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Chapter 1048: Ranking of strong literary circles (3)

Why can the human race outside know that the alien race has surrounded the ten empires?

After Zhu Yuanyuan released the list, the top ten empires had literary sages on the list, and the detailed information was exposed. If the human races outside did not know that the aliens surrounded a group of human races, then their IQ was estimated to be negative.

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan did not completely put his hope on others. No matter what he does, he still needs his own abilities to be strong. Only when he is strong can he ensure that he is not bullied by anyone and that things go according to his own ideas.

The most important thing is that Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't know if the human races outside will fight the alien races for the ten surrounding empires.

According to Zhu Yuanyi’s guess, the ten empires here are likely to be the hinterland of foreign races. Otherwise, how could it be a foreign race in all directions. Even if it is surrounded, it cannot be surrounded for countless years. There is only one possibility. This place itself is the nest of foreign races. An explanation can be explained.


"That's it, let's post it."

Zhu Yuanyuan read all the information on the gold list of the literary world. Except for the information on the people of the top ten empires, the other human races and alien races on the list have only one name, cultivation base, power, and treasure level. Although there are only these simple materials, they are enough. It is impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to release all the materials, otherwise the entire literary world might be messed up.

Yes, although Zhu Yuanyuan wants to do things, he does not want to mess up the literary world. The messed up world is not good for him. To collect reputation points does not have to dominate the world, just like Aquastar, the kitchen world, and magic. Realm, he did not occupy the territory and dominate the king, and he can also earn a lot of reputation.


Zhu Yuanyuan immediately instilled a large amount of literary spirit into the literary world gold list. In an instant, the literary world gold list emitted a strong golden light, which suddenly illuminated his entire literary palace space. After that, in the literary world gold list, 唰唰唰A large number of golden steles were separated. After these golden steles were separated, the golden steles disappeared in the Wen Palace space after a mysterious fluctuation in an instant.

After the first batch of golden steles disappeared, another batch of golden steles separated from the Wenjie Jinbang, and then disappeared in the Wengong space. One after another, the golden steles separated from the Wenjie Jinbang and then disappeared. , One after another.

"Fuck, this consumes too much literary energy." Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the literary qi in the literary world's gold list was quickly consumed. He also added the literary qi in the literary palace. If he doesn't add it, this The Jinbang of the literary world will stop to separate the golden stele, but the consumption of literary energy is nothing to Zhu Yuanyuan. The literary vigour contained in his literary palace now includes the literary atmosphere of four king-level poems and a bronze-level painting. There are many literary spirits in his literary palace now.

Just now, Zhu Yuanyuan used the gold list of the literary world to investigate the literary qi of a king-level poem in the entire literary world. There are still three king-level poems that bring the literary qi, which is equivalent to three times the literary qi of the literati.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan instilled into the literary world gold list and began to release the list, using more literary qi, and in a flash, he consumed the literary qi of a literary magnate out, and has already begun to instill literary qi for the second time.

"Huh! Good risk, it's finally over."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at his empty Wen Palace, he breathed a sigh of relief. The literary world gold list finally ceased, and there is no further separation of the golden monument, but there is not much literary spirit in the Wen Palace, only his own Wen Zong The level of literary qi is still in the palace of Wengong, and the literary qi accumulated outside the wengong palace has been almost consumed by Zhu Yuanyuan. The little bit of literary qi is only enough for him to replenish his literary qi once, that is, quite a bit. Wen Zong-level Wen Qi.

"I almost planted it. I didn't expect that using the literary world gold list to release the list would consume so much literary energy, but this is indeed a super god-level literary treasure. The consumption is so low, it only needs the equivalent of the literary literary energy to use it."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t know the consumption when he first started using the Wenjie Jinbang. After using it, he knew that the Wenqi consumption was so large. I’m afraid that if this Wenjie Jinbang was a super god-level Wenbao, he would just use it. Nothing, the literary spirit he possessed is far from enough to motivate God-level Wenbao.

The literary qi belonging to Zhu Yuanyuan in the Wengong Palace is of the Wenzong level. The literary qi in the Wengong Palace belongs to him, so it can be restored. Yes, it can be restored by itself. After using it, it is his own. Wen Qi can be recovered within a day, and the Wen Qi in the space outside the Wen Gong Palace is accumulated, not belonging to Zhu Yuanyuan's own Wen Qi, so once it is used, it cannot be restored.


Just after Zhu Yuanyuan used the literary world gold list to distribute all the golden tablets, in an instant, there were scenes of golden streamers falling down in the entire literary world.

These golden streamers began to be very small, and after falling to the ground, they suddenly became a golden monument as high as a thousand meters, and this golden monument also exudes a rich golden light, showing its majestic momentum~www. ltnovel.com~ And every golden monument has a large letter displayed on it.

For example, it means that a golden monument appeared outside the state city.

After Zhu Yuanyuan used the Wenjie Jinbang, a golden streamer fell outside Mingzhou City, and then suddenly turned into a thousand-meter-high monument.

Now even in Mingzhou City, which is several tens of miles away, you can clearly see this kilometer-high golden monument, even if it does not emit golden light, it is estimated that you can see it, not to mention this monument exudes rich golden light. What?

"Gosh... what is that? Why did a golden monument suddenly appear?"

It was already night at this time. A scholar who was drinking on the top of the restaurant found Wenjie Jinbang (split) at once. He woke up from the wine in an instant, and then pointed to Wenjie Jinbang and shouted loudly.

"This... what's going on?"

"There are words on this golden stele, the literary world gold list, what is this?"

"The literary world gold list, it's strange, how did this appear?"

"Follow him, let's go out of the city to see what this literary world gold list is. Maybe it's a treasure!"

"Yes, let's go together and get out of town."


In an instant the people drinking in the restaurant shouted out of the city, and then after they left the restaurant, they rushed towards the gate of the city, but only after they left the restaurant did they find that there were people on the street, horse-drawn carriages and horse-riding people, and there were a lot of people walking, all They are all heading towards the city gate.

It seems that not only modern people like to watch the excitement, even the ancient people also like to watch the excitement.

But this is not surprising, this suddenly appeared a huge monument as high as one thousand meters, if you are not curious, it would be strange!

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