After Zhu Yuanyuan wrote the king-level poems, the entire academic palace examination room was in chaos, and all the candidates were shocked. They knew what it meant and meant that poems alone could crush them.

The examiners were also surprised, surprised that Zhu Yuanyuan was able to write king-level poems, and that such high-level poems appeared among the candidates, but it was unique.

"Ming Shui Jing, a king-level Wenbao, spell: water drop and stone wear, water mirror."

After the full astronomical energy disappeared, Zhu Yuanyi felt from the poems what this king-level Wenbao looked like. This time he did not choose to change, it was made by the poems, after all, this was written during the exam. It was to be handed over to the imperial court. Since it was not his own, Zhu Yuanyuan would of course not choose what Wenbao changed into.

The king-level wenbao that this song "Koike" changes from is the top king-level wenbao. It can be compared to the epic-level wenbao at a certain level. It is very powerful and possesses two spells.

One is the water drop and stone piercing. As the name suggests, it is a water attribute spell that can condense water droplets to attack the enemy. It is powerful and penetrating.

Another spell is the water mirror, which can defend against the enemy's spell attacks, and even reflect the enemy's spell attacks. This spell is also very powerful.

It can be said that this Ming Shui Jing can really compare to those Wenbaos who just stepped into the epic level, but the increase is less.

The director of the academy test was upstairs, and it was all boiling now.

"This examinee is not bad. I already belonged to Wenzong at a young age, and now he has written a king-level poem. Do any of you know this examinee? Your Royal Highness, what do you think?"

The vice-gong of Xuegong advocated that after seeing Zhu Yuanyuan write a king-level poem, Wencai also showed interest in his eyes. He couldn't help but asked the person sitting there, and by the way asked Ji Tianxue, the prince of Jiguo, who was sitting aside.

Zhang Wencai is the deputy palace master of the Xuegong, and the realm of Wenxiu has reached the sub-sage. It can be said that in addition to the strongest existence of Wen Sheng, Wen Sheng, who is now hidden in the dark in the imperial capital, can suppress Zhang Wencai, and his face Shang Zhang Wencai is now the strongest in the entire imperial capital.

The prince Ji Tianxue is the eldest prince of the Emperor Ji, and he is also the first in line. Ji also succeeds to the throne according to size, that is, the eldest son of the direct line, which means that the largest of the children is also the son of the queen. Even if the prince dies, as long as the queen has other sons, it is not his turn to succeed.

For example, if the eldest prince is the son of the queen, the second prince is the son of a concubine, and the eldest prince died. It is logically the second prince’s turn to succeed, but this is not the case, because the second prince is a concubine and the queen has other sons, Even if the other sons are younger than the second prince, the queen's son must succeed him.

Ji Tianxue is the prince of Ji Kingdom, and the realm of Wenxiu is now Dawenzong, and he can be considered a genius. Of course, it is not worth mentioning for people with plug-ins like Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Lao Zhang, this candidate does not know the prince, but he is undoubtedly a genius in writing poems and poems of the king's rank. Such a genius will be reused in the future. I hope Zhang Lao will pay attention to this when you review the exam papers. Candidates."

After Ji Tianxue heard what Zhang Wencai said, he thought for a while and said that he felt that this examinee was a genius and a person worth training, so he said something.

"His Royal Highness, the old man you mentioned will naturally pay attention. Don't worry, the old man of the examinee will pay more attention." After Zhang Wencai heard what Ji Tianxue said, he also felt that this examinee was very genius, so he planned to do well. Taking care of this examinee, now that the prince has said first, it would be better.

"Do any of you know this examinee?" After speaking with His Royal Highness, Zhang Wencai asked again.

"Lao Zhang, I know this candidate." It was Li Mosheng who was speaking. He was from Mingzhou and had always been in contact with Mingzhou, so he knew Zhu Yuanyuan and he was a great writer.

"Oh? Mo Sheng, do you know this candidate? Then you can tell us about this candidate." Zhang Wencai was taken aback after hearing Li Mosheng's words, and then said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, Zhang Lao, the candidate's name is Zhu Yuanyuan. He came from Mingzhou. He was the case leader in the Mingzhou county examination, and he was also the case leader of the rural examination. During the government examination, he was Xie Yuan, and this Wei Zhu Yuanyi not only created the current king-level poem, but also four other king-level poems, and even a legendary poem. I only learned about it these days, and I planned to report it to Zhang. I’m old, but I’m too busy with imperial examinations these days, I forgot for a while."

Li Mosheng introduced the information of Zhu Origin in detail, and he also explained why he did not report it in the first time.

"What? This candidate named Zhu Yuanyuan actually created a legendary poem? By the way, last month there was news that legendary poems appeared in the examination room in Mingzhou, but I didn't expect it to be Zhu Yuanyuan. "

Zhang Wencai was shocked when he heard Li Mosheng's words. Even if he hadn't made a few legendary poems himself, it was incredible that this examinee had written one.

"There is such a thing? This prince only knows that there were mythical poems or articles last month, but are there legendary poems appearing?" Ji Tianxue was also taken aback. It is really unreasonable why his men did not report up. .

"Yes, His Royal Highness, Zhang Lao, is this Zhu Yuanyuan. He can be said to be a genius at the enchanting level. I think it won't be long before a new literary sage will appear in our country."

Li Mosheng said with certainty The other academy doctors present were also surprised and talked a lot about legendary poems. Even Wen Sheng couldn’t say that he could create them casually. That would cost a lot of money. Time to conceive, it's not that a poem can be rated as legendary by Heaven.

"In this case, Zhu Yuanyuan must be drawn in. This arrogant figure cannot be controlled. In this way, the prince personally invites Zhu Yuanyuan to visit the Prince's Mansion after the exam."

Although Ji Tianxue didn't think he could win Zhu Yuanyuan, he was not reconciled. He still wanted to try it. What if it succeeded?

"Then follow the instructions of His Royal Highness, but His Royal Highness still needs to act cautiously. Such a genius can't be offended. If he leaves Ji State, it will be a great loss."

Zhang Wencai agreed to Ji Tian's doctrine. After all, he was an official of Ji Guo, so it was incumbent to support the prince.

"Thank you Zhang Lao, then." Ji Tianxue thanked him, but he knew about the candidates. If Zhang Lao didn't let go, no one would want to profit from it.

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