle of scholars, but he is still the same in the whole human race. Tiny as an ant, Zhu Yuanyuan recruited him and gave him status, so Qi Tianfeng swore that he would never betray Zhu Yuanyuan for the rest of his life, and he would do something for Zhu Yuanyuan all his life.

"Okay, I hope you remember what you said today. Baqiu, set off, go to the gate of the city and meet Young Master Yun." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded to Qi Tianfeng, and then he didn't say much, and let Baqiu lead the team to start.

"Yes, son." Zhu Baqiu agreed, and then yelled outside on a horse: "The son has an order, let's go!"

When Qi Tianfeng saw Zhu Yuanyuan and the others set off, he folded his fists and bent over towards the carriage and said respectfully, "Send the son!"

"Gongzi Gongzi..."

"Gongzi Gongzi..."

Under the leadership of Qi Tianfeng, all the other disciples of Haoranzong held their fists and bent over to send Zhu Yuanyuan's carriage away, but they did not send it to the gate of the city. This was what Zhu Yuanyuan said, and Zhu Yuanyuan did not ask them to send it.

Zhu Yuanyuan himself hates parting the most, so it's better not to send it off, so as not to destroy his mood.

Even if Zhu Yuanyuan itself is a psychic person, generally speaking, there will not be much mental fluctuations, but people are emotional. People are not cold machines, they have emotions. Just look at this. The relationship is not deep.


Mingjiang City, East Gate.

"Brother Yun, I'm sorry I'm late."

After Zhu Yuanyuan got outside the east gate, he saw Yun Wenmo's motorcade parked there, and Yun Wenmo was sitting at a low table by the carriage and drinking tea, looking very leisurely. He knew Yun Wenmo. It must have been here for a while, so he stepped forward and admitted his mistake.

"Brother Zhu, don't be too polite, the younger brother is just a little longer. Now that Brother Zhu is here, let's go!"

Yun Wenmo did not hold onto the matter of being late~www.ltnovel.com~ just said a little, and then proposed to go. Yun Wenmo got up very early today and was a little tired, so I wanted to start after Rest in the carriage.

"Okay, Brother Yun, then let's go!"

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't have any comments, and set off early and arrived at Mingzhou City early.

Then after Yun Wenmo's people cleaned up all the things below, they set off. There were dozens or hundreds of carriages in a row.

And Zhu Yuanyuan went to Mingzhou City this time to bring two thousand guards with the lowest level of martial arts, all guarding both sides on horseback.

Of course Yun Wenmo has guards, but he is not as exaggerated as Zhu Yuanyuan. Yun Wenmo only has five hundred guards, and more than half of these five hundred people are recruited by Yun Wenmo himself.

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