Random Shopping System

Chapter 355: Immortality

After leaving Fengyue City, Zhu Yuanyuan asked the star-blue fighter plane following above to teleport the two of them up. Of course, the white horse also boarded the fighter plane.

"Stardust, control the fighter, let's go and go back to Mars." Zhu Yuanyuan muttered after sitting in the cab.

"Yes, master."

Suddenly, the Star Blue fighter quickly flew towards the Great Mountain Forest.

In just a minute, the Star Blue fighter plane arrived in front of the Star Gate. Now the entire valley is covered by a piece of metal. This is the base that is being established. This will become the main base of this planet, and planetary cannons will be built. At the same time, the star gate will also be under control. The star gate can be closed unilaterally. If you disagree, no other star gate can be connected here.

"Oh! Origin, is this the valley where we came? This is building the base? It has become like this so soon, is it only a day? The construction is too fast." Chen Ziyuan saw the valley. After the appearance, I also exclaimed. It is different if there are robots. The construction is too fast.

"Hehe, can it be unpleasant to have Stardust and robots work together?"

Zhu Yuanyuan responded with Xiao Yuan, and then ordered Stardust to open the star gate to Mars.

"Stardust, dial the coordinates of Mars."

This star blue fighter has a star gate control system, which can directly dial the coordinates to open the star gate for transmission.

"Yes, master."

Stardust agreed, and then the dial on the Starblue fighter came on.

"Beep beep..." after a few beeps.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The entire huge star gate metal ring turned, one by one corresponding to the symbols, waiting until all the symbols were locked.

"Wow!" A curtain like a water curtain opened in the star gate.

"Shoo!" After the star gate opened, Zhu Yuanyuan and the two of them were riding in the Starlane fighter jet directly rushing in.

Mars, Atlantis HX10034 city fortress, in the huge hall of the command room, the star gate turned, and then opened a blue water curtain, a moment later a star blue fighter came out of the water curtain.

"Huh! I'm back."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the huge hall and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he got the commander's permission to use the star gate at will. Otherwise, it is estimated that the end will be the same as the son Fusu. After going to the alien, he can't go back. Sad reminder.

"Stardust, open the skylight, we return to Blue Star."

Zhu Yuanyuan is going to return to Shuilanxing directly. Although the Starlane fighter is a fighter for the planet, it can actually fly and fight in the starry sky. It is still possible to fly in the planetary system, and it is a fighter of the ninth level of civilization. It is powerful and fast. Although there is no space jump, its speed can reach the speed of light. It can completely fly into dark space. It doesn't take much time to return from Mars back to the blue star. It can be reached in half an hour. .

As for the Mars base, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he could open the holographic projection to check the situation there at any time, so it didn’t go. He didn’t need to come to Mars, but it happened to be the National Day, so he took Xiaoyuan out to play. Up.

It was also Zhu Yuanyuan's luck that he discovered the city fortress left by Atlantis on Mars. This luck was almost no one.

Moreover, when Zhu Yuanyuan set out, it was raining and snowing in most places on Mars. It seemed that the melting of Martian ice went smoothly.

When he returned to Aquastar, he asked Stardust to arrange the White Shark to capture those meteorites in the starry sky, and use these meteorites to hit Mars to increase the mass of Mars, which can increase the atmosphere and the gravity will further increase. Expand the volume of Mars.


Half an hour later, on the top of Huaxing Building, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan appeared out of thin air. This was the reason Zhu Yuanyuan stopped here after giving the Xinglan fighter invisible.

Several hours have passed since the incident happened. Now it’s almost noon. Li Qingyan also returned with the company’s people. In fact, she was notified by the company’s security after the massacre of foreign spies last night. Then I rushed back to Deep Sea City at 3 o'clock in the morning last night.

"Boss, good morning!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan got off the elevator, they ran into his secretary Zhang Xinya.

"Well, Secretary Zhang, why did you come to work today? There will be a rest day tomorrow." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then asked.

"Boss, the company has happened such a big thing. President Li asked the traveling colleagues to come back. Although President Li told us to rest, the big guys all want to go to work and want to contribute to the group. That's it."

Zhang Xinya’s words moved Zhu Yuanyuan very much. Unexpectedly, the centripetal force of the company’s employees was still very sufficient. When something happened to the group, the rest stopped, and all consciously returned to work. Zhu Yuanyuan gave some points to his employees in his heart. Like it!

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~ yes, then, Secretary Zhang, you order to go down, those who work during the National Day holiday, the wages of these two days will be calculated on the 4 times the salary of the original holiday and 10 times increase."

Although Zhu Yuanyuan is very satisfied, he still has to give the benefits that should be given, otherwise it will be chilling if he does nothing.

"Yes, boss, I will notify you right away." Zhang Xinya was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that what they did accidentally would get such a big return. You must know that the salary of Suiji Group is not low. The minimum salary of ordinary employees working in the building is 20,000-30,000 a month, not to mention the middle and high-level employees. For example, she, the secretary to the chairman, can get a salary of more than 100,000 a month. Now she is four times the salary during holidays. If you continue to increase by 10 times, that day will be equal to one month's salary, and you can get two months' salary for two days of work. It is not a surprise. .

"Well, by the way, is President Li at the company now?" Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while and asked. He now also knows that Li Qingyan went back to Deep Sea City early in the morning last night. He doesn't know how the incident was handled last night.

"Boss, President Li is not in the company now and has gone home to rest. Do you want to ask the foreign spies who were killed at the door of the company?" In fact, Zhang Xinya was also surprised, knowing that hundreds of spies died at the door of the company. After that, she was very angry that some foreigners dared to come to China for activities, but then she was shocked by the security of her own company. Their combat effectiveness was also strong. She usually sees that these security are honest, and sometimes even I was very enthusiastic about helping with moving things. At that time, I just thought that I was a soldier who came out of the army, so I was very strict with myself and very enthusiastic about people. I didn't expect the combat power to be so strong.

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