Random Shopping System

Chapter 399: The wedding of the century! (ten)

   "Beauty, what are you asking for quickly? We will definitely do it." Huzi was also anxious when he saw the boss, and said quickly.

   "Yes, beauties, there are so many handsome guys waiting outside! Let us big guys see the bride!"

"Yeah yeah!"


   After Huzi spoke, a large group of people were also helping, but Zhu Yuanyuan believed that these guys were obviously deliberately making fun of them and wanted to watch the excitement.

   "The second requirement is also very simple. The bridegroom officer must confess to the bride loudly. The third requirement is the simplest. We will only open the door if we move our sisters."

   After Zhu Yuanyuan heard this, the second request was not difficult, it was just a verbal, simple, but the third request, moved them? New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Zhu Yuanyi frowned involuntarily. After thinking about it, his eyes lit up, and if he had it, he should just ask for a red envelope. Anyway, he was ready.

   "Little Yuan, what I want to say to you is in this song."

   After thinking about the origin of Zhu, hehe, confession can also be tricky, simple!

   Then the guitar in his hand was played again, and a soft music rang.

"I hear your voice, and I have a special feeling that makes me keep thinking about it. I don’t dare to forget you again. I remember someone who will stay in my heart forever, even if I can only think of you like this, if one day, love The ideal will come true, I will redouble my efforts to treat you well, never change, no matter how far the pipeline is, I will definitely let him come true, I will gently say to you in your ear, to you, I love you, love You, like a mouse loves rice, no matter how much wind and rain, I will still be with you, I miss you, think of you, no matter how hard it is, as long as it can make you happy, I am willing to love you this way."


   "Gah! The mouse loves rice? Sister Wow! Brother-in-law treats you as rice, so quickly open the door to educate him!"

  Chen Xiaofeng was surprised by Zhu Yuanyuan’s song. It’s a popular song. There is a feeling that lovers are whispering in their ears, but how does he feel that his group of people have been fed a mouthful of dog food?

   "Oh, this song is not bad! I love you, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice. This mouse must love rice the most, yes, yes."

   "Although this song is more popular, it is still good to sing, and it is estimated to be very popular with the public."

   "Auntie, can we use this song? Don't you want to publish it, I want to use it for chicks another day!"

   "Hey, yeah, this song is not bad, it's a good confession."

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at a group of booing people, and felt a little helpless. Are these young masters a bit too boring?

However, the people who are following up now are a group of young people, all unmarried, and some are still in school. They are all studying in a private school in the capital, and all of them are young ladies from various families in the empire. There are also young ladies from major commercial companies. It can be said that they are a group of people with uncomplicated identities, and people gather in groups.

There are some people who did not go to a private school. For example, Chen Ziyuan did not go. She felt that she could not learn anything in that school, and all of them were people who knew each other. It was not very good to go to that school. The place is either a place of marriage, where juniors can meet and interact at school, and finally get married.

   "Dear beauties, are you satisfied or not?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan heard no sound in the master bedroom, he knocked on the door and asked again.

   "Sisters, are you satisfied?"

   "A very good song, it's okay to confess."

   "I think the groom is good."

   "Well, sincere."

   "This is a song that hasn't been released before. It hasn't stopped. Everyone, you can't find it online!"

   "The bridegroom officer is really talented, he created it himself again!"

   "Zi Yuan, your husband is really amazing, envy!"

   "Yes, Ziyuan, does your husband have a brother? Introduce it to me!"

   "Fuck you, Ziyuan, look, a good sister, your husband has an older brother or younger brother, should you also introduce it to me?"

   "Hehe! While going, everyone wants to marry, don't you? Find it yourself, Xiaoyuan, what do you think of me, sister?"


   "Okay, okay, now that everyone is satisfied with the answer of the bridegroom official, then I will tell him to pass, don't delay the auspicious time."

   This voice was just the beginning. Zhu Yuanyuan listened to it for a long time, but he didn't know who it was. It should be from the Chen family.

   "Groom officer, you have passed the second request. The third request is very simple. How about we sisters who are satisfied? Have you thought of it?"

   "Okay, I'll be satisfied with you soon." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then winked at the best man group behind him.

   "Beauty, come on, give you red envelopes, you open the door!" Huzi understood it all at once, isn't this just giving red envelopes? Although they are not married, they still know this.

   "Hehe, boy, you can really talk, but it is impossible for us to open the door. There are red envelopes, stuffed in from under the door."

   The female voice rang again, it seems that Huzi's method is not working.

   But Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the crack of the door, hehe! This door can't fit into his big red envelope. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Huzi looked down at the crack of the door, then took out a red envelope from his bag and compared it to the crack under the door. Hehe, he couldn't put it in. Starting

   "Beauty, this red envelope can't be stuffed in, our red envelope is very thick, or you can open the door to reveal a crack, absolutely not lie to you."

   Huzi has a smirk on his face. This is not their trick. The red envelope of eight thousand white and eighty-eight yuan is indeed very big and thick. It is completely impossible to put a crack in the door.

   "Is that so? Okay, you can't push the door and break in, otherwise the bride won't be able to pick it up."

The female voice hesitated and discussed with others in a low voice before deciding to open the door and accept the red envelope. They also felt that the last requirement was to get the red envelope. After the red envelope was received, the bride would be picked up. It was impossible. Don't let the groom pick it up.

   "Squeak!" The sound of moving the cabinet, and the door opened a gap.

   "Come on, beauties give you red envelopes."

   As he said, Hu Zi took a thick red envelope and handed it over. He knew that there were also ten bridesmaids inside, so he passed ten very thick red envelopes.

   "Okay, let's look at the red envelope first."

   The female voice agreed, and after receiving the red envelope, she quickly closed the door.

   "Wow, what a big red envelope."

   "Well, not bad."

   "Then shall we open the door?"

   "Well, open it, it's almost time."


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