Random Shopping System

Chapter 1026: Attacked!

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However, although Yun Wenmo only brought five hundred guards, the strength of these guards is not low. The worst are martial masters. The strongest is the strength of the Great Wuzong. Even Yun Wenmo has a great scholar next to him. This camp is very Not bad, this means that the Yun Family values ​​Yun Wenmo very much, otherwise they would not send such a strong guard.

Of course, the Yun family did not dispatch five hundred guards. The Yun family dispatched a warrior with a strength of more than one hundred great martial masters and a great literary master. The other 400 guards were all guards from Yun Wenmo’s own house. Own power.

"I hope they have a safe journey." Song Mosheng couldn't help muttering while looking at the caravan going away on the city gate.

"Song Lao, don't worry, they have so many guards to protect, it should be fine."

An Mingwen comforted Song Mosheng in this way. He knew that this old man had always liked talented young people.

This is also something that the two of them didn't know that Zhu Yuanyuan had now become a great scholar, otherwise there would be no such worry.


A week after the departure, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others passed by a lot of cities, but they all just took a short break to supplement supplies, and then set off again.

Among these cities, Zhu Yuanyuan did not leave Haoranzong's branch. He planned to establish a Haoranzong resident after arriving in Mingzhou City, and then recruited a large number of disciples, and let these disciples develop the forces in Mingzhou and recruit more Many disciples are cultivated, so that he avoids wasting time running around.


After the night came, Zhu Yuanyuan and Yun Wenmo and their motorcade stopped on a wilderness plain, picked up some dry wood, lit up a pile of bonfires and started cooking.

"Brother Yun, come and eat together. My subordinates will have some new styles of food. Be sure you haven't tasted them."

Zhu Yuanyuan called Yun Wenmo over to eat together. Tonight he asked Zhu Baqiu and the others to prepare Western food, yes, Western food on Aquastar, steak, mushroom soup, seafood pasta, and Western desserts.

Chinese food is good as Chinese food, and Western food is also good.

It can only be said that Chinese food is diverse and equally exquisite, and the research and exploration of food has been at its peak.

Western food is simple and simple. Over the years, it has absorbed some of the advantages of Chinese food and improved it. Because of its simple and exquisite presentation, it takes much shorter time than the exquisite food in Chinese food, so it is sought after by people on Aquastar.

But in fact, when it comes to exquisite Chinese food, Western food can't catch up with the horse. The knife carving in Chinese food alone is the top craftsmanship on Aquastar. Whether it is carving or platting, Western food can not catch up.

For example, after a dish in Chinese food is cooked, it can be restored to its original shape and placed on the plate.

For example, tofu, a plate of Mapo tofu, if a real master chef comes to cook, a whole piece of tofu is cut and cooked in the pot, it becomes a delicacy, and it can be successfully combined into a whole piece of tofu. This cooking skill is the pinnacle level. The cooking skills, not those in small restaurants, just stir fry and put a lot of crushed tofu on the plate.

So Chinese food has the magic of Chinese food, but some dishes take too long to cook, and there is no way to mass produce them, and there is no way for everyone to taste them, resulting in such expensive dishes, and ordinary people simply I can't afford it, and I have never heard of it.

It is because the delicate dishes of Chinese food need to be prepared for too long, so they cannot be popularized, causing people on Aquastar to misunderstand that Chinese food is like fast food, but in fact it is not the case.

"Brother Zhu, then I won't be polite to you."

Although Yun Wenmo is not a foodie, he is also very demanding of food. This time he came out with the chef from the mansion, in order to satisfy his appetite. After all, he only likes to eat in his own mansion The chef here knows that it takes too long to take the imperial examination, so it is necessary to bring a chef.

Yes, one person can be brought in in the examination room. Zhu Yuanyuan himself is a chef, so he didn't bring one more person in. Bringing one more person in was a burden for him.

"You are welcome, sit down. Eight autumn, let them serve food."

Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to another table that was prepared next to him and said, while he said that he was letting his staff serve food. This is why two men who are eating western food should not sit at a table face to face. It is embarrassing, even if Yun Wenmo does not know western food You can't do this for anything, so Zhu Yuanyuan prepared two low tables. Fortunately, there is a habit of sitting at low tables in the literary world.

"Huh! Brother Zhu, what kind of dish is this? And what are these daggers and forks?"

After Yun Wenmo sat down, he looked at the first dish on the table. It was a large plate. A large piece of beef was filled with sauce on the large plate. There was a cloth under the plate with a knife and fork on both sides. It's a face of dumbfounded.

"Brother Yun, this is a steak. The knives and forks on both sides are used to eat steaks. Hold the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right. Use the fork to cut the steak into small pieces like this, and finally use the fork to eat."

While speaking, Zhu Yuanyuan gave Yun Wenmo a demonstration.

"Oh? Is there any kind of special attention to this meal? Brother, come and try." After Yun Wenmo saw Zhu Yuanyuan's movements, he also became interested, picking up a knife and fork and eating.

"Huh? Brother Zhu, this tastes good. The beef is very tender and has a peculiar aroma in it, but the beef is more prominent and delicious."

Yun Wenmo is really good at eating, and he can be a gourmet.

"Brother Yun is still very good. This beef is the meat of a bovine monster. The meat contains aura, so the meat is of very good quality. It is dozens or hundreds of times better than the cattle raised by farmers."

Zhu Yuanyuan is not surprised. This beef is a spirit beast cow raised by the disciples of the Qiankun Xianzong. Can the meat be bad?

Nowadays, a lot of spirit beasts and cattle are killed every day, and the meat will be stored doubled. Because there are too many spirit beasts and cattle, if you don’t kill some, it is estimated that the grass and trees on the mountains on the side of the Emperor Qiankun will It was gnawed away by cows ~www.ltnovel.com~ So every day there are spirit beast cows killed, and every day, spirit beast cow cubs are born.

This evening, Yun Wenmo was conquered by Zhu Yuanyuan's modified western food, and the food was hearty.

After eating dinner, I drank tea and digested food, and then rested separately.

In the middle of the night, around 3 in the morning, suddenly a large number of arrows rained into the camp.

"Duo Duo..."

"Ah... enemy attack..."

"There are enemies..."

Fortunately, the camp was surrounded by carriages, and when the arrow rain appeared, the night guards in the camp found out, so there were injured people, but no one died. These night guards were still vigilant.

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