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Chapter 404: The wedding of the century! (Fifteen)

   "Old man Chen, it seems that something really happened." The old man Bai watched the cavalry move outside and protected the entire convoy inside. He knew that something must have happened.

   "Well, but it shouldn't be a big problem, otherwise the origin would have allowed us to retreat towards the Deep Sea City. Don't worry, Lao Bai, it won't kill you."

   Old man Chen is very relieved. The last time he saw the strength of Zhu Yuanyuan, when he wiped out the Liu family, that kind of strength was frightening.

   "Master, let us listen to the radio ahead." The young driver suddenly interjected.

   "Oh? Then listen to it and see what happened." Old Chen nodded and agreed.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhu Yuanyuan. Now some animals are rushing towards us. These animals are mutated and go crazy. So please stay in the car. I will arrange someone to protect you. Yes, for your safety, please cooperate, thank you!"

   When such a big thing has happened, Zhu Yuanyuan will of course come out and explain it, but although the matter is big, it is not too dangerous. As long as the people in the team stay honestly, nothing will happen.

   "Oh? The animal went crazy and came towards us? Old Chen, someone used the incense of the beast!"

   After hearing Zhu Yuanyuan's broadcast, Mr. Bai suddenly had a strange look in his eyes and said directly to Mr. Chen.

   "Let the beast incense? Isn't this something we used to hunt? And isn't this thing made by your Bai family? Why did it flow out? Shouldn't it..."

   Mr. Chen looked at Mr. Bai with an expression that you are now a suspect.

   "Old Chen, don't look at the labor and management so much. Labor and management don't know how this thing will flow out, and what kind of eyes do you have? Is it suspected that it is a ghost caused by labor and management?"

Mr. Bai was irritated by Mr. Chen all at once, and he burst into swear words. He couldn't recite this scapegoat for no reason. Moreover, it was not his Bai family who did it. It was not what he liked to do. thing. First release https://https://

"Also, Old Chen, you have to explain to me later, don't let your grandson-in-law misunderstand that my Bai family is a ghost." Old man Bai doesn't want the boss of this Suiji Group to misunderstand them. Originally, the strengthening liquid appeared. After that, it did take away some of their business from the Bai family, but the strengthening liquid only strengthens the body. At most, it can treat physical injuries. It will not be effective for colds, cancers, and stomach problems. Otherwise, The forces behind those hospitals have probably gone to trouble Zhu Yuanyuan long ago.

"Okay, okay. Don't worry, you won't be misunderstood." Old Chen's words just now were just a joke. After hearing what Bai Lao said, he nodded. He didn't think that Zhu Yuanyuan would misunderstand. That's right, it was not done by the Bai family.



Zhu Yuanyuan was guarding Chen Ziyuan’s carriage. Although the coachman was also a security guard and was controlled by magical skills, he still guarded here by himself. Although Chen Ziyuan’s combat effectiveness was definitely far stronger These animals belong to them, but today is the day of marriage. The bride can't go to the ground, so she should stay here by herself.

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the animals rushing over from a kilometer away. He was actually very annoyed in his heart. Even the ghostwriter didn't know who it was. Could he be annoyed?

"Origin, doesn't it matter?" Chen Ziyuan opened the window and watched worriedly at the herd of animals rushing towards this side. The dust was overwhelming, which made people look very scared. After all, these animals have become bigger now. , Running is simply shaking the ground.

"Xiaoyuan, don't worry, don't forget what there is on us." Zhu Yuanyuan pointed to the sky to give Chen Ziyuan peace of mind. He also knew that Xiaoyuan was worried about the people behind the team. After all, those people were. Those who do not practice the exercises, although they use the strengthening liquid, the physical fitness of human beings is much worse than that of animals after using the strengthening liquid.

   "Well, that's right." Chen Ziyuan also thought of the satellites in the sky and the interstellar warships controlled by Stardust.

"Xiaoyuan, you should close the window. It will be **** after a while, so don't watch it." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want Chen Ziyuan to watch the killing scene, especially for such a large mutant animal. Chenghe.

   "Well, okay." Chen Ziyuan cleverly closed the window of the carriage. She didn't like blood and blood. Although she had seen killings, she had never killed them, and she didn't like them very much.

After watching Xiaoyuan close the window, Zhu Yuanyuan turned around and looked at the mutant animal that had rushed over. He took out a hand crossbow from the horse's bag. This hand crossbow is very powerful, and the arrow box of the hand crossbow can be removed. After coming down, this thing is almost the same as the pistol, or even more powerful. The arrow box of this crossbow can hold a hundred arrows.

As for why he brought a hand crossbow when he got married, Zhu Yuanyuan was also just in case. Now that the world is not peaceful, self-defense weapons are indispensable, and everyone who followed him to pick up the relatives had this hand crossbow, and one of them took it. The ten-box arrow box means that one person has a thousand arrows. The cavalry team with more than one thousand people carries millions of arrows, and it can fight a huge battle~www. ltnovel.com~ Fortunately, there are a lot of arrows. There are many mutant animals that rush over. There are not many other animals, but there are not too many rats. They are just like tides and snakes. , And many.

  Wild cats, wild dogs, pheasants, and other animals are much less, but there are at least a few thousand of each. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   These mice and snakes are estimated to have at least 100,000 or 200,000 of each, and this population of mutant animals may be more than 500,000.

  Zhu Yuanyuan didn't use abilities to kill these mice. The security guards are here. He won't do it. It's up to them to solve it.

   As the saying goes, it’s a good idea to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. After raising them for so long, you always have to show some achievements for yourself!

"Boys, get ready. When these animals are three hundred meters away, they will shoot me their mothers, but I can't waste arrows. I want to see one arrow and whoever shoots them with two arrows. If you do, the future training will double labor and capital, have you heard?"

   Wu Dajun saw that the front of the animal group had rushed to a kilometer away, and he quickly warned him loudly that he was also afraid that these boys would be young and impulsively pick up crossbows and use them as machine guns.

   "Yes, boss, we know."

  Everyone rode on their horses with crossbows, and then answered loudly.

   Now there is a horse, riding on a horse, just after shooting these crazy animals, they will not be blocked by the corpse.


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