Random Shopping System

Chapter 409: Prepare for honeymoon trip!

   After a noisy day, the entire Aquastar website was discussing Zhu Yuanyuan’s wedding yesterday.

   What ordinary people see is a luxurious wedding, that ten miles of red makeup, and a luxurious carriage, red cavalry that looks like an army, a huge manor, it is simply the richest of the rich!

   And the big powers of the water blue stars see different things.

Some forces saw the threat of mutant animals. After those mutant animals went mad, beast tides were formed. This situation is too dangerous, especially for ordinary people without combat experience. Ordinary people are sure. It is unable to effectively resist the attack of mutant animals. Starting

   There are other forces that see the strength that Zhu Yuanyuan holds in his hands. For example, the combat power of those cavalry soldiers is simply too strong. Using a thousand manpower to resist hundreds of thousands of mutant animals is simply terrifying!

  Some powers are worried that Zhu Yuanyuan's strength will become stronger, causing their power to shrink.

  Some forces are afraid that Zhu Yuanyuan will settle accounts with them, especially those forces that are secretly making ghosts, and they are worried and want to find a hole to hide.


After Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan got married, the two went to Beijing to return to the gate the next day. Well, Zhu Yuanyuan accompanies Xiaoyuan to return to the gate. It is a Chinese tradition to return to the gate the next day after the marriage. Having given birth to such a good daughter, the son-in-law must bring some gifts when he returns home, which means filial piety!

   After returning to the door, Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan were preparing to go on their honeymoon.

On the third day, Zhu Yuanyuan gave Chen Ziyuan a space ring and asked Chen Ziyuan to buy some necessary items by himself and prepare to set off. After all, the things on Aquamarine were not sold on other planets, and he was also afraid Xiao Yuan is not used to other planets. After all, there are customs in one place. Even if they are all humans, there must be different places in their habits, and technology may be different.

   And this space ring was something that Zhu Yuanyuan bought through the system yesterday. He used 10 billion level 1 prestige to randomly buy level 2 items and bought a lot of things.

I have bought more than 10 space rings. In fact, many of them have different names. For example, the storage ring of scientific and technological civilization, the magic civilization is called the space ring, the cultivation civilization is the universe ring or the mustard seed, and the vindictive civilization is called Najie, Wuhun. Civilization is called empty ring.

  There are also various cultivation techniques, medicines, technical items, daily necessities, all kinds of peculiar plants, weird creatures, all of which are very strange.

It is the first time that Zhu Yuanyuan has purchased so many things in large quantities. After the purchase, some of them are unappetizing. For example, some of the food looks like a swell, and some are sticky. This Can you eat it? The answer is yes. After all, the inventory has an identification function. It shows that this is food, but can this be a mouthful? In fact, this thing itself is not something that humans eat, so it is so ugly.

   Fortunately, after the system is upgraded, there is an additional function in the inventory called "Time and Space Garbage Station".

The space-time garbage station, as the name suggests, is a place where garbage is thrown away. If Zhu Yuanyuan wants to throw away the garbage, he can throw away unnecessary things through this space-time garbage station. When the garbage is thrown away, the space-time garbage station will open a space-time channel, Zhu Yuanyuan Just throw in the unnecessary things. Of course, the discarded garbage is not floating in the starry sky, but will randomly open a channel to a world, and this garbage will be randomly thrown into a world, depending on whose luck So I was hit.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan is a stingy person who doesn’t throw trash casually. The things he throws are not needed. For example, these foods seem too disgusting, so he just throw them away. There are also some ordinary plants. The soil, stones, some ordinary animals and the like were all lost.

   After this public marriage, his reputation value has greatly increased once, and he has more than 200 billion level 1 reputation value.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "Level 1 reputation: 253.878.9 million."

After deducting the spent 10 billion prestige value, there is also 250 billion level 1 prestige value. After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he would leave Aquastar for interstellar travel, especially to find a new civilization. After conquering, He can get a lot of reputation points, he can't wait for the reputation value to increase in Aquastar, he must attack himself.

   But now that the system has been upgraded, this reputation value can't even be improved by the skill.

Just like the Qiankun Jue, originally only the level 1 reputation value can be used to increase the realm, but now it has changed. It has directly become the level 1 reputation value required for the refining period, the base building period requires the level 2 reputation value, and the golden core period requires Level 3 reputation value, and so on.

   Now that he has more than 200 billion prestige points, he can't even upgrade his strength at the first level of the foundation period.

  Because the base building phase now requires 10 billion level 2 reputation points to upgrade once, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the reputation points needed later, and was almost paralyzed.

The Mahayana stage at the end of the Universe Jue is upgraded by one level. The prestige value required is level 9 prestige value. It needs ten trillion, and billions of billions are trillions. It is conceivable how much prestige is this, and how long will this be? Can you become a fairy?

   Zhu Yuanyuan feels that if this is waiting on the Aqua Blue Star, it is estimated that after a few thousand, tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to upgrade to the Mahayana period.

   And there are other exercises that have changed with it~www.ltnovel.com~, all of which need the same level of reputation.

  For example, control the gods, now at level 8, if you upgrade to level 9, you need 100 billion reputation points. This reputation value has become a level 8 reputation value, not the previous level 1 reputation value.

   And the starlight refining technique, the soul-devouring technique, the same is true, they have all changed, and huge changes have taken place after the system upgrade.

   This is the reason why Zhu Yuanyuan needs to leave Aquastar urgently. He can't waste time on Aquastar. He needs a lot of reputation points, and the level 1 reputation is not enough.

Zhu Yuanyuan actually took a big advantage. There might be a small problem in the previous system. He also upgraded the technique once, using a level 1 reputation value, and then suddenly the system filled the loophole, as if it was There are loopholes in the system, and it is automatically upgraded once.

   But this is good, Zhu Yuanyuan discovered that the system is not perfect, and there are still loopholes.

It also made him wonder why this system made such mistakes that should not be made. It stands to reason that even Stardust, an artificial intelligence, would not make mistakes. Such a powerful system as the Ten Thousand Realms Random Shopping System would also make mistakes. .

Although Zhu Yuanyuan was very strange, but inexplicably, his subconscious was relieved, as if the existence of invincible originally felt that it made him breathless, and suddenly discovered that this invincible existence had weaknesses, which made him find It’s a bit like living space.

   Maybe Zhu Yuanyuan also subconsciously doubted what this system actually existed. This is something he has always avoided thinking about.


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