Random Shopping System

Chapter 356: survey!

"Okay, I see. Now that President Li has gone back to rest, don't disturb her. What about the security of our group? How is it now?"

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded and signaled that he knew, but he still asked the security personnel who killed the spies who wanted to invade the Huaxing Building what happened.

"Boss, the security personnel who resisted the intruder yesterday have been arrested to the police station. You should think of a way to save them. They all defend the group's property and fight back killings." Zhang Xinya was also in her heart. Very anxious, but those security personnel are killing people after all, and they are foreigners who killed them. This has already caused a crime.

"Secretary Zhang, don't worry, the empire will not embarrass them. I will go to the police station to bail them in the afternoon. The identities of the dead foreigners will also be verified and the truth of the matter will be found out. Okay, you Go ahead and do the things I explained first."

Zhu Yuanyuan was also very angry. These countries are all boring. They are all going to pull out the dragon's beard. He doesn't give them a color to see. If the tiger is not there, the monkey will go up to the mountain to become the king.

"Boss, I know." After Zhang Xinya heard that her boss had agreed, she was relieved. If there is a boss, it must be no problem. She didn't want to think that the security personnel are all employees of Suiji Group. What about Zhu Yuanyuan? Maybe regardless of them?

After entering the office, Zhu Yuanyuan checked the time. It is now 11 o’clock and the group is about to get off work. Originally, he wanted to go directly to the police station, but now there is obviously not enough time. Now in the past, people from other police stations also They are all off work. Although there are people on duty, those people can't be the masters.

"Xiaoyuan, let's have lunch first, and then take a break. When the officers of the police station are all at work in the afternoon, we were in the past, even if we could not be released on bail, we had to show a little boss attitude."

Zhu Yuanyuan sat on the office sofa and said.

"Well, ok, Origin, but don't be upset. Haven't all those spies dead? The forces behind them have suffered heavy losses." Chen Ziyuan also comforted and made Zhu Yuanyuan not unhappy. .

"Haha, I am not unhappy. These people came just right, and it saves me to make excuses to make trouble for them." In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan is very annoyed by the boldness of these people, but he is also a bit happy. These countries of the star are now eagerly sending the handle to him. Isn't this an excuse for brilliance?

If he wants to unify the entire Aquastar, he can't just hit the door directly, and always find some excuses to hit the door!

Otherwise, casually destroy the high-levels of those countries. It is estimated that people all over the world will say that Zhu Yuanyuan is an ambitious invader. Don’t the aliens have not come yet, the entire Aquastar country will point the gun. If he is gone, then steal the chicken and lose the rice.

"So you wanted to trouble them a long time ago?" The expression on Chen Ziyuan's face was dazed, and her boyfriend had long wanted to **** someone else, but couldn't find a righteous way, so she kept dragging it. .

"Yes, I wanted to trouble them a long time ago, Xiaoyuan, don't you think there are too many countries on this Aqua Blue Star? There are hundreds of countries in this big place, too many. I hope that the entire Aquastar is only one country in the China Empire."

Zhu Yuanyuan did not hide his thoughts. He was very disgusted with the countries on the Aqua Blue Star, especially some countries with great ambitions. Their high-level officials did not regard civilians as human beings, thinking that civilians were dead. No matter how much, it is just a consumable.

After a period of time, more will naturally be born. There are really not a few people who think like this. Those chaebols and long-established families will not care about the lives of civilians. If they really care about the lives of civilians, they will not survive. It has been so long, and the reason why it can last so long is because of the blood and sweat of civilians. In Zhu Yuan's view, death is the only way back.

"What? Origin, do you want to help the empire unify the entire Aqua Blue Star?" Chen Ziyuan was really shocked at this time, she did not expect Zhu Origin to have such an idea.

"Origin, don't you want to be emperor?" After Chen Ziyuan was shocked, she also wanted to understand that there is a base on the moon, and a base on Mars, and even the city fortress of Atlantis, unified water The blue star is nothing more than a trivial matter to Zhu Yuanyuan. It is estimated that just sending an interstellar warship can unify the world, but Chen Ziyuan can’t understand that this boyfriend has this kind of strength in his hands, doesn’t he want it? To be this emperor?

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, don't worry, I really don't want to be the emperor. Isn't it good to be like this now? Start a company, and then become a shopkeeper, emperor or something, that would be too tiring and have to manage The people’s livelihood and economic development of the entire country."

"I really don't want to do such a thing. At most, I want to spread the Suiji Group throughout the universe, and make the empire the top power in the universe~www.ltnovel.com~ so that my group company is not the same as the universe. Top company?"

Zhu Yuanyuan really thinks so, and wants to do so, to develop the Suiji Group into a company spanning the entire universe. Although this goal seems to be far away, it is his current goal. If people don't have a goal. , That's a salted fish.

"Hey! Origin, your idea is very good!" Chen Ziyuan is a very novel idea of ​​Origin. He doesn't want to be the emperor of a country, but instead controls a large company and develops this company into the largest in the universe. The company, in that case, will probably be stronger than a cosmic civilization.


After lunch, Zhu Yuanyuan went to the Deep Sea Police Station, but as expected, after talking with the chief of the police station, he learned that those countries had put pressure on the empire and asked them to hand over the murderer. This matter has been dragging on. After all, those spies did it first, but there is no clear evidence to prove that others are spies. Those people are all just getting visas to enter the empire. This is really a bit difficult.

Although there is surveillance at the entrance of Huaxing Building, and there are video recordings that can prove that the security personnel are fighting back, but there are too many dead people, and this matter can no longer be resolved.

"Stardust, investigate the identities of these people and who they are in their respective countries."

In no way, Zhu Yuanyuan could only ask Stardust to investigate the identities of these people. I believe that even if they hid deeply, Stardust would be able to seize some evidence.

"Master, are entering the network of the country where these people are located." Stardust suddenly invaded the network of those countries. If you want to investigate the origin of these people, of course you must check it online.

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