Random Shopping System

Chapter 247: People are more lost than others!

   The reputation value has risen very quickly in these two days, and it has increased by 100 million in one day.

   Zhu Yuan feels very good. It is estimated that after the other products of the group are launched, the reputation value is estimated to rise a lot. Now although his popularity is already very high, the reputation of the mobile phone has spread abroad.

   But other products, such as the sewage purifier, have just made a single press conference, which has greatly improved his reputation.


   When Zhu Yuanyuan was looking at the system information, the aura on Flying Fish Island quickly gathered into the villa.

   "What?" Zhu Yuanyuan stood up in shock.

   "MMP, Xiao Yuan is no one with this talent, right? It's about to break through to the second level of Qi refining? I go, I only have the first level of Qi refining."

  Zhu Yuanyuan feels that his system is not fake, is Xiaoyuan the protagonist on Aquastar?

   "This practice is too fast. I have accumulated one billion prestige points with so many geniuses, and I will consume it when I upgrade to the second level of Qi refining. It is good to not practice, but this increase in combat power seems to be slower than normal cultivation."

   Zhu Yuanyuan thought about MMP in his heart, but having this system on his body actually reduced his cultivation speed by a lot.

"Hey, forget it, if there is no system, then what kind of cultivation is there. Now everything is brought about by the system. Without the system, then there is no cultivation method. If there is a gain, there will be a loss. This is commonplace in the world. !"

Zhu Yuanyuan's heart still calmed down. Now that he had the greatest adventure in the world and wanted more things, it would be extravagant hope and greed. Otherwise, he has already obtained something that should belong to him, and he still wants to get it. Other people's things, this idea is wrong.

   "Okay, get ready to have lunch, so that Xiao Yuan won't be hungry while waiting."

   Zhu Yuanyuan felt that after Chen Ziyuan had broken through to the second level of Qi refining, and after the surrounding spiritual energy had gradually calmed down, he knew that this training was about to end, and Chen Ziyuan was now consolidating his strength.

   Now there are lakes on Feiyu Island, of course there are freshwater fishes, and the waters around the island are fed some sea fish by him. It can't be said that it is feeding, it is the sea creatures attracted by the aura.

Zhu Yuanyuan first caught a wild boar on the island. Now this wild boar is different from before. With the nourishment of spiritual energy, these wild boars have become very powerful. Originally, wild boars were stronger than humans, and now they have the highest combat effectiveness. All of the wild boars have reached 20 combat effectiveness.

  If the security on Flying Fish Island hadn't learned the Starlight Refining Technique, Zhu Yuanyuan would really dare not let them stay here. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Ordinary people staying on Flying Fish Island are looking for death. It is estimated that the mice, rabbits, and snakes on the island now have a fighting power of about 10 points. If you want to kill ordinary people, it is not too simple.

   caught a wild boar, a rabbit, and a pheasant, and then Zhu Yuanyuan went to the beach to catch a fish and some prawns.

   Then I found some recipes on the Internet and made a table of Jiangnan dishes.

First, I chose the fat and lean pork belly of the wild boar, and chopped it into a trap. Now the wild boar has been baptized by spiritual energy, and the meat on its body has become very good and tender. It is not as firewood as the previous wild boar, but it is not lacking in wild boar. The taste and taste became very good. Although it hadn't evolved into a monster beast, it was also a real beast.

   Why not use a meat grinder? There is this machine in the villa, but Zhu Yuanyuan thinks that the meat stuffing that is chopped on the cutting board with a kitchen knife is the best. There is no surprise at this point, because the meat is chopped with a knife, although it is also chopped into a trap, but The damage to the meat is not so thorough, and the taste is relatively better.

   instead of a meat grinder? After the meat was put in, it was stirred and pulpy at once, completely destroying the quality of the meat. Whether it was making steamed buns or dumplings, it was not chopped up with a kitchen knife.

After the meat is chopped, various condiments are added, and then a braised lion head is made. This is a famous dish, which belongs to the famous cuisine in Yangzhou. This lion head has a tender skin, delicious taste and melts in the mouth. It is a delicious dish that is suitable for all ages and the public. This dish often appears in TV dramas. It is not difficult to make. The ingredients can be bought in supermarkets or vegetable markets. It can be said to be a delicacy for the common people. .

After making the lion head, Zhu Yuanyuan then made another dry pot jade rabbit. First, all the rabbit meat was deboned, then cut into chestnut size, and then boiled with boiling water and cooking wine for 2-3 minutes. This is to go taste.

After the taste is removed, put the rabbit meat aside for later use. Pour the red oil into the pot and burn it until it is about to smoke. Add ginger, chili sauce, and bean paste, saute the ingredients, add a little cooking wine, and then you can Put the rabbit meat, quickly stir-fry for a few minutes, then add salt and chicken essence, and then press it in a pressure cooker for about ten minutes. First release https://https://

Prepare a ceramic pot or a metal pot for hot pot. The onion is on the bottom, put rabbit meat, small red pepper, garlic, green onion, coriander, etc., and then you can eat and cook at the same time, but when it is cooked , You have to be careful not to paste the pan, it is best to use a non-stick pan, if not, you can only manually use a spoon to flip the dishes in the pan from time to time.

After the Griddle Yutu is ready, Zhu Yuanyuan made a pheasant stewed mushroom. The pheasant is from Feiyu Island, the meat is very white and tender, and the mushrooms are also from Feiyu Island~www.ltnovel.com~ It looks very watery and the whole dish. When the vegetables are stewed, a scent of aroma emerges. The meaty scent of pheasant is mixed with the fragrance of mushrooms, which makes people salivate and unavailable, um, because it has not been stewed.

  The sea fish caught by Zhu Origin is flounder. He made a steamed one, which is relatively simple to make. There are only a few kinds of auxiliary materials, green onion, star anise, and coriander.

After cleaning the fish, just make a few cuts on both sides of the fish body, put salt on the cooking wine to remove the fishy, ​​put the auxiliary materials to marinate for about half an hour, then you can steam it in the pot and steam it, and you can eat it. , A very simple dish and it can also lower the cholesterol in the human blood and enhance the physical fitness. It is a good dish, delicious and rich in nutrients needed by the human body.

As for the small bucket of prawn Zhu Yuanyi made a hibiscus shrimp, this hibiscus shrimp can be said to be a favorite dish for children and girls. The shrimp must be removed from the shell and the tail must be kept, and then salted. At once, make flour, wrap in egg liquid, make some bread crumbs, put it in a frying pan and deep-fry it until golden, and it will be out of the pan. This is a delicious hibiscus shrimp.

   Of course, when making shrimp, clean the shrimp thread on the shrimp's tail. This is dirty, uneatable, and bacteria.

   "Huh! Finished, these dishes have not been cooked before, and now I have practiced my hands. I don't know if it tastes good, it smells good, it must taste good, after all, it's been more than a week after the baptism of spiritual energy."

   Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, and it has been more than a week since the spiritual source stone was buried, and the time has not been short. This ordinary creature suddenly came into contact with spiritual energy, of course, there will be a major change.


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