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Chapter 406: The wedding of the century! (17)

"Lao Bai, would you say that it is too exaggerated? It is not only those wild beasts that have mutated. Plants have also mutated, so there shouldn’t be no food, especially those carnivorous animals, I’m afraid it’s the least lack of food. Yes, look at the rabbits and mice outside. These are the best food."

   Old man Chen still disagrees with Bai Dongfang's words. He thinks that Lao Bai is simply too exaggerated. It is not only animals that have mutated, but plants have mutated differently?

In fact, what Chen Lao said is true. Animals have mutated and become bigger, but plants have also mutated, and all have become larger. Including the crops that people grow, they have also mutated, become bigger, and also become bigger. It's delicious.

"Old Chen, what you said is a little bit reasonable, but I still stick to my own ideas. Maybe wild animals won't break into the city, but what about these mice? Have you ever thought that these mice have become so big now? The rats in the city are all burrowing in and out of the sewers, but now the openings of the sewers may not be able to accommodate them? Will these rats burrow holes at this time?"

   "If these rats make holes everywhere in the city, what will be the consequences? These things, we have to consider these things!"

   The old man Bai Dongfang pointed to the mice outside that were as big as the cats before they mutated, and said earnestly.

   These things are right in front of him. It is not that Bai Dongfang likes to say frustrated words, but that things have already arrived in this part, and they cannot be ignored.

   "Hiss!" Mr. Chen was startled by Mr. Bai's words. He had just thought about the animal tide for a while, but he really didn't expect what if these rats dig holes in the city.

   "Lao Bai, what you said is really possible, no, after I go back, I have to propose to form a city rodent extermination team."

Old man Chen was frightened. If he were to dig holes everywhere, the buildings in the city would not have been dug down. Now these mice are not the tiny ones before, but mice as big as tabby cats. It's too big, and the ability to dig holes must be ten or twenty times that of before.


   Not to mention that Chen Lao and Bai Lao are in the back of the motorcade worrying about the country and the people.

   Zhu Origin blocked the mutant beast in front, and he also discovered that there are too many mice, but these mice are not the kind of mice in the city, but a kind of voles, which can be eaten.

   How did he meet?

   was actually not recognized by Zhu Yuanyuan, but by a coachman who drove a carriage. The coachman came from the countryside. He grew up in a mountain village. It is not surprising to know these animals.

   This vole can eat, which is good news.

   Now all animals except voles have been killed. Those animals are much larger than voles, and they are only a few meters high. So first of all, these animals were killed.

   But these voles are still squeezing here like the tide, they are like moths to the fire, and they are not afraid of death.

   But fortunately, Zhu Yuanyuan has a lot of people on their side. If one person drops an arrow, there are more than a thousand animals that fall.

   There are more than a million arrows, and I can deal with these voles.

   It’s just that Zhu Yuanyuan was really disgusted. He saw blood on the day of his wedding, and he couldn’t find anyone who made the ghost. Can he not get angry?

   "Shoo!" After the arrows passed, the rows of mice rushing over all fell on the edge of the woods hundreds of meters away.

   "I'm going, is this an animal war? Are these animals crazy or something?"

"This is a monster wave, it's over, brothers, is this the rhythm of the end of the world?" (Super tube reminder: The user has been kicked out of the room and has been banned. Please distinguished users who speak with caution. Try to speak about the doomsday, or any negative news about the imperial government, the lighter will be titled, the severer will be dealt with by the police!)

   "Wow! The super pipes upstairs are infested a lot, haha, T's are good, the seal is good, and the Internet atmosphere is broken by such people."

   "By the way, these mutant beasts, no matter how you look at them, there are problems!"

"Brother with **** upstairs, aren't you talking nonsense? As long as people are not blind, who doesn't know that there is a problem. The problem is, what's wrong with these animals, how could they attack the boss of Suiji Group? Team?"

"Oh! This hand crossbow is not bad! It can fire so many times in a row. I probably counted it. At least one hundred arrows are available. This is so much stronger than a machine gun. clip."

   "The arrow heads out, the bull is breaking, these people are too bull breaking, by the way, the anchor just introduced that these people are all employees of Sui Ji Security? Are the employees of Sui Ji Security all discharged from special forces?"

   "The brothers upstairs are right. These people are too good. Look at the accuracy. There is no one. Are there any archers?"

   "The people upstairs are right. The employees of Suiji Security are indeed veterans. Unfortunately, the employees of Suiji Security do not take care of the outside. They are only responsible for protecting the safety of the Suiji Group's industries."

   "Wow! There are big guys on it, so I can go to the season security to inquire about the business. It must be the big guy! The big guy asks for the thigh." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

It’s also Zhu Yuanyuan’s carelessness~www.ltnovel.com~ They are now broadcasting the wedding. The attack of this mutant beast was all broadcast live. After Zhang Xinya asked Zhu Yuanyuan for instructions, Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, but still did not close it. Live broadcast, after all, the live broadcast is now out. If the live broadcast screen is closed, isn't this place without money?

   And indirectly let people know the harm of these mutant animals, it can be regarded as a warning to people.

   After this scene was broadcast live, it did cause a sensation, and it also made people panic. They were afraid that if these animals rushed into the city, it would be terrible.

   However, the speed of the Empire is very fast, and people from related units will soon come out to appease the Empire TV. The Imperial military and police will cooperate fully to prevent this from happening.

   The people of the empire still have a lot of centripetal force, and they believe in what the empire says, and the empire did what it said, so they immediately sent people to investigate the hidden dangers in each city.

   Not to mention, after the empire sent its troops, many hidden dangers were immediately detected. Rats, wild cats, and wild dogs in many cities hid in sewers and parks. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

And what’s more terrifying is that these wild cats and wild dogs, who have eaten garbage and can’t eat enough, started to fight each other, or they killed mice to eat. Although we haven’t found any injuries yet, if it takes a long time, then Maybe.

   Fortunately, the discovery has been made in time. It can be said that although Zhu Yuanyuan was unlucky enough to be calculated, it was indeed unintentionally done a good thing.


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