Random Shopping System

Chapter 122: S-rank

   After seeing the news, Zhu Yuan felt very happy, and at the same time received a call from Li Qingyan, explaining the process of the acquisition in detail.

   The cost is still very high. The acquisition of True Dragon is not as simple as he imagined. It took 150 billion to acquire the entire True Dragon.

   Actually, Zhu Yuanyuan did not necessarily have to acquire Zhenlong. He mainly took a fancy to Zhenlong's mobile phone factory and also took a fancy to the channels of Zhenlong mobile phones.

   Although Zhu Yuan has money, it is impossible to change channels in an instant. Even if he develops mobile phones and other products, he can’t just let it go, right? Always sell it, right? This shows the importance of channels.

   Therefore, it is said that Zhu Yuanyuan bought the True Dragon Company. It is better to say that it bought the mobile phone factory, the chip research institute, and the True Dragon Company channels.


   "Huh, the acquisition is finally completed, and the next step is to develop this chip. After Li Qingyan and the others come back, let them study this thing."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the chip design drawings in the inventory. This chip did not even have a name. It is said that this chip has been eliminated in that world for millions of years, and this one is still an antique that has been copied.

That’s right, it’s imitation antiques and technological things that can become antiques. In a civilization with a history of millions of years, many things have disappeared in the technological process, including animals, plants, and many other things. Because of the more advanced technological inventions, those things were naturally eliminated.

   This thing is useless in that other world at all, so it doesn't even have a name. It just states that this is a chip that was used how many years ago. It is just a legacy of history.

It is really sad. As the times advance, those people and things that have appeared will be left behind, and future generations may forget the sweat and blood that have been paid for the advancement of the times. This is also needed for the progress of the times. The price paid.

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the system panel and thought about it, but first upgraded this ability to S rank, costing more than one million reputation points.

   "Remaining reputation value: 145.5 million."

   "Psychic abilities (S grade): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock.”

  "Combat power: 10340 points. (Elementary genetic optimization +10 points +10 points (Book of Knowledge), S-level mental power +10000 points. Starlight Refining Art +320 points

   Not only that, the combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved all of a sudden, now Zhu Yuanyuan's mental power can be said to have greatly increased, within a radius of one thousand meters, he can use mental power to sense.

Not only that, the newly added mental skills are also very useful. The mental control, even if the control magic is full, you can use the ability to control people, but this mental control is a waste of mental power, at most Controlling 10 people, this is also because Zhu Yuanyuan was promoted to S rank.

   If he is still an A-level mental ability, he can only control one person at most.

The mental shock can be said to be an upgraded version of the mental shock. The mental shock can only attack the soul of one person. The spiritual shock can attack the souls of many people at the same time. Anyone within a radius of 100 meters can attack indiscriminately. A group of people attacked another technique.

   The two newly added abilities are good, but Zhu Yuanyuan feels that mental control is a bit tasteless.

   This mental manipulation is not the same as the **** control technique.

Mental manipulation is to completely control a creature, making it the same as a puppet. Zhu Yuanyuan asks him to do whatever he wants. If Zhu Yuanyuan does not direct him, the controlled person will not do anything, which means that the controlled person has been lost. One's own thought, this is mental control, although the ability is good and terrifying, but it is very limited.

Zhu Yuanyuan originally thought that mental powers were rubbish, it was a power used by every bird, but after he used the ability of mental power perception, he came to his mind within a thousand meters, and it was even better than using the naked eye. You can see clearly, and you can "hear" what others are saying.

   That’s right, the “listening” here does not refer to the ears, but a force field of mental power to perceive the person’s mental fluctuations, and instantly know what the person is saying.

"The higher the level of this psychic power is really good. Not only does it appear more energetic, but also the memory has greatly increased. Before, I can remember ten lines at a glance, but now it is almost the same as a camera. It is completely a glance. The record came to mind."

   Zhu Yuan feels the changes in his body. Although he is not physically strong, it still makes him feel that his whole person has changed.


   After returning to the villa, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the empty house, missing Chen Ziyuan when he was there.

   Although I used to secretly engage in underground love, Zhu Yuanyuan has done what should be done and what should not be done.

The two of them are like affair. They are obviously boyfriend and girlfriend, they rent a house, and they ran outside to open a house, and because they couldn’t get tired of being together, they just opened the house and stayed all day and night~www.ltnovel.com~ In the hotel, tut!

   And now suddenly I am alone, without a woman to accompany me, and I am still a little uncomfortable.

   But he knew that he had to get used to it. With the secret of the system, he had to get used to being alone. This secret was destined to be an eternal secret.

   "Hey, unknowingly, tomorrow is Tanabata."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan turned on the computer, he flipped through the website and found a piece of information on the Internet explaining how to spend the Chinese Valentine's Day. It was just spreading dog food.

  Well, he also wants to spread dog food. Qixi must send something to his girlfriend. Now that his girlfriend is not with her, she will also send it. Otherwise, Chen Ziyuan must say that he doesn't love her again.

   looked at the "Heart of Stars" necklace that had not yet been sent out in the inventory, Zhu Yuanyuan hesitated, let him give this necklace himself.

   For Tanabata, give some other things.

   Then he called Wu Dajun and the others. They were arranged by Zhu Yuanyuan to protect Li Qingyan and went to the capital. They were not in Deep Sea City, so they could help him send some gifts to Chen Ziyuan.

   did not give anything very special, 999 roses plus a large box of chocolates, and then there is a set of the latest international top jewelry, plus a new LV bag.

   That’s enough. After all, when he was in college, Zhu Yuanyuan would give out 9 bunches of roses every Chinese Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day and a small box of chocolates worth dozens of dollars.

To tell the truth, Zhu Yuanyuan is a bit spit on Valentine’s Day, which has to be celebrated twice a year, and there is also a girlfriend’s birthday. There are also 5. 21, and various festivals. When on earth, he hates what festivals the most. Yes, people who don’t have a birthday, still care about these messy holidays?

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