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Chapter 1049: Ranking of strong literary circles (4)

"Ji Lin, what do you think of this literary world gold list?"

When Ji Qifu stood at the gate of Fuwang Mansion and waited for his subordinates to drive the carriage over, he looked up at the Wenjie Jinbang outside the city and asked his butler Ji Lin without any expression on his face.

"The prince, the subordinates don't know." Ji Lin looked at the literary world gold list, he shook his head and said cautiously.

"You are still so cautious. Xi Cheng, what do you think?"

After Ji Lin heard what Ji Lin said, the expression on his face turned into a smirk. He pointed to Ji Lin's slick look of you, but turned his head and asked his elder son Ji Xicheng.

"Father, the child thinks this is a good omen from the sky. It is a good thing for God to bless my human race, bless my Jiguo, and bless my Mingzhou city."

Ji Xicheng is not taboo, and directly said that this is a good omen. He believes that this literary world gold list exudes golden light, and the golden light exudes a kind of righteousness, which is definitely not something evil, so he thinks it is a good thing.

Ji Xicheng is the eldest son of King Fu. Now he is 13 years old. He is the eldest son of Princess Fu Zhang Xiuxiu. He is already a genius at a young age. This elder son is not yet at the age to take the scientific examination. With a poem, the literary palace has been opened. What is this not a genius?

"Oh? Xi Cheng was right. Theon, what do you think?"

Although Ji Qifu praised Ji Xien, he then asked Ji Xien again.

"Father, Haier thinks this literary world gold list may be a treasure, do we want to take it back to the palace?" Ji Xien didn't think too much, the first reaction was that this treasure wanted to get it back.

Ji Xi'en is the second son of King Fu and is also a direct line. He is 10 years old this year. Because he did not have the right to inherit the throne, he was given the title of Viscount at birth by Emperor Ji. If there are more achievements in the future, this title will be promoted. Of course, This prince’s son will only be given a knighthood, but only a knighthood, not a fief, nor a hereditary knighthood.

The prince’s direct sons will all be knighted. This is just a named title. Although they enjoy the treatment of a title, for example, they can go to the government office that manages the nobles to receive monthly money every month, and the emperor can also get benefits when rewarding officials. Of course, the most important thing is that the nobility's tax revenue is half that of ordinary people and officials.

There are still many benefits, but if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. It is a good thing to have a title, but it is not a good thing. There is no free lunch in the world. Since there is a title, you must do it for the human race and the country. Make contributions, such as training the army to go to the border to participate in battles with foreign races.

Of course, fighting against alien races is just a preparation. It is something that nobles in every country must prepare. Basically every noble will train his own private army. This is the preparation to go to the battlefield and fight with aliens at any time.

Because no one knows whether alien races will aggressively attack human races, all the capable people in the ten human race empires have recruited many people for training and training. All they prepare is to fight the alien races one day. This is the life of all races. Fate is not the death of a human race or a death of a foreign race. There is no second way to go.

Speaking of alien races, some people might say that not every alien race is strong, and not every place surrounded by alien races has a powerful holy alien race. Yes, it is, but there is no concealment between the same level. The number of people is hundreds or even thousands of times more than those of the top ten empires. How can this fight against the alien race? What do you fight against the alien?

It wasn't that Wen Sheng was unwilling to be trapped here before, so that he secretly wanted to get out of the encirclement of alien races to see the outside world, but in the end it fell short.

This lurking Wen Sheng is a poor student who emerged from the end of Wei Mo. He established his own family by himself, and his name is Han Mo.

Han Mo was secretly lurking out at the time. Along the way, he thought that the god-level Wenbao he had had a powerful interest-gathering function, but in fact he was discovered by a canine demon clan less than a day after he entered the alien race. It is also a saint-level monster clan. The canine monster clan is very sensitive to aura. After being promoted to the saint-level, this sense of aura is even more sensitive, so Han Mo was immediately discovered.

At that time, the canine demon clan found out that Han Mo did not go up to fight Han Mo the first time. Instead, while secretly following Han Mo, he sent a message to other demon clan powerhouses he knew.

In the end, Han Mo was surrounded by more than a dozen holy monsters. After a battle, Han Mo ended up with the more than a dozen holy monsters with a self-destructive body and a self-explosive mythical Wen Baolai. Saint-level monster clan died, but Han Mo himself died.

This is the price, but the demon clan's death of more than a dozen saint-level monsters didn't take it seriously. They were still very happy, happy that the human clan had died another literary saint.

After this happened at that time, the ten human race empires knew about it. In the following years, no strong man dared to break into the alien territory, because it was pure death.


"Well, Theon is right, the carriage is coming, let's go!"

After hearing his second son’s words, Ji Qifu praised him, but didn’t say too much. He didn’t say which of the two sons was right~www.ltnovel.com~ whose fault, the carriage has arrived now, so he took two The son got into the carriage and headed out of the city.

Following the actions of King Fu, all the major forces in Mingzhou City moved towards the outside of the city.

"Fu Wang has left, let's go, go outside the city to see what this literary world gold list is."

As the city lord of Mingzhou City, even though he was resting in the room at the time, Feng An received the news at the first time. After the departure of King Fu, he also ordered to go down.


It's not just Mingzhou City.

A huge golden stele appeared in the remote imperial capital of Ji State, that is, within the scope of Jizhou, which was seen by the entire imperial capital.

"Swing, leave the palace!"

After Ji Qiwen saw the gold list of the literary world in the palace, he let the guards of the palace go out of the palace together.

At the same time, the other nine nations of Human Race also started to take action, all of them went to see the gold list of the literary world.

This is happening in the human race, and it is also happening in the alien race.


"Emperor, a literary gold list was found outside the city."

"Take this emperor."


"My lord, a golden monument was found outside the city."

"Go, go together."


"My **** is on top, a golden monument descending from the sky appears outside the city of God."


It can be said that there was a little chaos in the entire literary world, but it calmed down quickly. They also discovered the content on the gold list, but they didn't know whether the content on the gold list was true or false.

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