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Chapter 1053: Xie Yuan!

This time, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't cook food all the time. After all, this is an examination room, so he still needs to converge. This time he just cooked simple food and ate it.

Zhu Yuanyuan worked out all the questions on the test paper in half a day, and then pretended to sit with a pen at a low table. The examiner patrolled over and only saw one examinee thinking about how to answer the question, but Zhu Yuanyuan was actually watching The literary world gold list.

The Wenjie Jinbang has a very magical function, and Zhu Yuanyuan only discovered it in the past few days. As long as he concentrates, he can completely see the situation around the avatars of the Wenjie Jinbang.

Therefore, in addition to the king of answering papers in the three days of the exam, Zhu Yuan spent half a day on the answer, and spent the other time watching the stories that happened around the Jinbang clone of the Wenjie.

For example, Zhu Yuanyuan saw a golden stele on the side of a foreign race. This foreigner could not understand the words on the golden stele, but the foreign race actually regarded the golden stele as a treasure bestowed by gods in worship, and even replaced it with new ones every day. Offerings.

This alien race is far away from the human race, but instead of using the human race as a sacrifice, some monster beasts were hunted down. Yes, the monster beast. The relationship between this alien race and the monster race is not very good, so it started with the monster race.

As for why you are not afraid of the monsters coming to trouble?

This alien race is called the Spirit Race. They are not afraid of the demon race. Because they are the essence of the vegetation, their body has been integrated with the external appearance, and they have no weaknesses, and they can control all the flowers and trees. Growth, as long as there are flowers, plants and trees, they are invincible, so they are not afraid of the monster race.

If it weren't for the spirit race's mild temperament and dislike war, I am afraid they are the number one race in the literary world.

As for why the spirit race wants to kill the monsters, because they don't like the monster race, the monster races fight each other, and sometimes even kill other races wantonly, so the spirit race does not like the monster race.

Many of the clansmen of the spirit race were killed by the demon race. In addition, the spirit race also eats meat. Killing some demon beasts and wild beasts that are not wise, the spirit race also does it.

However, the spirit race rarely kills other wise races. The spirit race thinks that the wise races are worthy of respect and are capable of making friends.

There are even some spirit races who still associate with human races. Zhu Yuanyuan has seen human races and spirit races together. Although they are only in business exchanges, it also shows that not all foreign races in the literary world are the same as the tribe of demons and gods. There are aliens who are friendly to humans.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan has always felt that this alien race in the literary world may not be all bad, but also good. Even among the human race, there are good and bad, and this alien race is also the same.

Yes, it is true. For example, among the monster tribes, the cow tribe, the monkey tribe, the dog tribe, the rabbit tribe, the cat tribe, the fox tribe, they all don’t eat the human tribe, and they don’t hate the tribe so much, but these tribes Except for the Niu Clan and the Monkey Clan, which are more powerful, the other races are useless, and their strength is too low.

Among the monsters, the cattle and monkeys are also at the top, but they are only the last ones among the top.

The top races among the monster races are the tiger, lion, eagle, snake, zerg, elephant, wolf, leopard, and finally the cow and monkey.

Why are the cows and monkeys the weakest?

The cows are simple and honest, their personality is very straightforward, and they don't turn around very much. In fact, they are just thinking about it.

As for the monkey tribe, although there are some huge monkeys that have successfully mutated, the monkeys are too smart, so they are excluded.

In addition, the cattle and monkeys never eat humans, so the cattle and monkeys are not treated by other monsters.

Although the Niu tribe, the monkey tribe, and other demons are fighting against the human race, they never eat the human race.

So even foreign races have good and bad, not generalizations.


In the past three days, Zhu Yuanyuan has passed by watching what happened on the Jinbang clone of Wenjie.

Not to mention that Zhu Yuanyuan really saw a lot of things from the literary world Jinbang clone, which is very interesting.

This time, because there was no poetry test paper, there was no big disturbance, so the house test was considered satisfactory.

"My son, you have worked hard."

Zhu Yuanyuan saw Zhu Baqiu as soon as he came out of the academy, and Zhu Yuanqiu also greeted Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Baqiu, let's go back and talk about something." Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan was not tired. In the examination room, he only got up after sleeping well, so he was not tired.

"Yes, son." Zhu Baqiu quickly agreed, and then let Zhu Yuanyuan into the carriage and sat outside by himself.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't say much, and now the test paper has not been finished, so it is not necessarily who won the transparency.


In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and then the list of the official test was released.

"The son, son, hoo! Congratulations son, son Hexi, son is hit, first name, Xieyuan, son is Xieyuan!"

Zhu Baqiu squeezed in to look at the list of government tests, and then ran to the teahouse quickly, telling him that Zhu Yuanyuan was the first on the list.

"Well, yes, if you can't get Jie Yuan, this is something to be expected." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded lightly. If he can't get the first place with the knowledge on the water blue star, then Is he too wasteful?

"let's go."

Zhu Yuanyuan also knew that someone would go to the mansion to announce the good news~www.ltnovel.com~ so he dared to come back early and changed his clothes.

"Bao! Son, there are officials in front here to announce the good news." After Zhu Yuanyuan changed his clothes, someone came to visit him.

"Okay, I'll go see him immediately." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then walked towards the front living room.

"I have seen Master Zhu below, congratulations to you, you have been elected in high school, and it is the first name, Xie Yuan."

After the Annunciation officer saw the Lord, he immediately came over for fear of horses.

"Okay, thanks a lot, Baqiu, reward." Zhu Yuanyuan said coldly.

"Yes, son." Zhu Baqiu agreed, then took out a purse from his arms and handed it to the officer.

"Thanks to Master Zhu and the butler." The Annunciation officer was very happy at once. There was a bank note in this purse. There must be a large bank note in this bag. Could he be upset?

Then Zhu Baqiu followed Mingjiang City's practice and took some people to distribute the red envelopes.

"Eight Autumn, the plan can begin."

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw Zhu Baqiu come in, he thought for a while and said.

"Yes, son, we are all ready long ago and can start at any time." Zhu Baqiu agreed.

Zhu Yuanyuan had already talked to Zhu Baqiu, and when he understood Yuan, he would expose his identity so that his interests could be maximized.

Of course, this is not some other interest, but the interest of Haoranzong. The reason why Haoranzong has not been established yet is because it has to wait for Zhu Yuanyuan to get the first name Jieyuan. Only in this way can Haoranzong take a look. The son is famous, and it is also very good for Haoranzong, and his reputation can go out in no time.

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