Random Shopping System

Chapter 121: Major event

   Three days have passed without knowing it. During these three days, the glory of the king and the twelve classic songs of Zhu Yuanyuan continued to ferment.

Now his prestige value has exceeded 100 million, and he has not used any prestige value these days. After all, it takes 100 million to upgrade the **** control and starlight refining art. The prestige value he earned looks like a lot, but in fact it is a little bit. Not much.

   "Prestige value: 105.85 million."

   Today is the day when Suiji Group acquired Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company. President Li Qingyan brought a lawyer and negotiation team to the headquarters of Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company in Beijing on behalf of the group.

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan said he wanted to drop by his girlfriend Chen Ziyuan, but after thinking about it, he still didn't go. He is not a man who wants to be by his girlfriend all the time.

  As a big man, his thoughts are very conservative, but at the same time he is very open-minded. He will not love his children, and he will not restrict the freedom of his own women.

   The most important thing is that Liu Mang’s assassin hasn’t appeared yet, and Zhu Yuanyuan is a little bit suspicious whether Dark Wolf has received false news.

   It's been three days, and there is no movement at all. Isn't this funny?

   This situation made Zhu Yuanyuan even more reluctant to go to the capital. He waited until these killer matters were resolved.

   It was not that Zhu Yuanyuan was afraid of these people, but just in case, if those killers injured Chen Ziyuan, then he would not regret his death.

After all, he is a man, he is mobile, he is not an animal, and he is not tied to his girlfriend with a rope. If he has something to leave, wouldn’t it be bad? Well, there is a little wolf, but there is only one little wolf. Should I protect my girlfriend or bring it myself?

   This is all a problem, so Zhu Yuanyuan still stayed in Deep Sea City and waited for the killers to come. After solving the trouble, it would be better to wait until Grandpa Chen's birthday to go to the capital.


   Beijing, around ten in the morning, in the lobby of a hotel.

   "Signing Ceremony of Suiji Group's M&A of Zhenlong Mobile Company"

   This is what Li Qingyan and the others have discussed. They invited major media to hold a signing ceremony during the acquisition, which made the Suiji Group's reputation in the entire business circle.

"Dear leaders, guests, friends from the press, good morning everyone, I am An Xiaohui, the head of the public relations department of Suiji Group. Today is the day when our group formally acquires Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company. Let me invite Suiji Group. President Li Qingyan made a speech."

An Xiaohui, this big beauty, can be said to have been promoted. Originally, she followed Li Qingyan in the public relations department of Seasonal Games. She immediately jumped to the head of the public relations department of the group headquarters. This seems to be the same position, but The treatment and status are completely different, it is a promotion.

   Li Qingyan walked up from the stage, then stood behind the prepared table and picked up the microphone.

   "Leaders, guests, friends from the press, good morning. I am Li Qingyan, President of Suiji Group. Today is the day when Suiji Group acquired the True Dragon mobile phone. I think everyone is also coming to this news."

   "Our Suiji Group is committed to building a world-leading group company. The slogan is "Suiji", which must be a boutique."

   "Our Suiji Group temporarily owns Suiji Game Company, Suiji Entertainment Company, Suiji Machinery Company, Suiji Security Company, and Suiji Mobile Phone Company."

   "Our Season Group has the world's top benefits and salaries, and all kinds of talents are welcome to apply for the group. As long as they are skilled and talented, our group will not refuse anyone."


   Li Qingyan first introduced the purpose of the Suiji Group, as well as various benefits, and what projects are currently underway.

   The reason for introducing these is not for a free advertisement?

You know that this kind of opportunity is rare. The leadership team in Beijing City has come halfway, and the big bosses in the Beijing business circle have almost all come. It is impossible for them to acquire such a big thing as the True Dragon Mobile Phone Company with a market value of hundreds of billions. Not coming.

In front of this group of bigwigs, brush up on the sense of existence and advertise. This is a plan made by the people in the group's publicity department. This is a super good opportunity to make headlines 100%. This situation is not used. Isn’t that a waste of a wave of presence and advertising?

   "President Li, will your group still take over from Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company to independently develop chips?"

   "President Li, why did your group suddenly enter the mobile phone industry?"

   "President Li..."

   After answering the reporter's words, it was the signing ceremony. On behalf of Suiji Group and the largest shareholder of Zhenlong Company, she signed the contract together. After transferring the shares, Suiji Group successfully acquired Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company.

   "Pop, papa!"

   After signing the contract, all the people sitting below applauded. This represents the end of a large mobile phone company and the rise of a group. This time they are worth it.


   After being rushed by the reporters on the scene, ~www.ltnovel.com~, it was sent to the respective media companies, newspapers, and television stations.

   A batch of news headlines first appeared on the Internet at 12 noon that day.

   "True Dragon Mobile was acquired! 》

   "What is the origin of Suiji Group? 》

   "The mobile phone industry is calling the wolf!"

   "Beauty President of Suiji Group!"

   "We are the world's top group!"

   and many other headlines, the boss of Zhu Yuanyuan, of course, noticed these news the first time.

   In fact, he hates these so-called media and reporters. They listen to the wind and rain. For a little topic, regardless of whether the matter is true or false, let them talk first.

   Even most of them are headline parties. Clicking in and looking at it, it's not the case at all. The fake ones can't be faked.

   At this point, the Aqua Star is similar to that on the earth, and none of the news on the Internet is credible. It is all about topics, so I dare to talk nonsense.

   Of course, the Suiji Group's acquisition of Zhenlong Mobile Phone Company is a big event, and everyone in the business circle is confused.

  The big guys in the business circle don't know where the group came out this year, why they haven't seen it, and it's strange that they have never heard of such a large capital flow.

   You must know that many of these business leaders are the children of major families in the Huaxia Empire. Even they don’t understand where the Suiji Group jumped out, let alone others.

  Suiji Group has just been established, and it took about a month. No one knew it was normal.

   Even if it has produced 12 classic songs and a popular mobile game, the bigwigs in the business circle really look down on it. There is such a small profit, which is not a small profit.

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