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Chapter 400: The wedding of the century! (Eleven)

Speaking of it, this is noisy, but these bridesmaids have been ordered in advance. Pay attention to the time and don’t go too far. Otherwise, if the time is too long and the auspicious time is delayed, then Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Zi Yuan Yuan was offended by the two people, which is not worth it.

   "Squeak!" The door to the master bedroom was finally opened.

   "Groom officer, come in, the bride has been waiting for a long time."

   A group of bridesmaids appeared behind the door, all women in red.

   Zhu Yuan directly led people in, and then saw Chen Ziyuan dressed up next to the sofa in the bedroom. Now that it is modern, although it is a Chinese wedding, there is no head cover.

Chen Ziyuan wears a big red wedding gown, a phoenix crown on her head, and a variety of jewelry. Of course, the most important thing is that the necklace in front of you can not be ignored, that is, the heart of stars necklace. The things that were purchased before the system was upgraded, the Heart of the Stars is a good thing.

The heart of the stars is something from the world of Hart Yimir, and this necklace is not only a nice name, but also a good-looking, it also has special abilities. As the name implies, this necklace is forged from the core of the stars and contains a lot of stars. Li, if you practice the star refining technique, wearing this necklace will increase your cultivation speed.

At the same time, not only this, the heart of the stars also has a defensive role. This necklace will absorb the power of the stars all the time and store it. When the owner of the necklace encounters an attack, it will release these powers to form an all-round protective shield to protect the owner. , Can be said to be a very good necklace, can be said to be guarded by the stars.

   "Little Yuan, I'm here to pick you up." Zhu Yuanyuan stretched out his hand and said.

   "Well, Origin, let's go." Chen Ziyuan nodded and put her little hand in his.

   "Oh, you can't go like this. For the bridegroom, you must either walk with the bride on your back or hold it. You have to choose the same." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The bridesmaid on one side hurriedly prevented them from going out. This newlywed, the bride can't walk underground. This is all tradition. You must hold or carry the car on the back. The bride's feet must not touch the ground. It's both.

   "Oh? Oh, yes, I almost forgot, I don't know what this person is called?" Zhu Yuanyuan was dumbfounded, and then asked.

   "Origin, this is my cousin Chen Bingbing, the granddaughter of the second grandfather and the eldest daughter of the second uncle."

In order for Zhu Yuanyuan to find out, Chen Ziyuan first talked about the granddaughter of the second grandfather, and then said the second uncle, lest he thought it was his grandfather's second son. Well, the grandfather's second son is her own father, which is not true. It would be wrong, but she has several grandpas.

So this relationship is really a bit unclear. When he teaches by himself, he always calls them by names. For example, the second son of the second grandpa’s Chen Shenan is called Uncle An, and the third grandpa’s son is called Dad and Yao, his grandfather. The youngest son is no longer called Yaoda, because of the large population, so it needs to be subdivided.

In fact, when the older generation was still there, they were so finely divided. After the grandfathers are slowly gone, the relationship will fade away, and they will be divided, and there will be no exchanges throughout the year. It is usually when there is a happy event to notify, cough cough, this is an ordinary family, and Zhu Yuanyuan is really not very clear about the family.

   "Sister Bingbing, hello." Zhu Yuanyuan said politely.

   "Brother-in-law, you are fine, okay, hurry up and set off with Xiaoyuan on your back, don't delay." Chen Bingbing also smiled and nodded, and then quickly let Zhu Yuanyuan set off, so as not to delay the good time.

   "Okay, let's go then."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, and then brought Chen Ziyuan to a princess to hug Chen Ziyuan. Fortunately, although this Chinese wedding dress was gorgeous, the skirt was not as long as it was. After Zhu Yuanyuan picked up Chen Ziyuan, the skirt below The pendulum was grasped by his hands in the bend of Xiao Yuan's legs, and did not fall to the ground.

   "Go, go."

   "The bride is out!"

   "The bride is so beautiful!"

   "Yes, Xiao Yuan is so beautiful today."

   "Well, Xiao Yuan'er is indeed the daughter of my Chen family."

   While Zhu Yuan was walking, there were people talking with him. Of course, the camera had been shooting with him!

   This marriage is usually shot from beginning to end, whether it's a pick-up or a wedding.

   After I get to the manor, it will be refurbished. During the wedding, the shooting will continue.

   At the gate of Villa No. 17, a luxurious carriage stopped here. Zhu Yuanyuan took Xiao Yuan in and let her sit down.

   "Xiaoyuan, here are some snacks that you like to eat. I made them with ingredients from Flying Fish Island. There are drinks in the refrigerator. You can eat some if you are hungry. I don't know how long it will take after a while!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan and said.

   "Well, yes, I see." Chen Ziyuan looked at the carriage curiously. She was sitting on a wooden couch now.

   There are soft quilts on the wooden couch, and the whole carriage is warm and warm. In front of the wooden couch is a coffee table with plates of snacks, nuts, dried fruits, beef, pig, and dried fish. There is also a small refrigerator beside the wooden couch, which contains wine and drinks.

   "Then I will go down first, and we will set off immediately. After today, we can stay together forever." Zhu Yuanyuan said with affection in his eyes, looking at Chen Ziyuan.

"Okay, origin." Chen Ziyuan's eyes were moist and a little excited~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they were together before, marriage is different again. After marriage, they will become a family. Of course it is different.

   Zhu Yuanyuan took a look at her, and got out of the carriage, and then drew up the wooden door of the carriage. Yes, this carriage is not a curtain, but a sliding wooden door. Starting

"set off!"

   After Zhu Yuanyuan got on the horse, he gave an order, and the carriage slowly moved, and the camera carriage in front began to shoot the whole journey.

   After exiting Anlin Bieyuan, the whole team moved. The first was Zhu Yuanyuan and their carriage, and the red cavalry team, and the last was an off-road vehicle carrying a red dowry box.

   "Wow! So the boss of Suiji Group lives in our Anlin Bieyuan!" A real estate sales lady's eyes are staring, but her face is regretful. Why doesn't she know?

   "I just found out, hey, we only knew about such a big man today."

   "The boss of the Suiji Group who actually lives in Villa No. 17, my God."

In fact, the real estate general manager of Anlin Bieyuan didn’t know. Although he had met Zhu Yuanyuan, he didn’t know what Zhu Yuanyuan did. The main reason was that Zhu Yuanyuan had not appeared in the media on the right track, so he was not seen by others. Known is also normal.

   On the day of getting married, I am afraid it will be the first time to appear in public, and it will be the last time!

   He has decided that in the future, things on the Aquastar will rarely be taken care of. Even the Long Family can sell them steel armor. This is for the sake of the former mother.


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