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Chapter 248: Soaring combat power!

In particular, the wild boar caught by Zhu Yuanyuan has 25 combat power and is the largest wild boar in the wild boar group. It weighs 2,000 kilograms and is bigger than a cow. It is simply a monster, almost like a monster. Fortunately, it was restricted to Flying Fish Island. If it were placed on the mainland, maybe after running down the mountain, an entire village would be wiped out, and it was a rampage.

   "It smells so good! Origin, what did you get that delicious? Why is it so sweet?"

As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan brought the chopsticks bowl and rice pot to the dining table, he heard Chen Ziyuan’s voice. It seemed that his cultivation base had been consolidated. That’s right. Now the aura on Feiyu Island is extremely rich. The realm of comprehension, that is, the Heaven and Earth, the consolidation of the second layer of Qi refining, and it will be done in a few hours.

   "Xiao Yuan, come over for dinner, congratulations, congratulations, I've been refining the second qi so soon, I only have the first qi."

   After seeing Chen Ziyuan coming to the restaurant, Zhu Yuanyi beckoned and asked her to come over for dinner.

   "Well, it's delicious and fresh. Although it's not my favorite, it's delicious and I still like it. Origin, thank you."

Chen Ziyuan has been practicing for several hours. Although she has reached the second level of Qi Refining and has aura in her body, she still does not forget to eat these delicacies when she stepped into cultivation, not to mention the ingredients used to make these dishes. After more than a week of raising in middle pregnancy, there will be some spiritual energy in it, which is even more tempting.

   "But, origin, how can you only refine one level of qi? I feel that your aura is very strong, and it should be at least the foundation period!"

   After reading the delicious food, Chen Ziyuan sat on the chair next to the dining table and said, she didn't understand how such a powerful breath of Zhu Yuanyuan could be the first level of Qi refining, she absolutely did not believe it.

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, of course, my strength is not only at the first level of qi refining. The realm of this cultivation method is indeed at the first level of qi refining. But at the same time, I also practice the physical exercises, so my aura is strong. Do you want to The cultivation method of the cultivation body?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head. His breath cannot be condensed now, but only those who have practiced will find his breath strong, and ordinary people can't feel Zhu Yuanyuan's breath.

   "Origin, forget it, I just practiced the Qiankun Art just now, if I went to practice the body exercises, I couldn't take care of it. Let's talk about it later, can't this Qiankun Art also increase physical strength?"

Chen Ziyuan has now also discovered that her body is very powerful, but she does not have the feeling of being unable to control her body's strength after using the gene enhancer. It seems that after the practice is different, there is a warmth in her body. The airflow slowly circulated in the meridians following the route of Qiankun Jue, which made her feel very powerful.

So Chen Ziyuan thinks that she should do everything one by one. She does not want to become a person who learns everything and is not proficient in everything, and she also wants to catch up with Zhu Yuanyuan’s progress and learn a kind of exercise, I should catch up soon.

"Well, yes, Qiankun Jue can indeed increase physical strength, so let's talk about it later, we have more time, forget it, let's not talk about it, come, eat, eat a shrimp, and see if I do well. It's delicious, and I'm making this for the first time."

   Zhu Yuanyuan nodded and agreed with Xiao Yuan's idea of ​​specializing, and then staggered the subject, picked up the chopsticks and put a hibiscus shrimp into Xiao Yuan's bowl.

   "Hey, origin, this hibiscus shrimp is really delicious, the taste is different from what I used to eat, and there is aura in this shrimp, so delicious."

   After Chen Ziyuan stuffed the shrimp into his mouth, he chewed it, and immediately felt the aura in the shrimp, and the meat was very tender. It just melted in the mouth, which made people want to stop.

"By the way, Xiaoyuan, after leaving Flying Fish Island, the entire Aqua Blue Star has no aura, so don’t use the aura in your body casually outside. You can’t cultivate outside, so it can’t supplement the aura in your body. These seafood The game and game are all on Flying Fish Island, so it contains aura."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Xiao Yuan said about the aura, he reminded Chen Ziyi, lest Xiao Yuan use the aura indiscriminately outside, causing the body's aura to be depleted. It would be uncomfortable. Without the support of the aura, the body needs very much energy. It's hard to add, by then, Xiao Yuan, such a beautiful beauty, will become a foodie, or a foodie who eats the appetite of ten big men.

   "Huh? Origin, why is there only aura on Flying Fish Island?" Chen Ziyuan was in a daze, how could it be possible?

   Why is there only aura on Flying Fish Island on the Aqua Blue Star? It doesn’t make sense.

She knew from the data recorded in the "Qian Kun Jue" that planets can gather aura, and even ordinary plants can swallow aura. A world is inseparable from aura. How could Aqua Star only have aura on Flying Fish Island? What?

   Are you kidding me? The data also said that without aura, a world is not far from destruction, so why does Aquastar do not have aura, but it is still good?

   Chen Ziyuan is now a hundred thousand why.

"Xiao Yuan, this is an adventure I got accidentally. Look at this ring in my hand. It is a storage ring. It can also be said to be a space ring, a mustard seed, or a Qiankun ring. After the object ring, I found the Qiankun Art and the same treasure from it, which can make a place full of aura treasures. I used such treasures on Flying Fish Island, so Flying Fish Island became full of aura, but water The Blue Star had no aura, so I suspected that this storage ring was an alien item."

Zhu Yuanyuan made up a reason in a blink of an eye, not to mention, this unsuspecting person can be fooled all at once, especially Zhu Yuanyuan also took out things~www.ltnovel.com~ there are storage rings and Qiankun The trick is, it really won't be dismantled.

   "It turned out to be like this. No wonder no real masters have been found on Aquastar before. It turns out that there is no aura on Aquastar."

   After Chen Ziyuan listened to Zhu Yuanyuan's words, although she was still a little confused, she didn't continue to ask.

   After eating a delicious meal, Chen Ziyuan went on to practice.

   Zhu Yuanyuan opened the system panel and looked at the reputation value on it. After thinking about it, he decided not to keep the reputation value and just spend it all.

   "Prestige value: 1.161.3 million."

   Now his reputation value has indeed risen a lot. In one morning, his reputation value has increased by more than 50 million, and it should be possible to increase by more than 100 million in one day.

   "Dip! Spend one billion prestige points, congratulations to the master "Qiankun Jue" for upgrading to the second level of refining.

   After the billions of prestige points were spent, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that his combat effectiveness had increased by more than one or two points, but had increased across the board. The physical combat effectiveness had now completely exceeded the spiritual combat effectiveness.

  "Combat power: 88660 points.

   (Physical Body + Kun Jue 2,000 points of physical combat power, Book of Knowledge 10 points of physical combat power. Genetic optimization of 10 points of physical combat power. Level 5 Starlight Refining Technique + 64640 points of physical combat power.)

   (Spirit power + Kun Jue 2,000 points of spiritual combat power, S-level mental powers + 10000 points of spiritual combat power. Soul-Eater + 10000 points of spiritual combat power.

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