Random Shopping System

Chapter 403: The wedding of the century! (four-teen)

   "Boy, what happened before? Why did you stop?"

Old man Chen watched the car stopped. He looked at the front. It was too far. He didn't know what was going on. He had to ask the young man who was driving. This off-road vehicle was prepared by Zhu Yuanyuan. The Chen family only prepared the dowry. They don’t have so many cars either, Zhu Yuanyuan temporarily transferred them from the car factory.

Those who drive are all seasoned security guards. In addition to being a driver, they are also part-time bodyguards. Otherwise, Zhu Yuanyuan would not dare to send so many people who are among the best in the country to the manor. What if there is an accident. , He is not easy to explain.

"Father, I don't know, I'll ask the person in front of you." The young driver's face was also dumbfounded. The boss got married and needed a driver to pick up the family, so he rushed over, but now how is this going back? Someone, shouldn't someone do something?

   Then the young driver opened the Fetion on his mobile phone and asked. The front camera was also driven by an employee of Season Security, so they were all in a Fetion group, and soon received the news.

   "Master, there was a car accident ahead, so I can't leave for the time being. I have to wait. The person in front said that the boss has gone to see the situation and should be able to leave soon."

   The young driver told Mr. Chen the situation.

"Well, good, I see. Thank you, young man." Old man Chen nodded. Zhu Yuanyuan is in front. He is not very worried. After all, this is Deep Sea City and the home stadium of Suiji Group. Some people dare to do things here.

   "Old Chen, how could there be a car accident on the road for no reason, and it is still in the suburbs. I think the road is very smooth and there are no twists and turns. Isn't anyone messing around?"

   Bai Dongfang's eyes showed a thoughtful look. Although he did not participate in the fights of the various families, he could analyze the situation as well!

"Probably not, who is so courageous and dare to provoke Origin. If this irritates Origin, I don't know what the end will be." Old man Chen shook his head, not feeling like a domestic one. People mess up.

"It's true. It's a provocation when you get married. It's totally a shame. Who dares to do something like this, but. The country doesn't dare to do things, but what about foreign countries?" The old man Bai also agreed with Mr. Chen's words, but he felt that even No one is doing things at home, but those people abroad are not necessarily.

"Well, maybe it was a foreigner. Let's leave it alone. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Let Yuanyuan handle it." Old Chen nodded thoughtfully. The Suiji Group offended more than one force. Yes, there are people who want to deal with the Suiji Group, both openly and secretly, but they just can't deal with it, so it is really possible to disgust Zhu Origin.


"Da da da!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan ran to the front, he saw two trucks lying on the ground, but there was no one, and there were a lot of big rocks blocking the road in front of the trucks. It was really strange that there was no car coming, and the driver on the truck was there. ?

   "What's going on? Did someone deliberately provoke me?" The veins on Zhu Yuanyuan's forehead were violent. MMP, are there really people who are not afraid of death?

   Zhu Yuanyi swept the surrounding area with mental power to see if anyone was making a ghost, but there was no one else, except for the surrounding residents and his family-receiving team. No one was found.

   "No. What's going on? Why are these animals coming towards us?" First posted https://https://

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanyuan saw a group of animals rushing in their direction within the scope of spiritual power, and the eyes of these animals were all red. It seemed that all of them were crazy, and there was still a look in their eyes. Greed seems to be attracted by something.

And look at these animals, wild cats, wild dogs, mice, wild boars, rabbits, dog badgers, pig badgers, pheasants, snakes, etc., a lot of animals that are enemies of each other are mixed and rushed towards this side. If it's okay, who believes it?

   "MMP, there must be someone making a ghost. It's totally unreasonable to dare to make a ghost at the young master's wedding." Zhu Yuanyuan was extremely annoyed, but he couldn't find someone to make a ghost, so disgusting. Starting

   Actually, after all, Zhu Yuanyuan is still a little erratic. If Stardust used satellites to monitor this road early, at least such things would not happen, and at least someone could be found to be a ghost?

   However, this is also a good thing for Zhu Yuanyuan. At the very least, this is a lesson from Chiguoguo. Lions fight rabbits with all their strength, let alone people?

   So you can't look at the surface in everything, the weak mortals on the surface are now playing differently with their powerful self. Zhu Yuanyuan reflected on it for a while and felt that the people of the world should not be underestimated.

   "Brother Wu, a large group of evolved animals rushed towards our team. You quickly arrange for people to protect all the convoys so that the animals do not hurt our guests."

   Zhu Yuan sees that the animal is not too far away from the team, and it is estimated that he will rush over in a few minutes. He hastily arranged.

The team is definitely not allowed to have problems ~www.ltnovel.com~ There are many big people in the team. Except for Mr. Chen and Mr. Bai, the core figures of the ten big families have all come. If there is a problem, even It is Zhu Yuanyuan that is not easy to explain, after all, others are here to attend their wedding, so there should be no accidents.

  Although Zhu Yuanyuan is not afraid of any power of the water blue star now, but others kindly come to the wedding and give gifts to themselves. If they can't protect these people on their own territory, what would others think of themselves?

   Do you think Suiji Group is just a silver-like wax gun head? Do you think that Zhu Yuanyuan is a paper tiger that breaks with one poke? Such a thing must never happen, so we must protect these empire's big men.

   "Yes, boss, I will make arrangements right away."

   After Wu Dajun heard Zhu Yuanyuan's voice in the headphones in the cavalry behind, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately answered. After hanging up the communication, he immediately arranged the arrangement.

"Listen, brothers, a group of mutant animals rushed over. Now they disperse and protect the convoy for me. Everyone acted immediately. Remember, the convoy must never be lost. Can it be done?" Wu Dajun Arranged loudly.

"It can be done!" All the cavalry shouted loudly. They are worthy of being retired soldiers. Their voices are very loud, magnificent, confident, and they feel very excited. They probably have been holding back for a long time, right now. Give vent through a battle.

  , the security guard, but knows that the armor and sword on his body are not vegetarian. These are cold weapons and armors, things that can be taken out for battle, not decorations.


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