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Chapter 246: Human is 5 lines!

"Wow, really? Origin, you are really a cultivator? Why didn't I know before?"

After Chen Ziyuan heard Zhu Yuanyuan's words, the boss stared suddenly, with a cute expression on his face.

"It's true. The reason why I didn't tell you is because the time has not come, now is the time."

Zhu Yuanyuan fooled around for a reason, and sometimes lies are also kind.

"Xiao Yuan, do you want to cultivate immortals? Then we can be a true couple of immortals, immortal and always together."

"Think, Origin, I want to cultivate immortality, I want to be with you forever." Chen Ziyuan's eyes revealed a look of yearning, and hurriedly took Zhu Origin's hand and said.

"Okay, Xiaoyuan, then I will teach you a kind of exercise right away. The name of this exercise is "Qiankun Jue". It is a kind of exercise created by the real person Qiankun. There are nine realms in total, each of which is a realm. It is divided into twelve layers."

As Zhu Yuanyuan said, he directly used his spiritual power to pass the Qi-Kun Jue Qi refining period to Chen Ziyuan. This method of teaching is a method of teaching disciples in the realm of otherworldly cultivation. Each state is taught separately, not to prevent gong. The law was leaked, but I was afraid that the disciples were so lofty.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan is not afraid that Chen Ziyuan is so lofty. Chen Ziyuan’s academic performance was very good when he was in school. He was a schoolmaster, otherwise he would not become the goddess of the school. In the university, no one can be beautiful. A school girl must be beautiful and talented to be recognized by all students as a school girl.

There are more beauties in the university, and many of them are more beautiful than school flowers, so why are they not school flowers or department flowers? It's because they are not academic masters, they are beautiful and not talented, they are just vases.

After Zhu Yuanyuan transferred the energy-refining period of the "Qiankun Jue" to the depths of Chen Ziyuan's memory, Chen Ziyuan suddenly sat up cross-legged on the sofa, palms of both hands, palms of feet, and the sky. I fell into a state of practice.

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan’s posture interestingly. Although he said that he had seen this posture in the entire "Qiankun Jue", he didn’t need to practice qigong himself, even if it’s useless, he couldn’t increase it by his own practice. Reiki, so it can't increase the realm, so why bother?

However, after a short while, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that all the auras locked in the entire Flying Fish Island surged toward Chen Ziyuan, scrambling to get into her body.

"This... what's going on? Is this spiritual energy crazy? The cultivation isn't like that, right?"

Zhu Yuanyuan saw the swarm of spiritual energy, he was stunned. He had never practiced himself, and he didn't know what it was like when practicing the exercises. However, there are spiritual source stones on Flying Fish Island. The spiritual source stones are theoretically The entire planet can be changed in a short time, and the entire planet can be filled with rich aura. Even if compared with the cultivation realm of another world, the concentration of aura is ten or even a hundred times higher, which is simply the contrast between the heaven and the blessed land and the ordinary mountain.

Zhu Yuanyuan thought about the content of "Qiankun Jue" in his mind. Although he can't practice, the content of this technique can still be seen.

"It's weird. Although this Qiankun Art is said to cultivate yin and yang two qi, it does not have much supernatural powers at all before the Yuan Ying stage. The Yin and Yang two qis are also initially contacted after the Yuan Ying stage. Only in the foundation building period after the aura period will auras be transformed into spiritual power."

The Qi refining period is just the beginning of the real cultivation period. The foundation building period will transform the aura in the body into spiritual power, truly becoming a transcendent person.

Suddenly Zhu Yuanyuan felt Chen Ziyuan's aura suddenly rise, which surprised him.

"MMP, how can Xiao Yuan practice so fast? This is one level of Qi refining? And it's not over yet."

After Zhu Yuanyuan used his mental power to sense Chen Ziyuan’s strength, he was shocked. He didn’t expect Xiaoyuan to successfully enter the introductory stage of "Universal Art" in such a short period of time, even though it was said that the first level of Qi refining was just cultivation. It's only an introduction, but he was still surprised by the success of his cultivation in such a short time.

At the same time, Chen Ziyuan is now in a state of epiphany. In fact, if Chen Ziyuan's aptitude is placed in the realm of comprehension, he must be a genius.

Does Chen Ziyuan have spiritual roots?

Zhu Yuanming is very clear about this point. It is different from what the novel says. In fact, everyone has spiritual roots and can cultivate.

In fact, the human body belongs to the five elements. The five internal organs of the human body, the lungs belong to metal, the heart belongs to fire, the liver belongs to wood, the kidneys belong to water, and the spleen belongs to the soil. Therefore, most people have the attributes of the five elements.

It can be said that it is not only on the water blue star, as long as it is a human, the body will have the attributes of the five elements, so how can it not be able to cultivate immortals?

The so-called Linggen talk is completely nonsense, and Linggen's talk is probably a bit of a chew by the author of the novel.

Spiritual roots were originally mentioned in Journey to the West. Only the treasures that naturally arise between heaven and earth can be called spiritual roots.

Therefore, as long as they are humans, they all have the attributes of the five elements. A very small number of geniuses among humans also have other special attributes, such as wind, ice, thunder, light, darkness, yin, yang, time, space, prophecy, etc. And other unique attributes.

However, these unique attributes need to be practiced with proprietary exercises, so although these very special attributes are very powerful, the exercises that specialize in these attributes are hard to come by. Without these exercises, even the body is born. With such a special and rare attribute, it is no use, and it will lead to life, old age, sickness and death, just like ordinary people.

In other words, UU reading www.uukanshu.com cultivation, as long as it is a human being can practice, and such things as aura, even if the water blue star does not exist.

But in the realm of cultivation in the alien world, every planet has auras, and even in the universe there are auras. These auras are inexhaustible. In the alien world, not only plants produce auras, but every planet Every moment will produce a huge aura.

This aura is like the oxygen on aquamarine star. It is recycled energy. It doesn't mean that it will disappear after using it too much. There is no such thing.

So, even if this human being is all cultivating, there will only be one thing that happens, that is, the concentration of spiritual energy is too low, which slows down cultivation, and does not produce any cultivation. There are too many people to cultivate and there is no spiritual energy. This kind of thing Does not happen.

In another world, the planet can absorb the aura from the universe to the planet, so that each planet will have more and more aura. Of course, if there are more people practicing, it will consume the aura, but One gathers aura and the other absorbs aura, which actually maintains a balance.


Zhu Yuanyuan watched Chen Ziyuan still cultivating, so he left the villa and sat in the courtyard of the villa. This was also to protect Xiaoyuan so that no one would disturb her.

After a few days, the reputation value has increased greatly.

"Prestige value: 1.10891 million."

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