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Chapter 405: The wedding of the century! (16)

   Wu Dajun is always paying attention to the movements of the animals, when he sees that there are still 300 meters of mutant animals rushing over.

"Boys, shoot their mothers for the labor and capital, and kill them." Wu Dajun took the lead. Well, the horse did not move, but the crossbow in his hand moved. As soon as the arrow fell, a mutant cat was headshot. A wild dog was headshot when the arrow fell.

Although it feels cruel to kill cats and dogs, when the other party has become an enemy, there is no such thing as mercy. War will always be war, and it will always be cruel. Pity to the enemy is cruel to yourself. It depends on you thinking about yourself. To die, or the enemy to die, is that simple.


  The cavalry on Zhu Yuan's side carried a crossbow to kill frantically, basically all of them were killed by one arrow, all in a headshot rhythm.

All the employees of Jiji Security have started to practice now, but all those who are not controlled by the magical arts have practiced a physical training exercise from the realm of cultivation. This physical training exercise is also very powerful, although there is no star training. The technique is powerful, but it is much stronger than the martial arts in the arena.

The body refinement is divided into twelve levels, and each level can increase physical combat power by 100 points. In comparison, after the completion of the body refinement practice, it is about the same as the first level of the star refining technique, which is twelve thousand. Hundred points of combat effectiveness.

   Now the people in the family receiving team have all cultivated to the first level, which means that their combat effectiveness is at least 110 points or more.

Needless to say what physical fitness represents, look at the current battle scene, the crossbow arrows are shot out like rain, and each arrow hits the animal’s head separately, except for a few occasions when it may be shot. I chose the same mutant beast, so there are few mutant beasts with more than one arrow stuck in their heads.

   Although they both protect the vehicle where the guest is located separately, they will inevitably choose the same one when shooting beasts.

"Old Chen, are there too many of these animals?" The old man Bai Dongfang frowned and said, he felt very wrong. All these beasts have mutated now. It's okay that I haven't seen them. Now I see so many mutant beasts. , He felt a little dangerous.

"Lao Bai, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong? There are a lot of these animals." Mr. Chen was a little confused by what Bai said. He looked at the wild beast that was blocked hundreds of meters away. Is it normal? There were a lot of these animals, but now they are just getting bigger.

   "Old Chen, you look at these crazy beasts outside, don't you think of anything?" Old man Bai looked at Old Man Chen with a stupid expression on you.

"Huh? You said that these beasts are being tempted to attack us now, or maybe they will attack our city?" Old man Chen reacted at once. He just didn't expect this. How could the beasts come? What about attacking the city? This is simply a fantasy, but there are mutations, and it is not surprising to attack the city.

   "How is this possible, these beasts are not wise, and now they are going crazy, they will be tempted by the scent of beasts, and they can't attack the city themselves?"

   Old Chen is still a little bit unbelievable, how can the wild beasts have no wisdom to attack the human city?

"Lao Chen, let's not talk about whether these beasts are wise or not. Just look at the current scene. There are at least hundreds of thousands of beasts. When we used the incense to attract the beasts, might it attract so many beasts?" The old man Bai shook his head and said slowly, he didn't know that his beast-catching incense could attract so many wild beasts, including herbivorous animals, which was simply impossible.

"Well, yes, you used to attract a few beasts, at most, how come so many beasts come here now? Isn't it too strange?" Old man Chen was in the army when he was young. Mr. Bai and the others were all together, and when nothing happened, he went up the mountain to hunt for some meat, and he relied on Mr. Bai to lure beasts with the incense of the beast.

"Hey? No, Lao Bai, the beast-inducing incense you used at that time, isn't it a fake product? Look at the beasts that others have attracted, and then take a look at the beast-inducing incense you used, and only a few are attracted." Mr. Chen's eyes widened, as if he had found the truth all at once.

   I have to say, Mr. Chen will really shift the subject, is this the focus now?

"Old Chen, would labor and capital be so wicked? Under the conditions at that time, it would be nice to be able to make such a beast-scented incense. Even now, my beast-scented incense can't produce such an effect, and it attracts hundreds of thousands. The beast is terrible."

   The old man Bai looked at the place where there was still a horde of beasts outside, and was shocked. There were too many beasts.

Now the ground outside is blood red. Fortunately, they are on the road. The terrain is higher, so all the blood is in the grass and woods below. As more and more beasts die , There was more and more blood outside, and it gradually became a real river of blood, which looked dizzy. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"Also, Old Chen, you don't think wild beasts will attack the city, but what if someone uses Yin Beast Incense? You never thought about what would happen?" The words of the old man Bai can be said to be shocking~www.ltnovel.com~ If something like this happens, it's really hard to resist.

After all, there are no walls in the current city. Everywhere is accessible. You can enter the city everywhere. You can also use surveillance to defend against people. But these beasts can't be prevented. If the tide of beasts like this rushes into the city, then the city Of people may suffer serious deaths and injuries.

   "Who dare to look at labor and capital?" When Mr. Chen heard this, his eyes widened, and he unconsciously let out a murderous look.

"Okay, take it, don't scare others young and young. And what do you think those people dare not? Look, they now dare to move even your grandson-in-law, you can imagine what they are. "Old man Bai was taken aback when he saw the young driver, and he quickly asked Mr. Chen to collect his momentum. New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Hey, I hope there will be no artificial animal tide." Old man Chen was also discouraged. He knew it might be wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but sighed.

"Old Chen, it's not that I said you, did you really go to care for the aged after retiring? Now I am afraid that even if it is not artificial, there will be beasts. Think about it, these beasts are so big now, How much do they want to eat? Is there enough food in the wild? It must not be enough."

   "And we humans just breed and grow all kinds of food. Will these wild beasts find no way to find food when they are hungry? Then their ultimate goal will be on us humans, and the tide of beasts will happen sooner or later."

   Bai Dongfang sees things very clearly. If there is no food to eat in the wild, I am afraid that this will happen.


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