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Chapter 408: The wedding of the century! (Finish)

   After twelve o'clock, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan appeared on the temporary table built in the manor. There was nothing on it. There were four grand master chairs, which were used as places for both parents to sit.

There is an altar in the middle of   , there is a pot of incense on the altar, this is the place of worship.

   Zhu Yuanyuan believes that since it is to be done, it should be better.

Originally, this worshipping the heaven and the earth, you only need to pray towards the heaven and the earth, any position will do, but Zhu Yuanyuan feels that it is not possible. Now that they have already cultivated, they can’t do the same as ordinary people. some.

   "Dear relatives and friends, and distinguished guests, good noon, everyone!"

   "Today is a day worth celebrating. In this beautiful day, a couple will soon enter the palace of marriage..."

   "Okay, let's welcome today's new couple, Mr. Zhu Yuanyuan and Miss Chen Ziyuan will come on stage for the wedding ceremony!"

   "Wait wait...wait wait...wait wait wait wait wait..."

   ahem! Along with the marriage tune, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan entered the venue with a red silk between them, and a big red flower was tied in the middle of the red silk.

   After Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan came to the stage, everyone looked at them.

Of course, under the table, it still looks like a modern wedding. There are many round tables, and the food has already begun. Of course, there is no tableware distribution. These will be sent after the wedding ceremony is over, otherwise the wedding ceremony has not yet ended. Some people have already eaten it, isn't that too embarrassing?

   "The bride and groom are already in place!"

   "Worship heaven and earth!"

After the voice of the master of ceremonies sounded, there was a sacred and solemn piece of music played by the audience. This is music played by ancient Chinese musical instruments. Under the stage, a person holding ancient musical instruments was playing. Various instruments, It makes people look away.

   This Chinese style band is a team of Suiji Entertainment, and is currently the main orchestra promoted by Suiji Entertainment, the Huaxia Band.

   After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the emcee's words, he looked at Chen Ziyuan according to the original plan, then turned around and walked towards the altar on the stage with Chen Ziyuan.

   With the solemn music, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan walked onto the altar together.

  "Guests and friends, the bride and groom will worship the heaven and the earth together, and will swear to the heaven and earth their love for each other. They will live together in love and love each other for the rest of their lives. The heaven and the earth serve as a mirror, and this life will follow!

   Following the enthusiastic words of the master of ceremonies, Zhu Yuanyuan and the others walked to the altar.

Then the two of them took two incense sticks prepared on one side, and one incense stick was enough for one person. This kind of incense is a large incense, one of which is more than one meter long. After being lit, it can be burned for several days. .

Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan stood on each side separately, lit the incense with the fire on both sides of the altar, then inserted the two incense into the square cauldron on the altar with a serious face, and then moved towards the side on the altar representing heaven and earth. Kanae bowed and worshipped three times.

   "Okay! After the bride and groom worship heaven and earth, let us invite the bride and groom back to the center of the stage."

   Following the voice of the emcee, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan led the red silk back to the center of the stage again.

   "Okay, the bride and groom are in place."

   "Please ask both parents!"

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan’s parents have passed away, there is still a way. He found a photo of his parents and placed it in the place where Gaotang was sitting.

Although there are people from the Zhu family and the Long family, Zhu Yuanyuan does not intend to let them do this Gaotang. Since they have decided to leave the water blue star to make trouble, everything in the world, let's do it, if it can help, he will help some , I want to follow the power of the two family members on the Aqua Blue Star, and I don’t need him to help.

   "Second worship Gaotang!"

   The emcee called out loudly.

   This is not so simple to worship Gaotang, but to get a cup of tea. After the tea, you will change your name to your parents.

   Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan, they first served a cup of tea to respect Zhu Yuanyuan's two parents, and then the tea was sprinkled on the ground, which was when they had already drunk tea from their wife. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Mom and dad! Please have tea."

   Then it was the turn of Chen Ziyuan's parents. The two of them held tea and respectfully passed by.

   "Hey! Okay, come on, children, take it!"

   Zhu Origin does not have parents, Chen Ziyuan’s parents only have to take the heavy responsibility for the red envelope.

   "Thank you dad, thank you mom!"

   Zhu Yuanyuan and the two picked it up and thanked them.

   "Hey! Good boy, we can live a good life together in the future." Wang Wenli said emotionally.

"Well, you guys will live a good life in the future, origin. If I find that you are not good to Xiaoyuan, don't blame me for being rude to you." Chen Hua said with a serious face, and he was reluctant to bear his little padded jacket in his heart, although he was right. Zhu Yuanyuan was very satisfied, but every father might not bear his own daughter. This kind of psychology is very complicated.

   "Okay, Mom and Dad, I will love Xiaoyuan forever~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then looked at Chen Ziyuan with gentle eyes, this is the person I will love my whole life.

   "It seems that our bride's parents are very satisfied with this son-in-law, the touching scene." The emcee looked at the scene as it was almost done, and quickly interrupted, and then she was embarrassed. This was during the wedding ceremony.

   "The husband and wife worship each other!"

   This husband and wife worship, it is already the last etiquette of the ancient Chinese wedding, and will be sent to the bridal chamber later.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan changed the worship of the couple. Since the two of them do not use Western wedding ceremonies, they can't risk the process of wearing each other's wedding rings. Therefore, they added wedding rings to each other during the worship. This one.

   "Please give the bridegroom a wedding ring to the bride. This diamond ring represents the bridegroom's love will never die, love will last, and marriage will last!

  Zhu Yuanyuan holds a phoenix ring with a pink diamond inlaid on it. This is a newly created ring, not a love ring. A love ring will not be shown to others.

   "Please bring the bridegroom a wedding ring. This diamond ring represents the bride's heart of keeping the family and the determination to accompany the bridegroom no matter whether life is suffering or wealth."

   After the two people put on the ring, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan stood facing each other separately, and then slowly bowed to each other.

   "This worship of the groom and the bride is not only a ceremony for the wedding, but also a gratitude for the future life, future support, every day afterwards, and thank each other for their future dedication and companionship!"


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