Happy New Year 2021, friends! happy New Year! The fantasy is still there, are you still there? I'm sorry, everyone, forgive me for not updating it for so long. This book will not be an eunuch, but the update is not stable. I imagine that I am thinking of a new book, but this book will not give up and will continue to be updated! Thank you for your continued support!

   After the hall test was completed, and when he left the palace, Zhu Yuanyuan was taken to drink by Yunwen Mora. At the same time, there were some candidates who wanted to get to know Zhu Yuanyuan. Of course, these candidates were all Wenxiu candidates.

   Although it is said that people with no literary talents can also participate in the imperial examination, such people rarely get into the palace exam. The first is that the problem of loyalty cannot be solved.

Because he is not a literary scholar, it is impossible to determine if this person is a traitor. If the court is mixed with a spy sent by a foreign race, it will be bad. If there are too many such people, the empire will be overthrown. This is It is absolutely not allowed to happen, so in general, candidates who can participate in the palace exam are Wenxiu, after all, Wenxiu cannot betray the human race, otherwise the cultivation level will be abolished.

   "Brother Zhu, these are all classmates who participated in the palace exam. They all hope to get along with Brother Zhu for one or two, so the younger brother brought them here. I hope you can forgive me for this abruptness!"

   After arriving at a restaurant, Yun Wenmo introduced Zhu Yuanyuan to the people present, and finally looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with apologetic expression and said forgive me.

   Zhu Yuan and a group of candidates who have been identified as Jinshi had a meal, and after knowing each other, they separated.


   A few days later, as expected, Zhu Yuanyuan succeeded in gaining the top spot. What is worth mentioning is that Yun Wenmo also passed the exam this time.

Emperor Ji originally wanted to make Zhu Yuanyuan a high official position, but Zhu Yuanyuan refused. Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to be an official. All he needed was fame, so he refused to be an official and gave it to Emperor Ji. The reason for this is that he himself is the master behind the Haoran Sect, and he wants to go to the alien battlefield to repel the alien, rather than being an official.

  The Emperor of Ji Kingdom was not too difficult for him, and in the end he only distributed the results of this imperial examination in all the cities of Ji Kingdom.

In an instant, Zhu Yuanyuan’s name spread throughout Ji, and more than that, the name of Zhu Yuanyuan’s imperial examination champion, along with the creation of legendary poems, spread to the entire ten empires of the human race, and even the foreign race was already there. Circulated stories about the origin of Zhu.

   After the imperial examination, Zhu Yuanyuan also bid farewell to Yun Wenmo and the others. At the same time, Zhu Baqiu stayed in the imperial capital of Ji State, and Zhu Baqiu was in charge of the construction of the Haoranzong headquarters in Jizhou City.

   However, Zhu Yuanyuan himself was on the road without his subordinates. He was going to the border of Ji State, which was also the battlefield of Ji State and Yaozu.

   "1st level reputation value: 100 million."

   "Level 2 reputation value: 591.2 billion."

   "Level 3 reputation value: 124.4 billion."

   "Level 4 reputation value: 54.8 billion."

   "5th level reputation value: 700 million."

   "Level 6 prestige value: 97.66 million."

   "Level 7 reputation value: 11.33 million."

   "Level 8 reputation value: 3.85 million."

   "Level 9 reputation value: 110,000."

This time Zhu Yuanyuan drove a small carriage alone on the road. There was a bed in the carriage. There was a big shed outside where the carriage was driven to keep out the wind and rain, and the carriage was modified. It's not bumpy at all, and it's very comfortable to sit.

Zhu Yuanyuan drove the carriage leisurely while adjusting the panel of the system. He saw the increase in his reputation value. As expected, his reputation value increased fiercely. In the past two months, his reputation has increased. The value has increased rapidly, and it is even about to be able to improve the realm.

Zhu Yuanyuan is now in Wenzong. To be promoted to the Great Wenzong, one hundred million level 6 reputation points are needed. Now there are more than 90 million level 6 reputation points. He estimates that the level of promotion will be within these two days. .

   "The prestige value has skyrocketed, I don't know how long it will last." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the numbers on the system panel that were still beating up, happy but also a little worried.

   Zhu Yuanyuan was worried that although the news spread in this literary world very quickly, some news was not spread among ordinary people, which caused him to reduce the source of many reputation points.

  The speed of message transmission in the cultural world is very fast. Small teleport arrays can be used to transmit messages to each other, but this message will not be circulated among the people. This is where Zhu Yuanyuan worries.

In fact, there are reasons why Zhu Yuanyuan went to the alien battlefield alone this time. First of all, the goal of the ten empires is indeed to break through the encirclement of alien races. As long as a strong person can go out, this strong person can connect with the outside human race. Then ask for help from the human race outside. This opportunity should not be missed. Although I don't know if the human race outside will send troops to rescue the ten empires, it is always a hope.

   If you want to try hard to obtain it without knowing it in front of your eyes, then the ten empires can only be trapped in this shallow land forever by foreign races. This is why the ten empires let them go.

   "Hey, there is a lake in front of you, take a rest, and go on after a meal."

   Zhu Yuanyuan, after reading his own prestige value, felt that these prestige values ​​should not be moved for the time being, and they should all be left to improve his literary level.

There is a reason why Zhu Yuanyuan does not change his prestige value. I don’t know what's going on. He can buy things from various worlds when he is on the water blue star, but as long as he travels to other worlds, Zhu Yuanyuan can only Randomly buy some things related to the current world, which is completely useless. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Zhu Yuanyuan will not spend a lifetime in the world that he traverses. These things are a waste when they get above the water blue star. Comprehension and magic things can still be used, such as the things in the kitchen world and the literary world. One waste, because the power of these two worlds is given by the Dao of Heaven, and this power depends on the Dao of Heaven. Of course, it is useless to bring it out.

   "The quality of this water is really good, with sweetness and a hint of coolness. It may have something to do with the snow on the top of the mountain."

After Zhu Yuanyuan stopped the carriage by the lake, he first took some water to drink from the lake. UU reading www.uukanshu.com felt that the water in the lake was exceptionally delicious, and then he saw the mountain peak not far away. There is also snow. The water in this lake may also be related to the snow, so it tastes different from ordinary spring water.

After discovering that the water quality of the lake was good, Zhu Yuanyuan immediately took action. First, he caught a big fish from the lake, which was a black fish of more than fifty catties. There are still ordinary freshwater fish like this in the literary world. , It’s just that they are huge, maybe because of the aura in the literary world.

After catching the fish, Zhu Yuanyuan started to cook boiled fish. First, he used a soup pot to take half a pot of lake water, then removed all the black fish flesh, then put the fish bones in the soup pot and simmered it until the soup pot After the soup is boiled, add some seasonings, salt, MSG, garlic, ginger, Chinese pepper, and chili oil.

After the soup turns white, you can add the fish fillets, but it is best to use a colander to remove the fish bones from the pot so that it is easier to eat. You can also leave the fish bones to continue cooking. The umami taste is stronger.

Zhu Yuan’s cooking method is a popular way. Of course, everyone has different methods, and the tastes vary greatly. If a hundred people cook the same dish, the taste will be different, and it will become one hundred. A taste, this is normal. There is a fire, a knife, and the amount of seasoning, even including the humidity of the air, the location of the kitchen, and the place where the ingredients are grown. Various factors will affect the taste of a dish. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   Ten Thousand Worlds Random Shopping System

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