Random Shopping System

Chapter 1072: Meeting (3)

Speaking of which, these dishes made by Zhu Yuanyuan are very nutritious, and they are well matched.

As for why pork chops and steaks are not made, it is because the body will not smell bad after eating pork, but the body will smell bad after eating too much steak.

For example, the water blue star, Xinjiang, Tibet, they all like to eat mutton and beef. Some of them don’t eat pork, so if you eat too much mutton and beef, drink too much goat’s milk and milk, the body will appear. Kind of rich smell.

Aquastar is the same for foreigners other than Huaxia. They eat beef and milk every day, so their body has a strong taste. Maybe they are used to it, so they can’t feel it, but Huaxia people are different. Huaxia people basically I can eat all kinds of meat, there will be no restriction, I will not eat beef and mutton every day, nor will I drink milk every day, so the body taste is normal and there will be no strong smell.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan also eats beef and mutton, he can't eat it a few times a month, so there will be no strange taste on his body.

What you eat will affect your body's state. In fact, it can be used on any animal.

For example, a certain rose garden of the Aquastar China Empire used rose petals to raise chickens. As a result, the eggs and meat of the chickens have a faint rose fragrance. This is the so-called rose chicken.

There are also breeding cows. They are fed the best forages every day, and they drink red wine. Finally, the meat quality of the cows is upgraded to the highest quality, and the taste of the meat is also unique. This is the improvement of quality.

It can be said that people are also the same. People who eat something will change their body. For example, if you eat too much sugar, you will get diabetes, and your urine will smell sweet. Of course, the flesh of your body may also change, but Zhu Yuanyuan I don't know what will change, and no one has studied it in such a perverted manner.


After eating a delicious lunch, Zhu Yuanyuan continued to prepare the test paper. In fact, this test paper has not many questions, only three questions. One is policy theory, one is foreign strategy, and the last is poetry.

It seems that there are only three questions, which seem to be very simple, but in fact it is not simple at all. Whether it is policy theory, foreign strategy, or poetry, it is not easy to put it in the test. If those exemplified people do not use their full strength, then Failure to do so is inevitable. Only one hundred people will be selected for tens of thousands of people. The elimination rate is too high.

Although it is said that if people fail the exam this year, they can continue to take the exam next year, but after next year they have to participate in the unified rural exam to compete for 100 places in a state, which is very difficult.

"How do you write this foreign strategy? I think about it, ah, I have it."

Zhu Yuanyuan sat behind a low table with his chin on his head, thinking about it. After thinking about it for half an hour, he suddenly had an idea, which was pretty good.

Now the ten human race empires are surrounded by alien races, unable to set foot on the outside world. Now through the literary world gold list, the ten empires know that there are other human races in the outside world, but it seems impossible to wait for the human race outside to rescue themselves. , That can only help yourself.

What should I do?

The strength of the alien race is so strong that the ten empires cannot be head-on. It is an act of death. Originally, the alien race is to leave the ten empires as the object of research and cultivation, otherwise the alien race can destroy the ten empires at any time.

You can know from the rankings on the Wenjie Jinbang. Alien races are very powerful. There are very few human races on the martial arts rankings. There are less than 10 human races on the martial arts rankings, which is pretty good. Originally, the human race was not as strong as the other races except for literary cultivation. This ranking is understandable.

So Zhu Yuanyuan’s method of writing on the exam paper is actually the method of dripping water and stone. Isn’t aliens like humans?

Those ten empires can secretly send people to sell some of the human race's reproducible things to alien races, and the rapes among alien races are the best targets.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s method is to send people to pretend to be rapes, to mix into foreign races, to contact those real rapes, and then to sell the things of the human race to the foreign races through these real rapes. In this way, a large number of foreign races can be obtained. With the unique resources among them, after obtaining these resources, the human race will continuously cultivate more powerful people with energy.

At the same time, they can also send people to be spies among the aliens, so that the ten empires can easily control the movements of the aliens. As long as they can catch the slightest loopholes in the aliens, they can take the opportunity to send people to escape and even get Certain benefits.

Of course, these things are difficult to do, but it is not impossible. As for the previous ten empires, why didn’t they do it?

According to Zhu Yuanyuan's observations, it is estimated that it is because the Human Race disdain to do this, and no one wants to mix with the alien race to humbly. Maybe the Ten Human Race empires are used to this state.

Because the ten empires had not reached the point of life and death, the alien race did not intend to kill them all, so the human race did not do anything extreme.

This may be a natural habit, there is no life-and-death crisis, so I don’t want to do extreme things. Although there are people who die every day at the human border, these people are only a small part of them, and they do not threaten the top ten empires. , So I will not send people to be spies, but the aliens have very weird methods~www.ltnovel.com~ if they are discovered by the aliens, it will cause a big battle. This is not something that the human leaders want to see.

But things have changed now. There is now a literary world gold list. The human races of the ten empires all know that there are human races outside the alien encirclement, and they are very powerful, and can even suppress the alien race. This is hope.


In a blink of an eye, three days have passed, and today is the last day.

"Today is the last day, and it's time to write this poem. With Xia as the title, let me think about it."

Zhu Yuanyuan knew that the paper was about to be handed in for a long time, so he began to think about what poems he would write.

"Yes, this Song Dynasty "Xiaochi" is not bad! That's it." Zhu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of a poem.

"The eyes of the spring are silent and cherish the trickle, the shade of the tree shines on the water and the water loves the softness. The little lotus shows its sharp horns, and a dragonfly has long been standing on its head.

Soon Zhu Yuanyuan wrote the poem Xiaochi, because it was written about scenery and things, and there was no address name, so there was no need to change it, and it was written directly.


Zhu Yuanyuan had just written this small pond, and all of a sudden, the poem-written test paper burst into the sky with a large amount of red vigour, which is a manifestation of a king-level poem.

"Yes, Wang Zhe, the Song Dynasty poetry is very good, the quality is not good!"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the red literary spirit that had rushed to the sky, his face also looked happy.

It's not that Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to write more high-level poems, but he didn't know which poems were of high level. In this literary world, the level of poems can only be known after they are written. It is impossible to know if they are not written.

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