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Chapter 401: The wedding of the century! (Twelve)

   "Woo woo woo woo..." There were sirens.

   "Pap! Pap!"

A hooves of horses rang in the street, and everyone was attracted. The police car with the yamen in front cleared the road, followed by a camera car, and then a carriage. There was a man who was obviously the groom’s official riding along the carriage. .

   The carriage is too huge, it's just a house moving, eight horses 3-4 meters high, isn't it just a moving house?

"Come, here, it's worthwhile I drank several cups of coffee here. Friends of the water, the reception team of the boss of Suiji Group is here, hurry up and see!" A young man saw Zhu Yuanyuan’s reception team , I got excited all at once, and talked to the phone screen.

   It turns out that the young man sitting at the entrance of this street cafe is an internet anchor, and he is broadcasting live!

   "Dear friends, come and have a look. This is the family reception team of the boss of the Suiji Group. It's so spectacular and luxurious. I'll go, this cavalry team is too awesome."

   The young anchor was so excited that he couldn't help himself. You know, this is the boss of Suiji Group, this is the world's number one company.

I haven’t seen a few live broadcasts in this area yet. The young anchor thinks that he must be popular this time, and the super administrator of Season Live also noticed his live broadcast and gave one directly, although it is not the biggest one on the homepage. , Um, the biggest one hangs in the official live broadcast room!

   And the young anchor felt that the boss of the Suiji Group must have only this wedding. This is the wedding of the century. How can I miss the live broadcast?

His eyes flashed, he saw the shared bicycle on the street, went straight up to use Fetion to scan a car, and rode up to follow. Fortunately, the team was not walking fast. The young anchor fixed his mobile phone holder to the bicycle. On, he just needs to ride on and follow Zhu Yuanyuan’s family-receiving team.

   As for why the official live broadcast room is broadcasting this time of Zhu Yuanyuan's wedding, and people still watch the live broadcast in the live broadcast room of this young anchor?

  Because the host is Zhang Xinya, although there are many people watching, many people don’t like her too much.


   Isn’t Zhang Xinya pretty? No, she is very beautiful, of the goddess level.


   is because Zhang Xinya is actually a high-cold goddess. During the live broadcast, she doesn't interact with the audience very much, she just explained where the team is and what.

   This makes the audience not like it too much.

   Of course, when Zhang Xinya was working in the company, she was not so cold, she was still very gentle.

   And when Zhang Xinya was in college, she was called the Frost Goddess Xueba, which was different from Shen Huifang's warm goddess title.

   The main thing is that Zhang Xinya thinks that she has seen through the hearts of those men, isn't it just her body? Isn't it just sex? Don't admit it yet, it's just a bunch of hypocrites.

   Cough, I can only say that the dog blood drama is ruining and tireless! Those brain-disabled screenwriters are not superficial, and goddesses like Zhang Xinya like to watch dog-blood dramas, let alone other women, they are all spoiled by TV dramas.

   Why did the live broadcast host ignore the people? Zhang Xinya was still annoyed by the audience during the last live broadcast.

The last live broadcast was Zhang Xinya’s first contact with live broadcasts, so I felt very curious, so she interacted with the audience a few words, and then a lot of unsightly words came out. There are too many audiences, there are all kinds of birds, and her character is corrupt. There are also a lot of people.

   At that time, Zhang Xinya was at a loss and didn't know what to do. In the end, it was Ji Xiaomi who found that something was wrong and relieved her. At that time, Zhang Xinya was flushed with anger.

   Later, Ji Xiaomi told Zhang Xinya, don't pay attention to the people who speak hooligans in the live broadcast room, the administrator will ban these people.

Speaking of it, Ji Xiaomi has played live broadcasts, and now she has switched to the live broadcast of the seasons. Her original popularity was good, with hundreds of thousands of people, all of them were brought into the live broadcasts of the seasons. Season live broadcast is not bad for this popularity, but it also allows Ji Xiaomi to quickly gain a foothold on the season live broadcast.

   After the super administrator of Sui Ji Live discovered Ji Xiaomi, he gave Ji Xiaomi every day, so that Ji Xiaomi quickly gained a large number of fans.

   The administrator of Sui Ji Live Broadcast is not stupid. If the president secretary doesn't know him, it would be too miserable.

You must know that Ji Xiaomi’s secretary still has great powers. If he is delegated, at least he will not be able to run at the general manager level. However, although Ji Xiaomi is cute, she is not stupid. The secretary to the president of the group headquarters is not appropriate. Go below The general manager of the company, unless it is crazy. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Ji Xiaomi has made a lot of money. Now she has all the luxury goods that she could not afford before, which made her very happy.

However, although Zhang Xinya knows that Ji Xiaomi has made a lot of money, she is not jealous, because now she does not lack that. As the secretary to the chairman and the head of the secretary office, her salary is not low and she has great rights. Ji Xiaomi is considered her subordinate.

   And let alone Zhang Xinya and Shen Huifang, both of them have a storage fee, which is as high as one million a month, and she has no place to spend her own salary.

   Sometimes Zhang Xinya wonders if her boss wants to support her and Shen Huifang, but the boss doesn’t mean it. He can only say that the boss is too rich and generous.

Look at herself, the car, the company, the house, the company, even the clothes she wears, the bags, and the jewelry she wears are all equipped by the company, uh, except for her own. Everything is given by the company.

   If you don’t want to say something about it~www.ltnovel.com~ it is fake.

  What company can give such treatment? It's completely impossible. The installation fee alone is more than ten million yuan a year. Uh, Shen Huifang is not to be counted, that is more than 20 million. Starting


"Friends of the water, look, it's too exaggerated, tsk, there is no such exaggerated reception team in the TV series, and look at the red boxes on the silver light off-road vehicles, have you seen it? Is this a dowry? Now, hundreds of them? I'm going, this is the real red makeup, right? Ancient rich men, officials, and emperors got married, right? It's too luxurious."

   The young anchor followed all the way, sighed all the way, watching others get married, and then watching myself, this is simply incomparable.

Yes, of course the young male anchor is already married. When he got married, he had not yet entered the anchor business, so his income was not high. He got married at the time, but he was killed. The woman asked for money again. I want a house and a car, and if it wasn't for my wife who broke out that she was pregnant, I'm afraid the marriage would not end.

In addition, there were only a dozen cars to pick up the family back then, and they were collected by a friend. If you rent it to the wedding company, it is too expensive to afford the money, and the woman did not give you any dowry, a few quilts, just It was too stingy.

   Actually, I don’t blame the young male anchor’s father-in-law for picking up. There is also a son in the father-in-law’s family. For the son, they only do this, as if they were selling their daughters. In the end they didn’t sell them. The dowry would definitely be nothing.


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