Random Shopping System

Chapter 410: Looking for "Star Gate"!

   "Little Yuan, how come you get so many things? You forgot, I still have a lot of things here!"

Zhu Yuanyuan was walking around the supermarket with Chen Ziyuan. He followed Xiaoyuan and watched her frantically fill the space ring with things, various snacks, things that women use every month, and various daily necessities. , Shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, cups, towels, brushes, and even pots and pans.

   When he thinks about it, he feels a bit speechless. There seems to be a lot of these things, right? As for how much to buy?

   Especially chocolate. Chen Ziyuan bought a whole car of chocolates, all of which were collected by her into the space ring. Fortunately, this is her own supermarket. Otherwise, it shouldn't cause crowds.

Um, yes, this is a supermarket under Suiji Group. There are all kinds of things. Today I am going to buy things, so this large supermarket is closed and does not accept anyone. This is also to facilitate their collection of various items. All kinds of things.

   "Oh, how can we not bring things when we go to interstellar travel! Who knows where we are going! Anyway, things will not be broken in the space ring."

   Chen Ziyuan said, and ran to the place where cold dishes were sold. There were various types of braised meat, as well as various types of roast chicken, roast duck and roast goose.

   The stewed meat in this supermarket is now all the meat of the three-headed magic black. There are a lot of three-headed magic black here, and there are more than hundreds of millions. This is not even the Stardust collection!

"We can make these by ourselves, don't we need to bring them?" Zhu Yuanyuan saw Chen Ziyuan stuffed with a lot of stewed three-head magic black meat, and a lot of roast chicken, roast duck and roast goose. He was a bit speechless. There is no need to bring things. There must be animals on the aliens to eat. You can cook it yourself. His cooking skills have reached level 9, and his own cooking is much better than the food in this supermarket.

   "Huh? That's it! Forget it, don't have these things. Hehe! Those seasonings should be a little bit more."

   Chen Ziyuan’s eyes lit up, and that’s right. The delicacies made by her husband are the best. They are much better than these, so don’t bring them.

But immediately she found a shelf on the other side of the supermarket selling all kinds of condiments, thinking that if you cook your own vegetables and eat, you must have condiments. She just ran over to pick up the soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, and oil consumption. , Monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, salt, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, as well as various barbecue ingredients, and even various hot pot base ingredients!

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked helplessly at Xiao Yuan. After the woman got married, she really changed her face. Now she pays more attention to life than before. Although there are servants in the family, she still has to do some things by herself.

In the end, Chen Ziyuan took everything about clothing, food, housing, and transportation. All kinds of clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter, including underwear for the two of them, and various snacks, even the bed and Simmons, bed sheets, and quilts. Put it into the space ring.

"Xiaoyuan, are everything ready?" In the end, Zhu Yuanyuan really couldn't stand it anymore. Chen Ziyuan even filled all kinds of flour, milk, butter, all kinds of millet, glutinous rice, and rice. Going on, it is estimated that the entire supermarket will be emptied by her. After watching her stop and think, he said quickly.

   "Well. It seems that it's almost done, then let's go out." After Chen Ziyuan thought for a while, it seemed that it was almost done. All the things that should be brought were taken, and it was time to set off.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded hastily. This supermarket is very large and sells all kinds of things. Now Xiaoyuan just scraped the first floor and walked up. , There are many more layers!

   This is a large comprehensive supermarket. The first floor is a shelf-style place for selling things, the second floor is a variety of specialty shops, and the third floor is for furniture.

   "Huh? There are cosmetics, and all kinds of jewelry, origin, I'll go get some, you wait for me."

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the supermarket, Chen Ziyuan suddenly noticed that the entrance to the supermarket turned out to be rows of glass cabinets. Inside these cabinets were all kinds of jewelry and a lot of cosmetics, and his eyes lit up all at once. , I just rushed over and started to scrape.

Zhu Yuanyuan opened his mouth, and then swallowed what he wanted to say. Forget it, let Xiaoyuan be happy. Anyway, these things are not worth a lot of money, and they can be made casually. Even if they wear a set, lose one of these jewelry Sets will do.


   "Origin, is there really a star gate on the Aqua Star?"

After a day of scrapping in the supermarket, Chen Ziyuan finally disappeared. Zhu Yuanyuan also arranged the Suiji Group's affairs and handed the Suiji Group to Li Qingyan and other executives to manage. He may be very difficult in the future. I don’t go to the Suiji Group anymore. Anyway, these executives are all his loyal subordinates, and they can never betray him. As for the future of the Suiji Group, it is still going to be said that Zhu Yuanyuan did not leave. Not coming back.

Now Chen Ziyuan and Zhu Yuanyi are riding on the Star Blue fighter plane, and are preparing to search for possible star gates on the Aqua Blue Star. After all, those people on Linli Star seem to be people from the Qin Dynasty. It was certain that the great emperor was the son of Fusu, meaning that Fusu did not die during the Qin Dynasty, but was teleported to Linli Star through the Star Gate.

   In other words, there must be a star gate on the Aqua Blue Star~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, how did the son Fusu and the others get there? Don't talk about the spacecraft, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't believe that the son Fusu would not grab his throne after he had the spacecraft, but instead ran to a strange planet. Isn't this sick? Who would leave his hometown for no reason and never return?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "There must be a star gate. There is a star gate map on the Star Blue fighter. As long as there is a star gate on the Aqua Star, there will be a display on the fighter plane."

   Zhu Origin really has a way to find the Star Gate. This Star Blue fighter is a fighter specially designed for use with the Star Gate. It has a powerful combat power and is also a very powerful fighter for exploring alien planets.

   "Stardust, you come to control the fighter plane and look for the star gate on the water blue star." After Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while, he immediately let Stardust control the star blue fighter plane to search for the star gate.

   "Yes, master."

After    Stardust agreed, he took over the piloting authority of the Star Blue fighter, opened the Stargate map, and a holographic projection appeared in the fighter's cab.

This holographic projection is the projection of the entire Aquamarine star. It shows all the buildings and all the maps on the Aquamarine star. This is stardust loaning the satellites around the Aquamarine star. The map is taken in real time. of. First release https://https://

   "Huh! Stardust, where is the blue spot on this map?"

   Zhu Yuanyi suddenly discovered the flashing blue spots on the holographic projection map. He was very strange.


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