Random Shopping System

Chapter 1082: The palace test is over!

   "His Royal Highness, please!"

   Zhu Origin saw Zhu Chuyi set the table on the other side of the palace, he invited Ji Tianxue to sit down.

   "Yeah." Ji Tianxue agreed, and then sat directly on the position on the other side of the palace. He was very satisfied with this position.

   Now Zhu Yuanyuan and the others have become a three-legged position. Ji Tianxue is on the side of the palace, Zhu Yuanyuan is on the other side, and Yun Wenmo is on the other side, forming a triangle.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   This time is also exquisite in the literary world, first of all status, and then according to which position you sit in.

For example, now that Ji Tianxue is a prince, and he is dining at the gate of the palace, he must be backed by the palace, so that he can be right on his position. This is also a kind of respect. Others cannot sit and dine with their backs on the palace. Of course, this is talking about dining outside around the palace. You don't have to abide by this rule in restaurants and restaurants.

"Okay, the taste is really delicious, this soup dumpling and steamed dumplings are absolutely amazing, this bird's nest snow clam soup is also very delicious. Zhu Gongzi, I don't know who cooks these delicious breakfasts?" Ji Tianxue has eaten soup dumplings and After the steamed dumplings and the bird's nest snow clam soup, he gave a direct compliment, and then looked at Zhu Chuyi as he said, wondering if Zhu Chuyi made it earlier.

   "His Royal Highness is absurd. I made these earlier." Zhu Yuanyuan said while looking at Ji Tianxue indifferently.

   "Oh? I didn't expect that Mr. Zhu was still proficient in cooking. The craftsmanship is still so good. I also want to let the chef in the prince's mansion study it. If that is the case, then let it go."

Ji Tianxue didn’t want to be an early cook, but wanted to send a chef to Zhu Yuanyuan’s mansion to learn. Now, after hearing Zhu Yuanyuan’s words, his thoughts were suddenly gone. He could not send someone to follow a Huiyuan. , It is even possible that Zhu Yuanyuan, who is the champion, go to learn cooking. If you really dare to do this, it is estimated that the first one to clean up is the father, and he can only dispel the idea.

   "If your Royal Highness likes to eat these things, I can write a recipe, as well as some other dishes. When the time comes, your Royal Highness can learn from the chefs in the house."

After Zhu Yuanxue heard what Ji Tianxue said, he asked for as many as he wanted for this recipe. There are countless recipes from all major departments and minor departments in China, and they can’t count them, giving them a dozen or twenty. It's not a big problem.

   "Okay, that's what Zhu Gongzi said. Then, after the palace test is over, the prince will send someone to your mansion to pick it up."

   Ji Tianxue was also happy when he heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words. This was so delicious earlier, and the other dishes must be very good. They are not available in Ji, and he can also make it for his father and mother to taste one or two.

   "Yes." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed.

   After eating early, the time was almost up, and then I queued into the palace.

   Of course, after entering the palace, they have to wait in the side hall. They will not enter the palace hall until the emperor is ready. Moreover, this is still the early dynasty. Zhu Yuanyuan's palace test will not begin until after the early dynasty.

   Waited in the side hall for half an hour. The early dynasty had started, and all the ministers went to the palace hall to wait.

   Time flies, and another hour later, an **** came to summon.

   "Masters, the emperor has a call, follow me to the hall." After an **** came in, he said to a hundred Gongsheng.

   Zhu Yuanyi followed a group of tributes to the palace hall soon.

   "The students have met the emperor."

   There are not so many etiquettes in the literary world, so these tributes simply folded their hands together and bowed, said something in their mouths, and then they disappeared.

There are cultivators in the literary world. Although there are few cultivators who have lived for ten thousand years, they are not uncommon. In fact, cultivators who reach the Emperor Wu and the sub-sage in literary cultivation have a life span of more than ten thousand years, and they can live for one hundred thousand years, but there are With so many lifespans, it’s still a question of whether you can live or not. The ten empires are human races surrounded by alien races. Many strong men were sacrificed in the process of fighting alien races. So although the life span is more than that, the world is too dangerous. Both Wu Sheng and Wen Sheng might die in the next instant, not to mention low-level cultivators.

   "Everyone, don't give gifts, and stay flat!" The Emperor Ji Qiwen sat on the throne and looked at the one hundred Gongsheng below and nodded with satisfaction, and then asked them to straighten up.

   "Thank you, the emperor!" After all the Gongsheng thanked them in unison, they straightened up and looked at the emperor.

"This emperor's appearance is pretty good. Although his face is middle-aged, he doesn't look like a slippery or faint emperor at all. It's not bad." After Zhu Yuanyuan saw the emperor's appearance, he couldn't help but think about it. Although he doesn't know how to tell fortune-telling, after learning the Five Elements Feng Shui mystery, he still has some ability to look at people.

"You are all the pillars of the country. Today's palace examination hopes that all of you can show your talents and learning. I hope that among you, there will be more talents like Zhu Yuanzhu Zhu. By the way, I don't know which one is Zhu. Son?"

After seeing everyone straight up, Ji Qiwen spoke seriously, and finally mentioned Zhu Yuanyuan, and asked which one Zhu Yuanyuan is. Although he has seen a portrait, he has not seen a real person yet, so there is this. One question.

   "Student Zhu Yuanyuan has met the emperor."

Hearing the words, Zhu Yuanyuan directly stood up and bowed his hand towards Ji Qiwen, and did not bow to salute too much. He is now also a literary cultivator, and his cultivation is already Wenzong. On the bright side, he has created a legendary war poem, although It is said that relying on the legendary Wenbao is impossible to fight against the sub-sage, but at least it can compete with the great writers. Of course, the premise is that the great writer does not have the legendary Wenbao. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Haha, Master Zhu doesn't need to be polite. This is the first time I have seen Master Zhu, and Master Zhu is a young leader. It is the blessing of my human race to have a talent like Master Zhu in the younger generation, and it is also the blessing of my country. All of you tribute students have to learn one or two like Master Zhu."

After Ji Qiwen saw Zhu Yuanyuan stand up, he was very happy, and while complimenting him, he asked the students to try to catch up with Zhu Yuanyuan. Although he hated Zhu Yuanyuan, he said this in the literary world. It is really not hostile, because the threat of alien races around has not been lifted, so everyone will not hate geniuses who are stronger than themselves, only fortunate that there are such geniuses to make people become stronger and more prosperous, only geniuses are born in human races. There will be hope to defeat the foreign race!

   "The emperor has been honored." The expression on Zhu Yuanyuan's face has not changed. Now that he has mythical Wenbao in his body, he will not be afraid of anyone, even if he can't beat him, he can still run.

   "Yes, the emperor, the students know about it." All the Gongsheng agreed. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

The ministers on one side all looked at Zhu Yuanyuan. They didn't have too much jealousy in their eyes. Some were just envy. They admired Zhu Yuanyuan for so many achievements at a young age. Even the legendary poetry is Wen Sheng. How can you not be envious if you haven't created too much?

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