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Chapter 1054: King-level battle poems!

"Okay, just get ready. So, tomorrow night Fuwang will bring everyone in Mingzhou City to hold a poem meeting. Then I will create a poem. The lowest may be a king-level poem. Mingzhou City will be officially established the next morning. Haoranzong, let Qin Feng be ready."

Zhu Yuanyuan and Zhu Baqiu gave a careful explanation. This time he was going to create a good poem, even if it was not a mythical level, it must be a king-level one.

"Yes, son, the subordinates know."

Zhu Baqiu nodded. He also knew what his son meant, that he would create a poem of high grade after he obtained the Xie Yuan, so that the name of Haoranzong would be heard throughout Mingzhou City, so Haoranzong wanted Recruiting disciples will go more smoothly, and there will be no embarrassment of recruiting disciples but no one will join.

"Well, go down!"

Zhu Yuanyuan waved his hand to let Zhu Baqiu go down. He is getting more and more salty now. There was a bit of pressure, but Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly picked up a super god-level treasure in the cultural world gold list, and then discovered that there are others outside the alien race. In the human race, all of a sudden the original pressure of Zhu Yuanyuan disappeared without a trace.

Since there are other human races in the literary world, and this human race is obviously very powerful, not weaker than the alien race at all, what effort does Zhu Yuanyuan have to work hard? Is Dangdang salted fish not fragrant?

The purpose of Zhu Yuanyuan from the beginning to the end was only to earn prestige points, without having to fight against alien races, to gain prestige points, of course, it does not mean that Zhu Yuanyuan gave up helping the besieged human race.

It should be helped. Zhu Yuanyuan will help the human race, but the method has changed. It is impossible to break out of the encirclement by relying on him alone. Unless Zhu Yuanyuan's cultivation base can surpass Wensheng, he will kill it by himself. The alien encirclement is a joke.

It is impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to surpass the literary sage in the literary world, because the strongest in the literary world is the literary sage. If it surpasses the literary sage, then it will surpass the literary world and will be rejected by the literary world. It's not the same. There is no tribulation in the literary world. After you surpass the literary sage, you will only be rejected by the literary world, and then you will reach a higher level of the world.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhu Yuanyuan to surpass Wensheng. Even if he uses the prestige value to surpass the Wensheng realm, it is impossible to stay. The moment he breaks through, he will be discovered by the Heavenly Dao of the Wenjie.

Zhu Yuanyuan knew this for a long time. Every world has limits. Whether it’s a world of cultivation civilization, a world of science and technology, or other civilizations, there is a limit. After reaching the limit, you can only leave this one. The world, otherwise the world itself will reject you.

The world of scientific and technological civilization is different. After technology reaches its limit, there will be no way for technology to continue to progress if it does not leave. This is a different restriction. After all, there is no heaven in the world of technological civilization.

In the future, Zhu Yuanyuan would still participate in the imperial examinations, and he would still establish Haoran School everywhere, and he would train his disciples without limit. These Haoran School disciples were still the power of Human Race against foreign races.

This is also what Zhu Yuanyuan thought from the beginning. The besieged human race can't just let him do his own work. He can do his own things well, and his strength is better than anything else.


"See His Royal Highness Fu Wang!"

"I have seen the prince!"

"Meet Lord Fu!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan arrived in Bailiyuan, he stayed with Yun Wenmo. Yes, this time Yun Wenmo also passed the Juren exam. Although the ranking was only medium, it was also in the 100th place. The only talents from Mingjiang City were them. Two people passed the exam, and all others lost their wings.

Yun Wenmo originally had the title of Mingjiang City’s No. 1 Talented Scholar. It’s not surprising to be able to pass the exam. Just seeing that he can write golden poems in Mingjiang City’s poems will show that Yun Wenmo’s literary talent is extraordinary. Had it not been for the variable Zhu Yuanyuan, I am afraid that Yun Wenmo's reputation would have been well-known throughout Mingzhou.

However, Yun Wenmo was not angry. Instead, he thought that Zhu Yuanyuan’s literary talents were only seen in the human race. Even those literary sages did not have such records. When they were ordinary people, they relied on a king-level poem to open the wen palace. This has never happened in history, so Yun Wenmo has no temper at all. Yun Wenmo feels very lucky to be able to associate with such a monster.

"Okay, okay, all of you are my human race, and are the future pillars of my country. This king is very happy that there will be so many outstanding people this year. Please sit down!"

After King Fu came to the forefront, he stood up and said a word before letting everyone sit down.

"Hello everyone, everyone, I am Zhang Haoxue, the master of the Mingzhou City Academy. The title of this year's poem is "War". I will use war to write a scene or wish of fighting against a foreign race. That is what everyone said. , Don’t talk nonsense, let’s start everyone!"

Zhang Haoxue came up with a question. This question is really tricky. Although everyone present has been admitted to Juren and can be an official, but they have never been on the battlefield, how can they write a decent battle? Poem out?


"We haven't been on the battlefield~www.ltnovel.com~ Things we haven't seen, haven't experienced, I'm afraid it's not easy to write!"

"Hey! The questions are already out. Complaining is useless and must be written."

"Don't beep anymore, look over there, someone has already started writing, and you are still chattering here. Isn't it okay to have time to think about the verse?" Suddenly someone interjected, and then all the complaining people were everywhere. I took a look, and sure enough, a few people had already begun to write. Although they seemed to be trying to write, they were already thinking about verses, so everyone started to think about it and stopped making unnecessary complaints.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't write the pen. He was still planning to wait until all these people had written them before starting. Now after seeing these people go from complaining to being led to conceive verses, he feels that this person is really going to be persecuted. And it needs to be driven by people. If there is no one to drive enthusiasm, it is estimated that individuals have become salted fish.

Among those who write the pen is Yunwenmo, and Yunwenmo's literary talent is very good. He thought of something after Zhang Hao studied the topic, and then he got some pens, inks, paper and inkstones and began to conceive. It’s not a level, but some ordinary things. Because Yunwenmo needs to conceive some verses and drafts, there is no legend in the literary world that a poem can be achieved in seven steps. Although the memory of cultivators is many times better than that of ordinary people, Memory is not helpful in creating verses.

"Looking at the smoke and clouds are like wolves, the billowing black clouds are like strangers, and the setting sun is like a **** battle, so you can protect your homeland with your remains!"

Finally, after Yun Wenmo wrote this verse, he bombed the entire Mingzhou City at once!

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